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K-Meleon is the Windows answer to Galeon. Thus, K-Meleon is a lite Web browser based on gecko (the mozilla rendering engine). It's fast, it has a light interface, and it is fully standards-compliant. To make it simple, K-Meleon could be considered as the unbloated Mozilla version for Windows.

K-Meleon interface tries to mimic the IE MFC interface as much as possible. For convenience, it also uses the IE bookmarking system.

Currently, K-Meleon is in beta stage and doesn't include all features that the Mozilla browser does. For now, it could be used as a useful tool for Web development to quickly see how a website is rendered within Gecko.

K-Meleon is released under the GNU General Public License.

If you are interested in the development you might want to sign up for the developers mailing list and/or if you automatically want to be informed about new releases you can sign up for the very low volume (on new releases only) announcement list.


- Simple, efficient, IE look-alike.
- Uses IE Bookmarking system.
- Fast loading time.


03-11-01 : We got a fairly often updated ToDo list. Check that out if you want to see what might probably going on in the future of K-Meleon.

02-17-01 : K-Meleon needs a catchy slogan that expresses how cool and fast this browser is. We are collecting ideas now and will collectively decide (voting?) on an appropriate one. If you got an idea please mail it to me or use the Sourceforge survey (login needed) to send it to us.

02-15-01 : K-Meleon 0.3 released! Major changes from 0.21. See the bugfixes in the release notes. Support for PNG and MNG images needs to be separately installed, sorry for this.

01-29-01 : Sebastien Sp�th released a new updated build of K-Meleon 0.2.1. No new features, but this build is updated with the latest mozilla build and seems to correct a lot of crashes and bugs.

12-17-00 : Source code is now available from sourceforge. You can download it through the download page.

12-12-00 : Sourceforge seems to be having problems... well, I uploaded the complete K-Melon v0.2.1 sources on another server, get it here!

11-27-00 : I really hate to discover some nasty bugs a few minutes after a release. So, I've packaged a new version: go download 0.2.1 !

11-26-00 : K-Meleon 0.2 is here! Thanks for all your patience waiting for this new version :) Also, a K-Meleon project page has been created on sourceforge. I'll put there the source of version 0.2 soon.

(c) 2000 christophe thibault. All rights reserved.
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