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Email Archive: kmeleon-dev (read-only)

March 2001
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From: <biswapesh@bt...>.com
Cookie reorganization  
2001-03-29 01:17
 This was checked in today. Will this affect us? Just wondering. 

    From: Brian (BinaryC) <binaryc@te...>
    Re: Cookie reorganization  
    2001-03-29 11:13
     it shouldn't affect us, unless it crashes at random *cough*libpr0n*cough*
     At 01:09 AM 3/29/01, you wrote:
     >This was checked in today. Will this affect us? Just wondering.
     >Kmeleon-dev mailing list

    From: Jeff Doozan <jeff@tc...>
    New plugin allows users to define macros  
    2001-03-31 14:46
     I just checked in some preliminary code for a plugin that will let 
     users define simple macros, and bind them to accelerator keys 
     and (eventually) menus.
     Right now the only commands supported are:
     	open		- opens a url in the current window
     	opennew	- opens a url in a new window
     	openbg		- opens a url in a new background window
     	&macro	- calls a macro defined earlier in the file
     the macros are stored in macros.cfg in the profile directory...the file 
     looks something like this
     # macros.cfg
     slashdot {
     #	Menu = "&Slashdot"
     #	"Menu =" is not implemented yet, but eventually it will be
     #	the string diplayed in the menu
     comics {
     morningroutine {
     # The Amazing Netscape Fishcam
     fishcam {
     ## End macros.cfg
     Every morning, I like to read a few comics and read the tech news 
     on slashdot.  In accel.cfg, I have the following definitons:
     CTRL ALT F	= kmeleon_macros.dll(fishcam)
     VK_F12		= kmeleon_macros.dll(morningroutine)
     ALT S			= kmeleon_macros.dll(slashdot)
     In the mornig, I now just press F12, et voila, slashdot is loaded into 
     the current window, and my comics are loaded and waiting for me 
     in background windows.
     I think this would be better implemented as part of kmeleon, rather 
     than a plugin, since this would allow access to more commands, 
     like calling other plugins so you could load a page and make it 
     fullscreen.  Until it gains a bit of acceptance, and begins to grow 
     beyond what a plugin is capable of doing, however, I am happy to 
     leave it as a plugin.
     Let me know what you think, and what additional commands you 
     would like supported.
     -- Jeff

    From: Zach Malmgren <zs-malmgren@wi...>
    Re: New plugin allows users to define macros  
    2001-03-31 15:26
     sounds like a nice new feature.
     At 05:46 PM 3/31/2001 -0500, you wrote:
     >I just checked in some preliminary code for a plugin that will let
     >users define simple macros, and bind them to accelerator keys
     >and (eventually) menus.
     >Right now the only commands supported are:
     >         open            - opens a url in the current window
     >         opennew - opens a url in a new window
     >         openbg          - opens a url in a new background window
     >         &macro  - calls a macro defined earlier in the file
     >the macros are stored in macros.cfg in the profile directory...the file
     >looks something like this
     ># macros.cfg
     >slashdot {
     >#       Menu = "&Slashdot"
     >#       "Menu =" is not implemented yet, but eventually it will be
     >#       the string diplayed in the menu
     >         open(www.slashdot.org)
     >comics {
     >         openbg(http://ars.userfriendly.org/cartoons/?mode=classic)
     >         openbg(http://www.unitedmedia.com/comics/getfuzzy/)
     >         openbg(http://www.unitedmedia.com/comics/robotman/)
     >morningroutine {
     >         &slashdot
     >         &comics
     ># The Amazing Netscape Fishcam
     >fishcam {
     >         open(http://home.netscape.com/fishcam/fishcam.html)
     >## End macros.cfg
     >Every morning, I like to read a few comics and read the tech news
     >on slashdot.  In accel.cfg, I have the following definitons:
     >CTRL ALT F      = kmeleon_macros.dll(fishcam)
     >VK_F12          = kmeleon_macros.dll(morningroutine)
     >ALT S                   = kmeleon_macros.dll(slashdot)
     >In the mornig, I now just press F12, et voila, slashdot is loaded into
     >the current window, and my comics are loaded and waiting for me
     >in background windows.
     >I think this would be better implemented as part of kmeleon, rather
     >than a plugin, since this would allow access to more commands,
     >like calling other plugins so you could load a page and make it
     >fullscreen.  Until it gains a bit of acceptance, and begins to grow
     >beyond what a plugin is capable of doing, however, I am happy to
     >leave it as a plugin.
     >Let me know what you think, and what additional commands you
     >would like supported.
     >-- Jeff
     >Kmeleon-dev mailing list
     I'm a 21st century digital boy
     I don't know how to live,
     But I've got a lot of toys.
     Email: zs-malmgren@wi... ICQ: 45272983

