NEW YORK CITY * JULY 10, 1996. Headspace - a company co-founded by the acclaimed musician/composer Thomas Dolby Robertson, and which specializes in music and sound technology for the Internet and interactive entertainment - announced today that it will provide music and audio effects technology for the WebTV Network. WebTVTM is the first fully integrated TV-based hardware Internet solution that makes the Internet as approachable and engaging as the TV itself.

Headspace will be launching its unique RMF (Rich Music FormatTM) technology. RMF is a platform-independent open standard created to provide intelligent musical interactions in the multimedia entertainment and on-line arenas and will be licensed to WebTV as the first of an expanding family of Internet partners. Available to both authoring and content developers, RMF allows the streaming of high-quality MIDI music integrated with digital audio. Importantly, RMF files are very compact and designed to respond intelligently to a user's interaction with a Web site or CD-ROM. Using WebTV's audio engine, RMF delivers real-time music - with much higher sonic quality and faster performance than is normally associated with ordinary multimedia or Internet technologies. Additionally, WebTV will ship with selections from the Headspace music library and Headspace will be composing the signature themes for WebTV.

WebTV makes the Internet as comfortable and engaging as TV. But we realized that when a viewer switches from a TV channel to the Internet, they'll enter a mostly silent environment," said Steve Perlman, president and CEO of WebTV. "By bringing in Thomas Dolby Robertson and Headspace, we can offer a sonic environment as rich and dynamic as television. Furthermore, Headspace's RMF technology will let each viewer have a unique musical and sonic experience, even if they know nothing about music or sound. Headspace understands that WebTV is a truly interactive medium, and that high-quality music and audio need to be employed within that context."

Thomas Dolby Robertson explained the goals for his company and its partnership with WebTV: "Headspace started as a top-quality music and sound provider for multimedia. I soon realized that the tools to deliver my vision of interactive music didn't exist, so we chose to develop our own technology, RMF. With RMF, we can use a 'Peter and the Wolf' approach, for instance, to music scoring: Every character or element can have its own theme and instrument - which in turn can change or interlock with other themes and instruments, depending upon the direction the user takes while playing a game or browsing the Web. Through our partnership with WebTV,consumers finally will be able to enjoy music in a non-linear, truly interactive manner."

Headspace Inc. creates soundtrack and audio technologies for the Internet and interactive entertainment. Based in both Hollywood and Silicon Valley, the company was established in 1993 by Mary Coller and composer/musician Thomas Dolby Robertson. By coupling expert engineering skills with first-class musical talent, Headspace is dedicated to realizing new possibilities for music and audio within the multimedia and interactive arena. Headspace can be found on the worldwide web at www.headspace.com.

Founded in June 1995 by three former Apple technologists and multimedia pioneers-Steve Perlman, Bruce Leak and Phil Goldman-WebTV Networks is dedicated to bringing high quality, affordable Internet access to television consumers through integrated, easy -to-use, standards-based technologies and services.

RMF is a trademark of Headspace Inc. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. WebTV is a trademark of WebTV Networks, Inc.

Questions and Answers with Headspace founder Thomas Dolby Robertson

What is Headspace's company mission?

Headspace's mission is to enrich the Web with fully interactive, user-responsive music and audio. We have a three-fold approach to achieving this goal:

  1. RMFTM -- a powerful, open technology for interactive music & audio.
  2. world -class music & sound content and
  3. key strategic partnerships.

What is RMF?

Headspace's Rich Music FormatTM delivers user-responsive music and audio for the Internet -- in an extremely efficient and platform-independent file format. Unlike ordinary streaming audio software, RMF is unequaled in its combination of flexibility and interactivity, and is open to content and authoring developers. Furthermore, RMF is the only technology to give Web surfers an exciting, engaging --- and different --- musical and sonic experience each time they visit a Web site.

What is Headspace's experience in music and sound?

Led by acclaimed musician/composer Thomas Dolby Robertson, the Headspace team has a wealth of experience designing music and sound for dozens of high-profiled CD-ROMs and other interactive environments. These same talents are already bringing music and sound of the higest quality to the Web.

Who are Headspace's key strategic partners?

Headspace's alliance with WebTV Inc. is indicative of the caliber of partnerships we are currently cultivating. WebTV -- arguably the most important Internet development of 1996 -- has chosen Headspace as its strategic partner for all matters related to music and sound, and their philosophy of making the Web more accessible and interactive is in perfect sync with our goals. In the coming months, we will be announcing other strategic partnerships which will be equally in line with our company mission.


Marsha Vdovin
[email protected]

Mary Coller
[email protected]

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