Photographs courtesy of Toby Watt - lawyer, friend and photographer extraordinaire...


Welcome to IE-Vista

The first IE7 Support Site to go live


For advice on how to get sites that don't recognise IE7 to work, click here

Internet Explorer 7 is a major milestone for Microsoft and includes many changes to the user interface and under the hood. This site is dedicated to helping the user learn about, use and make the most of all the new features and protections that are part of Internet Explorer 7 in Windows XP SP2 and Longhorn.  Sometimes what you read about elsewhere will not appear here yet - that is because I will be working only with what is public *AND* not covered by NDA (non-disclosure agreements).  In short, this is not the place to come for the latest NDA-breaching leak or gossip - it's the place to come for comprehensive, quality 'how to' assistance.

Use the links to the left of screen to access content as it becomes available.

Information on this site currently describes Internet Explorer 7 at Beta 1 on Windows XP SP2.  Things may (and probably will) change as future builds are released.  Content will be updated to reflect these changes.

For now, Internet Explorer is at Developer Preview stage, and available for download via MSDN, Technet and the official Beta web site for those of you who are authorised testers.  Please don't write and ask me for a download link - if you're a member of any of those groups, you will know where to go.

Enjoy... I hope you find this site useful.


Sandi Hardmeier

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