    From: Brian (BinaryC) <binaryc@te...>
    Re: New plugin allows users to define macros  
    2001-03-31 20:45
     I would like to have your children
     At 02:46 PM 3/31/01, you wrote:
     >I just checked in some preliminary code for a plugin that will let
     >users define simple macros, and bind them to accelerator keys
     >and (eventually) menus.
     >Right now the only commands supported are:
     >         open            - opens a url in the current window
     >         opennew - opens a url in a new window
     >         openbg          - opens a url in a new background window
     >         &macro  - calls a macro defined earlier in the file
     >the macros are stored in macros.cfg in the profile directory...the file
     >looks something like this
     ># macros.cfg
     >slashdot {
     >#       Menu = "&Slashdot"
     >#       "Menu =" is not implemented yet, but eventually it will be
     >#       the string diplayed in the menu
     >         open(www.slashdot.org)
     >comics {
     >         openbg(http://ars.userfriendly.org/cartoons/?mode=classic)
     >         openbg(http://www.unitedmedia.com/comics/getfuzzy/)
     >         openbg(http://www.unitedmedia.com/comics/robotman/)
     >morningroutine {
     >         &slashdot
     >         &comics
     ># The Amazing Netscape Fishcam
     >fishcam {
     >         open(http://home.netscape.com/fishcam/fishcam.html)
     >## End macros.cfg
     >Every morning, I like to read a few comics and read the tech news
     >on slashdot.  In accel.cfg, I have the following definitons:
     >CTRL ALT F      = kmeleon_macros.dll(fishcam)
     >VK_F12          = kmeleon_macros.dll(morningroutine)
     >ALT S                   = kmeleon_macros.dll(slashdot)
     >In the mornig, I now just press F12, et voila, slashdot is loaded into
     >the current window, and my comics are loaded and waiting for me
     >in background windows.
     >I think this would be better implemented as part of kmeleon, rather
     >than a plugin, since this would allow access to more commands,
     >like calling other plugins so you could load a page and make it
     >fullscreen.  Until it gains a bit of acceptance, and begins to grow
     >beyond what a plugin is capable of doing, however, I am happy to
     >leave it as a plugin.
     >Let me know what you think, and what additional commands you
     >would like supported.
     >-- Jeff
     >Kmeleon-dev mailing list

