Not A Liscensed Catgirl

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277k ratings

See, that’s what the app is perfect for.

Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna


would you rather be waterboarded by blizzard game ads or disney movie ads


this image is making me realize fandom wikis are so impenetrable and smothered in ads that I have never actually seen any of the attempts at branding that fandom tries to make with its logo or choice of colors or whatever because I literally don’t have the opportunity to do so on their own goddamn website


this seems like a good opportunity to remind everyone that the Indie Wiki Buddy extension exists, and works on both Chrome and Firefox!

it makes it so that whenever you click on a link to a Fandom wiki, it helps you redirect either to an independent wiki (if there is one), or to a site like BreezeWiki that removes ads, suggestions, etc from Fandom pages so you can actually read them without all the clutter!

reblog to save a life


when i was at walgreens (at 3 in the morning which explains all of this) the cashier was talking to her coworker about how shed rather be a werewolf than a vampire because vampires are condemned to hell but werewolves arent and then she asked me what i thought and i said vampire because im already condemned to hell and she said in the nicest tone of voice “i dont think anybody is condemned to hell….” paused, stared at me for a few moments, and added on “…not even gay people” 


Happy pride month to the filthiest most brutal read I’ve ever been given in my life


"dont smoke around your pets" okay well i dont even smoke im asthmatic. my dog smokes bc she needs to fucking chill sometimes and Yeah i light them for her Obviously bc she cant use a lighter. i dont get anyrhing out of this arrangment and i resent the implication. in fact shes giving ME secondhand smoke. so my question is why are you so hateful and jugemental and acting like an asshole to me making presumptions and shit about my life.


What. What. What. What.


im gonna pop some.tag


wordle and bts may seem like they have nothing in common but both have been cited by redditors as the reason why their elderly relative quit watching fox news and started acting normal again


love wins i think


you can hate wordle or bts as much as you like, but in the time honored words of a long gone tumblr user: "shit dude whatever works I guess"


It's almost like our elderly suffer from extreme loneliness and mental degradation and introducing them to a community based around something positive (music, a fun little game) rather than an endless pit of paranoia and giving them something to stimulate their brain and regrow neurons(you can repair your brain at any age as long as you give it stimulation, like music, or puzzles) will help them recover from what can only be described as a soul sucking addiction


sometimes I'll see a post about some discourse and just think "who the actual fuck is getting into fights about that"


*turns over a log in the woods and sees the little bugs engaged in a fistfight* have you guys ever seen the sun


btw I'm not talking about niche fandom drama. this was specifically about one post I saw about how it's cruel to pet animals