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Mozilla Firebird 0.6

Release Notes and FAQ

Mozilla Firebird, formerly known as Phoenix, is a redesign of the Mozilla browser component, similar to Galeon, K-Meleon and Camino™, but written using the XUL user interface language and designed to be cross-platform. More information about Mozilla Firebird is available here.

This document covers what's new, download and installation instructions, known issues and frequently asked questions for the Mozilla Firebird 0.6 release. Please read these notes and the bug filing instructions before reporting any bugs to Bugzilla.

We want to hear your feedback about Mozilla Firebird. Please join us in the Mozilla Firebird forums, kindly hosted by MozillaZine.

What's New

Download, Install and Uninstall

PLEASE NOTE: You should create a new profile for Mozilla Firebird 0.6. To create a new profile, start Mozilla Firebird by running MozillaFirebird.exe -p and click on the "Create Profile" button. If you don't want to delete your old profile and are willing to incur the risk of new bugs, you should at least delete your profile's downloads.rdf file.

You must also delete your old Mozilla Firebird directory rather than just overwriting the files there. Not doing so WILL result in problems and you should not file any bugs on Mozilla Firebird unless you've first done a clean install and tested on a new profile. As Mozilla Firebird stabilizes more this will not be necessary but until then these steps are absolutely necessary.

mozilla.org provides Mozilla Firebird binaries for Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X.

Windows: http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firebird/releases/0.6/MozillaFirebird-0.6-win32.zip

Linux: http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firebird/releases/0.6/MozillaFirebird-0.6-i686-pc-linux-gnu.tar.gz

Mac OS X: http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firebird/releases/0.6/MozillaFirebird-0.6-mac.dmg.gz

Contributed builds (These are unofficial builds and may be configured differently than the mozilla.org builds.)


http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firebird/releases/0.6/contrib/MozillaFirebird-0.6-sparc-sun-solaris2.7.tar.gz (readme)
http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firebird/releases/0.6/contrib/MozillaFirebird-0.6-sparc-sun-solaris2.8.tar.gz (readme)


http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/firebird/releases/0.6/contrib/MozillaFirebird-0.6-powerpc-ibm-aix4.3.3.0.tar.gz (readme)

Localized builds. Contributed by the volunteers of the MLP:

Once you have downloaded the binary, use Winzip or gzip to unzip Mozilla Firebird to an empty directory then run MozillaFirebird.exe.

To uninstall Mozilla Firebird, simply delete the Mozilla Firebird directory. This will leave your profile in place for use by future Mozilla Firebird installs. If you wish to remove your Mozilla Firebird profile you can delete the Phoenix folder from your Windows Application Data directory or remove the .phoenix dir from your linux home directory.

Known Issues

This list covers some of the known problems with Mozilla Firebird 0.6. Please read this before reporting any new bugs, and watch it regularly (we'll update it as new bugs are found in the release).

For additional issues, FAQs, Tips and Tricks plus general Mozilla Firebird help be sure to check out David Tenser's very useful Mozilla Firebird Help site and the Mozilla Firebird forums hosted by MozillaZine.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What can I do to help?

    We need all the exposure we can get. Make it your mission to convert 5 friends, family members or coworkers. If you're a student, get it distributed at your college. Submit a story to Slashdot and other news sites about the release. Make some noise on your blog. Mass distribution via the Internet is possible--look at Kazaa. Spread the word!

  2. I use another browser because...

    If you're not using Mozilla Firebird, tell the development team why. We read the feedback at the Mozilla Firebird forums.

  3. I sent you mail and you haven't responded.

    Use the forums. The Firebird team reads them regularly. E-mails are likely to be ignored.

  4. Where can I get themes and add-ons (extensions)?

    Extensions and Themes.

  5. Who is working on Mozilla Firebird?

    The main developers include Dave Hyatt, Blake Ross, Pierre Chanial, noririty, Ben Goodger, Dean Tessman, Mike Kaply, Jan Varga and Brian Ryner. Asa Dotzler provides help doing releases, bug triage, the website, and other odds and ends. David Tenser helps with documentation and the website and Arvid Axelsson maintains the default theme. Notes of appreciation, offers to help and most other inquiries should be directed to the forums.

  6. Where's the Mozilla Firebird source?

    cvs.mozilla.org. Mozilla trunk + mozilla/browser + mozilla/toolkit.

  7. Mozilla Firebird is just Mozilla with a couple UI tweaks.

    The 40,000+ lines of code already added or changed from Mozilla beg to differ.

  8. What happened with the name Phoenix?

    It had to change because of trademark issues. The new name is Mozilla Firebird.

  9. Where is the mail client?

    Many of the current users of the full Mozilla Application Suite are also using it for mail and news. This isn't possible in Mozilla Firebird since it's a browser only. However, you don't have to give up Mozilla's mail client by switching to Mozilla Firebird. You can download builds of the new Mozilla Thunderbird mail application, the perfect complement to the Mozilla Firebird browser.

Previous versions of the Release notes: 0.1 | 0.2 | 0.3 | 0.4 | 0.5

Copyright © 1998-2003 The Mozilla Organization
Last modified July 28, 2003
Document History
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