From: <biswapesh@bt...>.com
Today's nightly  
2001-03-28 00:55
 1.9 crashes with today's nightly - BC problem ? Looks like an interface
 change - here's the stack trace:
 State Dump for Thread Id 0x118
 eax=008d7f94 ebx=00000000 ecx=00000000 edx=0012fe4c esi=0012fe60
 eip=60e08d77 esp=0012fe24 ebp=0012fe44 iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz na pe
 cs=001b  ss=0023  ds=0023  es=0023  fs=0038  gs=0000
 function: nsQueryInterface::operator()
         60e08d62 56               push    esi
         60e08d63 8bf1             mov     esi,ecx
         60e08d65 8b4604           mov     eax,[esi+0x4]
         60e08d68 85c0             test    eax,eax
         60e08d6a 740f             jz     nsQueryInterface::operator()+0x19
         60e08d6c ff74240c         push    dword ptr [esp+0xc]
         60e08d70 8b08             mov     ecx,[eax]
         60e08d72 ff74240c         push    dword ptr [esp+0xc]
         60e08d76 50               push    eax
 FAULT ->60e08d77 ff11             call    dword ptr [ecx]
         60e08d79 eb05             jmp    nsQueryInterface::operator()+0x1e
         60e08d7b b803400080       mov     eax,0x80004003
         60e08d80 8b4e08           mov     ecx,[esi+0x8]
         60e08d83 5e               pop     esi
         60e08d84 85c9             test    ecx,ecx
         60e08d86 7402             jz     nsQueryInterface::operator()+0x28
         60e08d88 8901             mov     [ecx],eax
         60e08d8a c20800           ret     0x8
 *----> Stack Back Trace <----*
 FramePtr ReturnAd Param#1  Param#2  Param#3  Param#4  Function Name
 0012fe30 60e08dd3 60e39f38 0012fe4c 00ec5fc0 0012fe78
 xpcom!nsQueryInterface::operator()  (FPO: [2,0,1])
 0012fe44 60e131b4 0012fe60 60e39f38 008d7500 008d7ed0
 0012fe78 60e09d6c 00ec5fc0 008d7f94 0012ffc0 00408617
 0012fe88 00408617 00853210 008d7f94 00ec5fc0 008d7ed0
 - Biswa.

From: <biswapesh@bt...>.com
RE: FW: Congratulations on your inclusion in the Ro cket Download Arch ive!  
2001-03-28 00:43
 Looks like they tested 0.2 or 0.3 without the patches, since they reported
 that cookies and javascript don't work :-( Maybe someone could have tested
 the version in CVS, no ?
 Talking about CVS, any plans of another release anytime soon (once the
 nightlies stabilize of course, no point releasing on 0.8.1 base, it doesn't
 have the goodies like libpr0n and the new cache IMO)
 - Biswa.
 > -----Original Message-----
 > From: Zach Malmgren [mailto:zs-malmgren@wi...]
 > Sent: 27 March 2001 23:56
 > To: kmeleon-dev@li...
 > Subject: Re: [Kmeleon-dev] FW: Congratulations on your 
 > inclusion in the
 > Rocket Download Arch ive!
 > is this a good thing?
 > At 12:52 PM 3/27/2001 -0800, you wrote:
 > >
 > >
 > >-----Original Message-----
 > >From: Marie Finch
 > >To: christophe@nu...
 > >Sent: 3/27/01 12:41 PM
 > >Subject: Congratulations on your inclusion in the Rocket 
 > Download Archive!
 > >
 > >Kmeleon.org
 > >christophe@nu...
 > >
 > >
 > >This message is to inform you that K-Meleon has been selected for
 > >inclusion
 > >in the Rocket Download Archive. From more than one hundred 
 > choices each
 > >day
 > >our review staff picks the top few programs to install, 
 > test, review and
 > _______________________________________________
 > Kmeleon-dev mailing list
 > Kmeleon-dev@li...
 > http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/kmeleon-dev

