Climate Action

Science, Solutions, Solidarity

For a livable planet 

photocomposition: the illustration of the critical minerals

A moment of truth for climate action

As climate records are shattered, and emissions continue to rise, the UN Secretary-General will set out some hard-hitting truths about the state of the climate, the grotesque risk leaders are running, and what companies and countries – particularly the G7 and the G20 – need to do over the next eighteen months to salvage humanity’s chances of a livable future.

Watch here on World Environment Day (5 June), at 10 AM EDT.

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1.5°C: what it means and why it matters

Every fraction of a degree of warming matters. The average surface temperature currently is about 1.2°C above the 1850-1900 average. Why is it so important to not exceed 1.5°C?

photocomposition: of blowhorns against a blue background

Speak up for our common future

Use your voice, your vote, your wallet and your time to drive change and put pressure on leaders to take the bold actions required to limit climate change and safeguard a livable planet.

photocomposition: an illustration of a a hand dropping a coin into the slot of a piggy bank

Investing in a livable climate

Climate action requires significant investment, but its value is immense: a livable climate. Learn more about climate finance and how it relates to questions of justice.

photocomposition: a bicyclist climbs the globe behind wind turbines and solar panels

The facts on climate and energy

Climate change is a hot topic – with myths and falsehoods circulating widely. Find some essential facts here and share them.

The world cannot afford delays, indecision, or half measures.”

ANTÓNIO GUTERRES, United Nations Secretary-General (13 December 2023)
Secretary-General Portrait

Watch, Listen and Share

Weather Kids

Talking about the weather is not small talk anymore. Climate change is causing more frequent and intense extreme weather events, resulting in devastating impacts for both nature and people. But we can still change the forecast if we act now. Learn more and take the pledge here.

What does clean energy look like?

In this episode of UNDP’s Climate Action Explained, come with us on a journey to Zimbabwe, Bosnia and Herzegovina, and Uruguay to understand how the energy transition is happening around the world, helping increase access to healthcare, education and public transportation.

Early Warning Systems: A Fundamental Human Right

With human-induced climate change leading to more extreme weather conditions, the need for early warning systems is more crucial than ever. Systems that warn people of impending storms, floods or droughts are not a luxury but a cost-effective tool that saves lives and livelihoods.

Posters for Climate Action

Illustration of the Earth melting

Climate issues

Restoring nature’s resources for climate action

Illustration about food, jobs and renewable energy

Net Zero

What does it mean? Why is it important? And are we on track?

Illustration with two speech bubbles

Powering a safer future

Why shift to renewables like wind and solar? Find out here.

Latest News

el nino and climate crisis madagascar image

El Niño and climate crisis raise drought fears in Madagascar

The El Niño climate pattern, a naturally occurring phenomenon, can significantly disrupt global weather systems, but the human-made climate emergency is exacerbating the destructive effects.

How AI helps combat climate change

Artificial intelligence (AI) is already making inroads worldwide in health, education and industry, but how can this cutting-edge technology help the world combat and mitigate the effects of climate change?

Sacred plant helps forge a climate-friendly future in Paraguay

With wild yerba mate trees becoming increasingly scarce, in part due to climate change, this indigenous community, with FAO’s assistance, is planting new trees to support the environment and their livelihoods.


International Mother Earth Day

From extreme heat and rising sea levels to biodiversity loss and pollution, Mother Earth is in peril and making a clear call to all of us to take urgent climate action. This Earth Day, speak up and take action to influence change and help save our planet with the UN's ActNow campaign!

International Day of Plant Health

Both our health and the health of our planet depend on plants.They are the source of the air we breathe, most of the food we eat and natural protectors of the environment. Climate change is impacting biodiversity and altering ecosystems, creating new niches where plant pests and diseases can thrive.

World Bee Day

Our food security, nutrition and the health of our environment depend on bees and pollinators. They play a major role in maintaining biodiversity, ensuring the survival of many plants, supporting forest regeneration, promoting sustainability and adaptation to climate change.

Climate action starting now

Everyone has a role in climate action. At the United Nations, we are calling on people everywhere to work together to solve climate challenges and realize the commitments of the 2015 Paris Agreement. This website keeps up with actions taken by governments, businesses, civil society, youth and more in every part of the world.

It’s our planet, and while we know it is in crisis, we also know that solutions are in reach. Progress is already well underway, from more green energy to more secure food supplies. And the benefits are clear as well, such as green jobs, clean air and sounder economies. A more sustainable, prosperous world is in reach. Join us in taking action to claim it, starting now.