

Media Production

Authentic narratives that deliver commercial results.

About us

Coppah is a UK based production company, creating content and campaigns that deliver creative solutions to commercial problems since 2019.

Media Production
Company size
2-10 employees
Privately Held
Campaigns, Video Production, Photography, Cinematography, Advertising, Marketing, Strategy, Film & TV, and Studio Production


Employees at Coppah


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    ❓ Are you confused about the difference between a production company and a marketing agency? You're not alone! Both types of companies often offer video services and collaborate frequently, making it tricky to know which one you need for your brand's video content. Let's break down the key differences: 🎬 Production Companies focus on creating and producing videos like commercials, documentaries, and social content. They handle all aspects of pre-production, production, and post-production. 📣 Marketing Agencies, on the other hand, specialise in promoting and distributing content through channels such as email, SEO, paid media, PR, and social media. Typically, you might use a production company to create your video content, which is then distributed by a marketing agency. The two often work closely together, ensuring a smooth process for you as the client. As demand for broader coverage and distribution grows, more brands are building their own internal marketing teams and hiring production companies as specialists to create video content. Not sure what you need? Don’t hesitate to reach out! We're always happy to chat and to recommend the best creative team for your project.

    • Are you confused about the difference between a production company and a marketing agency? You're not alone!
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    🤏 Can you create engaging content in a pinch? If you checked out our recent post “How Long Should Your Dream Campaign Take to Come to Life?” then you’ll know two to three months is always a good benchmark to produce a successful campaign. However, what if you are short on time or have an unexpected window of opportunity on the horizon and need to push out a marketing effort in a pinch? Is there a way to work some magic and create impactful content in a reduced timeline? The answer is, of course but ultimately it all hinges on the idea. Let’s say you’re a drinks brand that needs some dynamic video content to support the launch of one of your new flavours on social media. Then absolutely, you just have to be efficient, limit the scope and have a tighter focus. Specifically: 📌 You’ll need focused messaging - e.g. “Check out our new ice berry flavour, available at….” 📦 It could be strictly product shots shot in a small studio without actors.  📱 A simple shot list that fits into a short form timeline (ideally sub 15 seconds) It’s important to know the limits, and that logistics scale with the idea. Start introducing scenes with multiple locations, elaborate sets, or a narrative sequence, then you’ll need more time, more crew, more planning and more resources to pull it off. Rolling out mini-campaigns or engaging content is possible, as long as you keep it realistic. By sticking to a clear concept and understanding what's viable within your budget and doable in a pinch, you can still cook up exciting creative content, even on short notice. What’s your experience been with creating content in a pinch? Let us know below.

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    👉 The key to any successful production lies in a clear and concise brief. A straightforward brief serves as the anchor for the entire project. It's what ensures that the creative ideas align with the goals you've outlined, keeping the team you've hired focused and on track. But how do you craft a brief that not only engages the creative team, but also delivers impactful results? Here are 5 essential questions to guide you in writing the perfect brief: 📣 What problem are you trying to solve? At the end of the day, what impact do you want the project to have? Whether it's to create excitement around your brand or drive sales, each problem requires a tailored approach. 👩🦰 Who is your audience? As they say, market to everybody, connect with nobody. Identifying your audience is crucial in understanding what type of story will resonate with them. 📱 Where is it going? Whether it's destined for TV or TikTok, where the content will be shared can significantly influence how the project is produced. ✨ How much is your budget? Having a clear understanding of the budget at play helps determine the scale of the end result. ⏰ When do you need it? While you may not be expected to know the ins and outs of production timelines, sharing your ideal launch window allows the creative team to work backward and plan accordingly. Answering these questions sets you off to a flying start with any production company, ensuring a smooth and successful collaboration.