From: Christophe Thibault <Christophe@sp...>
FW: Congratulations on your inclusion in the Rocket Download Arch ive!  
2001-03-27 12:53
 -----Original Message-----
 From: Marie Finch
 To: christophe@nu...
 Sent: 3/27/01 12:41 PM
 Subject: Congratulations on your inclusion in the Rocket Download Archive!
 This message is to inform you that K-Meleon has been selected for
 in the Rocket Download Archive. From more than one hundred choices each
 our review staff picks the top few programs to install, test, review and
 recommend to our users for download. You can read our review of your
 here: http://www.rocketdownload.com/Details/Inte/kmeleon.htm
 on your product's selection!
 As part of our service to users and developers we provide a link from
 program's review to the developer's web site. We suggest that a
 link to the review on our site would be a great tool for you to use to
 promote your software. An independent third party analysis of your
 lends an added sense of legitimacy to it and will make it more
 attractive to
 users for download and registration. While links can focus on the
 rating in the review it is recommended that the focus of the link be on
 fact that the program was reviewed by the Rocket Download staff and
 for inclusion in the archive. Your program's selection to be included in
 archive says that it is well planned, well-implemented, high quality
 software regardless of the rating it received. Links can be simple text
 links or graphical. If you would like to add a graphical link and want
 images to use you can find them by following this link:
 http://www.rocketdownload.com/linktous.htm In certain cases we can
 them in sizes and colors customized for your site.
 As a valued developer, we want to ensure that your users receive the
 versions of your software. If you e-mail us at
 we'll be sure to replace the old file or link as soon as possible.
 Our review staff tries its best to review programs consistently and
 accurately. Sometimes though we miss some outstanding feature of a
 or fail to highlight some functionality that you as the developer think
 important. To address this we provide developers the opportunity to post
 comments about their programs alongside our review. From the review you
 find a link to a developer comment form or you can access the form by
 following this link:
  If you fill this out we will post your comments about your software
 with our review. In this way you can point out features and or strong
 of your program that you think we missed. Please do not use this
 facility as
 a forum to debate your program's review with our staff. Developer
 that are merely a rebuttal of the reviewer's opinions will not be
 Once again, congratulations on your inclusion in the Rocket Download
 Marie Finch
 Rocket Download

    From: Zach Malmgren <zs-malmgren@wi...>
    Re: FW: Congratulations on your inclusion in the Rocket Download Arch ive!  
    2001-03-27 14:44
     is this a good thing?
     At 12:52 PM 3/27/2001 -0800, you wrote:
     >-----Original Message-----
     >From: Marie Finch
     >To: christophe@nu...
     >Sent: 3/27/01 12:41 PM
     >Subject: Congratulations on your inclusion in the Rocket Download Archive!
     >This message is to inform you that K-Meleon has been selected for
     >in the Rocket Download Archive. From more than one hundred choices each
     >our review staff picks the top few programs to install, test, review and

    From: Brian (BinaryC) <binaryc@te...>
    Good news  
    2001-03-27 15:11
     I'll get to work merging that...
     now the only other really major bug depending on mozilla is the unknown 
     file type (download) box right?

    From: Jeff Doozan <jeff@tc...>
    Re: Good news  
    2001-03-27 15:27
     > http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=71014
     looks like it's only half a fix...arrow keys work until you actually use 
     a form, then they're broken again....at least they're starting to work 
     on it.
     > now the only other really major bug depending on mozilla is the unknown 
     > file type (download) box right?
     Pretty much...mozilla still crashes when trying to view certain 
     pages, especially non-HTML pages (like ToDo.txt on kmeleon.org), 
     and the listener interfaces are far from complete.  Copy/paste 
     seems to be working pretty well now.  Printing sucks...but it only 
     landed yesterday, so we'll give them some time to fix it up a bit.
     -- Jeff

From: <biswapesh@bt...>.com
RE: Paint problem [ More bugs]  
2001-03-27 04:34
 You can look at this one to start with.
 - Biswa.
 > -----Original Message-----
 > From: [email protected]
 > [mailto:[email protected]]
 > Sent: 26 March 2001 14:47
 > To: kmeleon-dev@li...
 > Subject: [Kmeleon-dev] Paint problem
 > Hmm , there is a paint block invalidation problem. Go here:
 > http://news.bbc.co.uk/hi/english/business/newsid_1240000/1240626.stm
 > Scroll down - at the bottom there is a big drop down list. 
 > Click on it and
 > close it. The area that should be invalidated by the event never gets
 > repainted (resizing, selection, etc. will get it back to 
 > normal of course).
 > Seems to be a generic problem since I got it at teh 
 > linuxtoday site too.
 > Also, not a Mozilla bug since the same sites work fine with 
 > the same nightly
 > I'm using K-Meleon with.
 > - Biswa.
 > _______________________________________________
 > Kmeleon-dev mailing list
 > Kmeleon-dev@li...
 > http://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/kmeleon-dev

