January 31, 1996

NetGravity Launches AdServer, the Premier Advertising Management System Software for World Wide Web Publishers

Yahoo! Signs on as the First Web Site to Benefit from the NetGravity AdServer's Fully Automated Scheduling, Placing and Tracking Capabilities

SAN MATEO, CA -NetGravity, the newly founded company developing software technology for online advertising management, today announced the release of NetGravity Adserver. NetGravity AdServer is the first complete advertising management system for Internet Web sites. Powerful database technology enables scheduling and placement optimization, and reporting capabilities for managing electronic advertising on the Internet.

Yahoo!, the first web site to use NetGravity's ad management software, is now able to schedule, deliver and track its advertising with maximum effectiveness and efficiency using NetGravity AdServer.

"AdServer has already enabled Yahoo! to increase available ad space from 200 ad spots to over 12,000," said Anil Singh, director of sales, Yahoo! Corporation. "The success of Yahoo! relies primarily on advertising revenue, and that revenue relies on NetGravity's AdServer effectively managing our inventory."

"NetGravity AdServer instills order to Web site advertising management by delivering the results that advertisers demand: reliability through automated management, accurate targeting, tight inventory control and real-time accurate reporting," said John Danner, President of NetGravity. "Gone is the chaos of online advertising management - confused schedules, missed target audiences and inaccessible measurement and evaluation results. Sites utilizing NetGravity AdServer are able to minimize cost and human error, while maximizing ad revenues."

AdServer Delivers Practical, Powerful and Reliable Advertising and Promotions Management Features

AdServer Expands Advertising Potential, Dollars, Results

AdServer also provides the means for content providers to increase ad revenues without increasing the number of ads displayed on their system. By rotating ads through a group of ad spaces to increase per-space revenue, scheduling ads for a short time each day, or selling ads on the context of a search, sites can increase per-space revenue.

Compatibility, Pricing and Availability

AdServer 1.0 supports most UNIX and Windows NT platforms and does not require the purchase of additional hardware beyond the Web server itself. The system is priced in a tiered structure based on the site's traffic. For further information on the NetGravity AdServer, call NetGravity at 415-655-4777, visit NetGravity's Web site at, or send email to [email protected].

NetGravity, founded in September, 1995, and based in San Mateo, CA, is the premier developer of software solutions for Internet marketing communications.
