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Email Archive: kmeleon-dev (read-only)

January 2001
From: Brian (BinaryC) <binaryc@te...>
Re: News  
2001-01-31 17:45
 it builds for me :)
 here's a little description of what I did...
 - Created the preferences class/dialog.  (which I've changed since the code 
 was checked in :))
 - I added scripted menus.  you can see a sample menu definition in 
 res/menus.txt.  the class CMenuParser handles this.
 - I added very basic plugin support.  The plugin design is based losely on 
 general plugins in winamp.  right now the only thing a plugin can do is add 
 itself to the menu and process commands.  The api for that isn't quite 
 finished yet, but you can see the preliminary stuff in kmeleon_plugin.h.
 - I created 2 simple plugins.  The first adds a "winamp" menu, and lets you 
 change the song in winamp.  this is in kmeleon_winamp.  The second will one 
 day become a plugin that loads up Netscape bookmarks.  right now it just 
 displays a message.
 - I added support for (most) mozilla popup boxes like prompts and alerts 
 and password-entry boxes.  that's what CPopup is.
 - Fixed the problem where 2 pages would be laid on top of each other.  You 
 have to call Stop() before Back() or Navigate() or Forward()
 - Changed context (right-click) menus from BCG to regular system 
 menus.  This makes them faster and makes them works with the right mouse 
 button, but they aren't as pretty.  Someone could easily add the pretty 
 pictures to it though with SetMenuItemBitmaps
 - Added the ability to change the start page, and set it to start kmeleon 
 with a blank page. (look in the preferences)
 - Added the ability to put any bitmap in the toolbar area.  (look in the 
 Things done since checkin:
 - I removed the BCG workspace from CKmeleonApp.  This was necessary for the 
 dynamic scripted menu.  Menu customizations are no longer stored in the 
 registry (but it doesn't matter because you can customize the menu with 
 - Changed the way CPreferences works.  I basically added CPreferencesDlg 
 which takes all the dialog code out of CPreferences.  It's *much* cleaner 
 this way.
 Things I want to do:
 - Expand the plugin api.
 - Change the way menus are passed to plugins to give them more control over 
 the menu.
 - Create an accel.txt which handles accelerator keys (or add :Accelerator 
 command to menus.txt)
 - Add :Bitmap command to menus.txt which would assign a bitmap icon to a 
 menu item.
 - Remove BCG.  It's big.  It's useless.
 - Move the favorites code into a plugin.  That's what the plugin system was 
 created for.
 You should probably delete 
 hkey_current_user\software\kmeleon\kmeleon\settings.  this stores the 
 toolbars, so you probably won't see any of the toolbar changes if it 
 exists.  This was addressed after the code was checked in.
 At 02:55 PM 1/31/01, Sebastian Spaeth wrote:
 >News everybody!
 >BinaryC sent me the changes he did so far and I just checked the whole
 >bunch untested in, trusting him that it actually builds. If it doesn't,
 >please report so, then we have to back it out again.
 >I still need to examine the code closer as well.
 >Unfortunately this was a whole bunch of changed files, that fixed and
 >changed a lot of issues at the same time. Which will make it quite hard
 >to reproduce the single changes for each bugfix/feature. I hope we'll
 >improve in this as we go along.
 >I hope binaryc will post a more explicit explanation of what bugs he
 >fixed. Especially he mentioned a new Winamp similar plugin feature for
 >KMeleon. *That* is definitively some heavy weighted architectural change
 >which I'd have liked to discuss on the list before implementing. This
 >needs to be examined and thoroughly documented. It would be great if you
 >could write something about that and the other stuff as well, binaryc.
 >Please check your CVS out and try to build. Report any issues to this
 >Still trying to recover from that code attack,
 >Kmeleon-dev mailing list

From: Sebastian Spaeth <Sebastian@SS...>
Mailing list issues  
2001-01-31 15:12
 Some administrative mailing list isues:
 I turned the archive on, in case you missed some discussion, all future
 messages will be archived at:
 Currently "reply" will go to the sender and "reply all" to the
 mailinglist. Is that ok for you, or do you prefer normal replies to go
 to the mailing list too? I can change that, no problem.
 P.S. Sorry for all that spam mails now, but we are just in the setup
 phase. Things will hopefully calm down, once this initial stuff is



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