From: tma <ayatu@gm...>
Re: I need more bugs :)  
2001-03-27 03:57
 > Oops, I've run out of bugs to fix.
 > Since Sebastian has been away, the ToDo list hasn't been mirrored
 > to kmeleon.org (does anyone else have access to kmeleon.org),
 > the latest list is, of course, available via cvs...or you can just close
 > your eyes and imagine that the section that says "Bugs" and
 > always had a bunch of things liste doesn't have any more entries :).
 > I certainly won't claim to have fixed all the bugs in kmeleon, but
 > since I've exhaused the listed bugs (and anything I could find
 > discussed in the forums), I need you guys to find some new bugs
 > for me to squash.
 > I've uploaded a newer kmeleon_partial.zip for you to play with:
 > this doesn't seem to like the newly released .8.1 embed build, so
 > be sure you use the latest nightly instead...the new libpr0n seems
 > to be having a few problems, most images have black bars across
 > them until the window is repainted...hopefully this will be fixed soon.
 > Let me know what you think, what (non-mozilla) bugs you can find,
 > and what features you'd really like to see.
 Hmm, I got this problem when closing K-Meleon it crashes here. I deleted all
 stuff in ApplicatioData of my own NT-Profile-Dir and also the K-Meleon-dir.
 My K-Meleon-dir is just the latest k-meleon-full.zip + -partial.zip +
 nightly embed-win32.zip.

From: tma <ayatu@gm...>
Re: Mem use  
2001-03-26 22:46
 > >If you're on an NT-box you could give LiteStep a try, I use it all the
 > time
 > >at work and it gives you soooooo many possibilities to customize the
 > >behaviour of your windows-session and obviously can be used to produce
 > some
 > >eye-candy X-Window-windowmanager-alike interface like I as an *nixer
 > since
 > >1995 do.
 > Hmm, 2K box, haven't played with Litestep for quite a while. Probably
 > worth
 > having a look at.
 If you wish I can send you my litestep-config with the lastest build and
 custom-made theme-switching between 7 made-to-work themes. I can help you
 with it, so that you can go back to Explorer everytime you like or also get
 asked Explorer or LiteStep or UnrealTournament when logging in. Setting
 games as shells is quite cool as they are then the only running task except
 autostart-links and run-entries in the registry.

    From: <biswapesh@bt...>.com
    Mem use  
    2001-03-26 05:55
     With today's nightly and 1.8 on NT 4 (256 MB RAM), all using about:blank as
     start page:
     IE: 8 MB (probably not an accurate picture because of shared DLLs)
     KMeleon: 11 MB
     Mozilla: 15.4 MB
     Pretty good, I'd say !
     - Biswa.

    From: Zach Malmgren <zs-malmgren@wi...>
    Re: Mem use  
    2001-03-26 14:58
     I think KMeleon will become a real competitor when it takes less memory 
     than IE does..
     At 02:54 PM 3/26/2001 +0100, you wrote:
     >With today's nightly and 1.8 on NT 4 (256 MB RAM), all using about:blank as
     >start page:
     >IE: 8 MB (probably not an accurate picture because of shared DLLs)
     >KMeleon: 11 MB
     >Mozilla: 15.4 MB
     >Pretty good, I'd say !
     >- Biswa.
     >Kmeleon-dev mailing list
     I'm a 21st century digital boy
     I don't know how to live,
     But I've got a lot of toys.
     Email: zs-malmgren@wi... ICQ: 45272983

    From: Jeff Doozan <jeff@tc...>
    Re: Mem use  
    2001-03-26 16:51
     > I think KMeleon will become a real competitor when it takes less memory 
     > than IE does..
     > At 02:54 PM 3/26/2001 +0100, you wrote:
     > >With today's nightly and 1.8 on NT 4 (256 MB RAM), all using about:blank as
     > >start page:
     > >
     > >IE: 8 MB (probably not an accurate picture because of shared DLLs)
     > >KMeleon: 11 MB
     > >Mozilla: 15.4 MB
     > >
     > >Pretty good, I'd say !
     > >
     > >- Biswa.
     The IE memory usage isn't really accurate, since IE preloads most 
     of its interface/bloat with windows.
     -- Jeff

    From: Zach Malmgren <zs-malmgren@wi...>
    Re: Mem use  
    2001-03-26 17:24
     true in reality IE probably takes ~30megs since half of what is it uses is 
     part of the OS.. I'm just saying I think a strong "selling" point for 
     KMeleon would be if when looked at in task manager it took up less memory 
     than even IE.. that would convince people to switch.. -Z
     At 07:51 PM 3/26/2001 -0500, you wrote:
     > > I think KMeleon will become a real competitor when it takes less memory
     > > than IE does..
     > >
     > > At 02:54 PM 3/26/2001 +0100, you wrote:
     > > >With today's nightly and 1.8 on NT 4 (256 MB RAM), all using 
     > about:blank as
     > > >start page:
     > > >
     > > >IE: 8 MB (probably not an accurate picture because of shared DLLs)
     > > >KMeleon: 11 MB
     > > >Mozilla: 15.4 MB
     > > >
     > > >Pretty good, I'd say !
     > > >
     > > >- Biswa.
     >The IE memory usage isn't really accurate, since IE preloads most
     >of its interface/bloat with windows.
     >-- Jeff
     >Kmeleon-dev mailing list
     I'm a 21st century digital boy
     I don't know how to live,
     But I've got a lot of toys.
     Email: zs-malmgren@wi... ICQ: 45272983

    From: Brian (BinaryC) <binaryc@te...>
    Re: Mem use  
    2001-03-26 17:39
     we can load up all our dlls and stuff in a secret thread that's not shown 
     in task manager, then it will look like kmeleon is only using 300k!
     At 05:36 PM 3/26/01, you wrote:
     >true in reality IE probably takes ~30megs since half of what is it uses is 
     >part of the OS.. I'm just saying I think a strong "selling" point for 
     >KMeleon would be if when looked at in task manager it took up less memory 
     >than even IE.. that would convince people to switch.. -Z
     >At 07:51 PM 3/26/2001 -0500, you wrote:
     >> > I think KMeleon will become a real competitor when it takes less memory
     >> > than IE does..
     >> >
     >> > At 02:54 PM 3/26/2001 +0100, you wrote:
     >> > >With today's nightly and 1.8 on NT 4 (256 MB RAM), all using 
     >> about:blank as
     >> > >start page:
     >> > >
     >> > >IE: 8 MB (probably not an accurate picture because of shared DLLs)
     >> > >KMeleon: 11 MB
     >> > >Mozilla: 15.4 MB
     >> > >
     >> > >Pretty good, I'd say !
     >> > >
     >> > >- Biswa.
     >>The IE memory usage isn't really accurate, since IE preloads most
     >>of its interface/bloat with windows.
     >>-- Jeff
     >>Kmeleon-dev mailing list
     >I'm a 21st century digital boy
     >I don't know how to live,
     >But I've got a lot of toys.
     >Email: zs-malmgren@wi... ICQ: 45272983

    From: Zach Malmgren <zs-malmgren@wi...>
    Re: Mem use  
    2001-03-26 17:44
     hehe.. that would work..
     actually that would be pulling a microsoft.. that wouldnt be nice..
     At 07:35 PM 3/26/2001 -0800, you wrote:
     >we can load up all our dlls and stuff in a secret thread that's not shown 
     >in task manager, then it will look like kmeleon is only using 300k!
     >At 05:36 PM 3/26/01, you wrote:

    From: Neil Cooper <njc@dc...>
    RE: Mem use  
    2001-03-26 18:09
     I'm curious, I use a web browser quite a lot (netscape, Mozilla,
     K-Meleon...) but I open and close (quit) it quite a lot. Is it possible
     to have an option to leave the core of it loaded after I've quit it so
     that the next time I want a browser window it pops up immedietly (kinda
     like IE does)?
     I know I could just minimise it (but it still burns up taskbar space) or
     use some 3rd app to hide it (but thats just a pain in the ass) and I
     don't mind sacrificing 10megs of memory if it means I can have a zero
     (close to) load time.
     Just a though,

    From: Brian (BinaryC) <binaryc@te...>
    RE: Mem use  
    2001-03-26 18:15
     I don't know if it's just me, but the very first time I start kmeleon, it 
     takes like 5 or 6 seconds to start, but then if I close it and reopen it, 
     it's instantaneous.  I'm assuming it's not doing this for you (since you 
     wouldn't be asking for in otherwise).  This makes me wonder why it does it 
     for me, perhaps windows is doing the Right Thing (tm) and caching it since 
     I have an assload of memory.
     At 06:08 PM 3/26/01, you wrote:
     >I'm curious, I use a web browser quite a lot (netscape, Mozilla,
     >K-Meleon...) but I open and close (quit) it quite a lot. Is it possible
     >to have an option to leave the core of it loaded after I've quit it so
     >that the next time I want a browser window it pops up immedietly (kinda
     >like IE does)?
     >I know I could just minimise it (but it still burns up taskbar space) or
     >use some 3rd app to hide it (but thats just a pain in the ass) and I
     >don't mind sacrificing 10megs of memory if it means I can have a zero
     >(close to) load time.
     >Just a though,
     >Kmeleon-dev mailing list

    From: Jeff Doozan <jeff@tc...>
    RE: Mem use  
    2001-03-26 18:29
     On 27 Mar 2001, at 3:08, Neil Cooper wrote:
     > I don't know if it's just me, but the very first time I start kmeleon, it
     > takes like 5 or 6 seconds to start, but then if I close it and
     > reopen it , it's instantaneous.  I'm assuming it's not doing this for
     > you (since > you wouldn't be asking for in otherwise).  This
     > makes me wonder why it does it for me, perhaps windows is
     > doing the Right Thing (tm) and caching it since I have an assload of memory.
     This is how it works for me, as well.  Of course, after closing it and 
     running other programs for awhile, it's no longer kept in memory 
     and it takes a few seconds to load everything.
     > I'm curious, I use a web browser quite a lot (netscape, Mozilla,
     > K-Meleon...) but I open and close (quit) it quite a lot. Is it possible to
     > have an option to leave the core of it loaded after I've quit it so that
     > the next time I want a browser window it pops up immedietly (kinda like IE
     > does)?
     It's an interesting idea...I don't know how many people are willing to 
     sacrafice the memory, but it might be worth having as an option.  I 
     can think of a couple of problems this might create: running 
     multiple instances would require some managment to make sure 
     that only one of them stays loaded in memory....perhaps we could 
     have a stub executable load all the dlls and then retire to the 
     tray...the actual kmeleon.exe wouldn't even need to know about it 
     since the dll loading is managed by windows already.
     I don't think I'll make it a priority, but I'll add it to my list of potential 
     -- Jeff

    From: Neil Cooper <njc@dc...>
    RE: Mem use  
    2001-03-26 18:57
     >This is how it works for me, as well.  Of course, after closing it and
     >running other programs for awhile, it's no longer kept in memory
     >and it takes a few seconds to load everything.
     This is the problem. It may be 10, 20 30 minutes or an hour between
     re-opening it and over these sorts of time it slowly gets pushed out the
     >It's an interesting idea...I don't know how many people are willing to
     >sacrafice the memory, but it might be worth having as an option.  I
     >can think of a couple of problems this might create: running
     >multiple instances would require some managment to make sure
     >that only one of them stays loaded in memory....perhaps we could
     >have a stub executable load all the dlls and then retire to the
     >tray...the actual kmeleon.exe wouldn't even need to know about it
     >since the dll loading is managed by windows already.
     This sounds like the sort of thing I was hoping for. With the current
     memory prices I'm sure that most people are quite well equipped in that
     region and perhaps the kind of people (making a horrid assumption...)
     who are using K-Meleon probably have a bit of memory they could use to
     keep it lying around.
     >I don't think I'll make it a priority, but I'll add it to my list of
     Thanks, be a big one for me as I'm far as I'm concerned, the biggest
     thing IE has going for it is the load time.
     Thanks for the time,

    From: Christophe Thibault <Christophe@sp...>
    RE: Mem use  
    2001-03-26 20:33
     Also, as a side note for kmeleon's loading time, if you are loading dlls,
     don't forget to rebase them. it improves a lot the loading time under
     Windows 9x/me. that's why all mozilla's releases dlls are all rebased.
     -----Original Message-----
     From: Neil Cooper
     To: kmeleon-dev@li...
     Sent: 3/26/01 6:56 PM
     Subject: RE: [Kmeleon-dev] Mem use
     >This is how it works for me, as well.  Of course, after closing it and
     >running other programs for awhile, it's no longer kept in memory
     >and it takes a few seconds to load everything.
     This is the problem. It may be 10, 20 30 minutes or an hour between
     re-opening it and over these sorts of time it slowly gets pushed out the
     >It's an interesting idea...I don't know how many people are willing to
     >sacrafice the memory, but it might be worth having as an option.  I
     >can think of a couple of problems this might create: running
     >multiple instances would require some managment to make sure
     >that only one of them stays loaded in memory....perhaps we could
     >have a stub executable load all the dlls and then retire to the
     >tray...the actual kmeleon.exe wouldn't even need to know about it
     >since the dll loading is managed by windows already.
     This sounds like the sort of thing I was hoping for. With the current
     memory prices I'm sure that most people are quite well equipped in that
     region and perhaps the kind of people (making a horrid assumption...)
     who are using K-Meleon probably have a bit of memory they could use to
     keep it lying around.
     >I don't think I'll make it a priority, but I'll add it to my list of
     Thanks, be a big one for me as I'm far as I'm concerned, the biggest
     thing IE has going for it is the load time.
     Thanks for the time,
     Kmeleon-dev mailing list

    From: tma <ayatu@gm...>
    Re: Mem use  
    2001-03-26 21:42
     > I'm curious, I use a web browser quite a lot (netscape, Mozilla,
     > K-Meleon...) but I open and close (quit) it quite a lot. Is it possible
     > to have an option to leave the core of it loaded after I've quit it so
     > that the next time I want a browser window it pops up immedietly (kinda
     > like IE does)?
     > I know I could just minimise it (but it still burns up taskbar space) or
     > use some 3rd app to hide it (but thats just a pain in the ass) and I
     > don't mind sacrificing 10megs of memory if it means I can have a zero
     > (close to) load time.
     If you're on an NT-box you could give LiteStep a try, I use it all the time
     at work and it gives you soooooo many possibilities to customize the
     behaviour of your windows-session and obviously can be used to produce some
     eye-candy X-Window-windowmanager-alike interface like I as an *nixer since
     1995 do.

    From: Neil Cooper <njc@dc...>
    RE: Mem use  
    2001-03-26 21:47
     >If you're on an NT-box you could give LiteStep a try, I use it all the
     >at work and it gives you soooooo many possibilities to customize the
     >behaviour of your windows-session and obviously can be used to produce
     >eye-candy X-Window-windowmanager-alike interface like I as an *nixer
     >1995 do.
     Hmm, 2K box, haven't played with Litestep for quite a while. Probably
     having a look at.



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