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    Here are 3 examples of how to choose the best production company for your project. 🗝️ Every brand holds a story, one that captivates and inspires its audience. Finding the right production company is the key to unlocking the commercial potential embedded within these narratives. Let's dive into 3 examples and share some essential tips for how to pick a production company best suited for your video project. 🍹 Niche Sector knowledge and insight can significantly enhance a production's effectiveness. Opting for a production company within your niche ensures that the team possesses the necessary techniques and experience to effectively showcase your product. Take, for instance, Digital Peaches, specialists in Food and Drink content, who boast an in-house food stylist. How good is that? 🛞 Technical Specialist Production teams often have distinct creative styles, even more so if that style is created with a specialist bit of kit. Let’s say, you need some fast-paced tracking shots for your car commercial. Most crews would struggle to keep up with the car speeding around a track whilst also capturing everything in focus - that’s where STMO would step in. They’ve built a high-speed tracking vehicle with a 360º swing on top of a Porsche Cayenne GTS! 🧩 Brand Alignment Working with a team that connects with your brand's core values is paramount. Unlocking authenticity is only developed when a production team can tap into what makes a customer resonate with the story. And that’s what we’re all about here at Coppah. Our specialism is working with brands to develop narratives that feel genuine and create impact. It’s so important to our approach that we have to pass on a project that is disingenuous or promotes a cause with a negative impact. Let us know your experience with picking a production company and if there was a process you followed.

    • 3 examples of how 
to pick a production
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    Wondering about your video content budget and what it takes to achieve your goals? It's a question we always bring up during our initial chat. It isn’t about starting a price negotiation; it's simply about gathering essential information to figure out the scale and ambition of the production. Alongside budget discussions, we'll dive into other crucial details, such as: 🕰️ What's the creative production timeline? 📚 How fleshed out is your storytelling concept? 🔮 What specific business results are you aiming for? ✨ Where and how will the creative content be used? Truth be told, we're not looking for an exact figure down to the pence. That's too rigid. Instead, a rough ballpark helps us assess if your vision aligns with realistic expectations and if we're the right fit to bring it to life. Take, for example, the ad Monzo created for TV and socials. It effortlessly showcases different characters in various purchasing scenarios, all neatly edited to highlight why Monzo Bank is, Monzo Bank! Whilst at face value it looks like a straightforward montage, just take a look at the behind-the-scenes to see how many moving parts went into making it happen. 👇 Check the comments for a link to the finished edit. For us, it boils down to this: Can we deliver an authentic and successful project that not only meets but exceeds your expectations, all while staying within budget? And here's the thing about providing a budget: It doesn't commit you to a set price or the project itself. It's just one step in our qualification process, ensuring that both parties are aligned and ready to create something impactful together. #CreativeProduction #ContentMarketing #Storytelling #BrandStory #MarketingStrategy #BusinessResults #ContentCreation #Authenticity

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    📌 Should you as a brand be creating your own video content? You may think we’d be discouraging you given we’re the production company but you’d be wrong. The truth is, you absolutely should be creating your own video content.   Your team truly knows the questions a prospective customer will be asking and you know your product and service inside out. Your audience craves answers and authenticity. They want to know your business knows their stuff plus a peek behind the curtain to see what makes your brand…your brand. That's where the magic happens. That's what builds brand loyalty. If typical customer questions are answered by general day-to-day activities, capture them - 📦 Capture packing orders. 🎂 Document every big milestone. 👱♀️ Share behind-the-scenes of your team. 🎬 Film it all. Sure, the above could probably be packaged up into a glossy campaign but honestly, for the day-to-day questions, film it on your phone. It’s important to create a distinction between commercials and campaigns that require a big team effort with a dedicated goal and your daily posting. Nobody cares if the first few videos are a bit rough around the edges as long as questions are answered. Imperfection is part of the charm. We strongly recommend you read ‘They Ask You Answer’ and ‘The Visual Sale’ by Marcus Sheridan if you’re questioning whether and what video content is required for inbound sales generation. Need some production tips? Let us know! 👇 #InboundMarketing #Storytelling #BrandLoyalty #BeautyContent #ContentCreation #MeasurableResults #BehindtheScenes #CustomerEngagement #TheyAskYouAnswer #MUA

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    🎬 Curious about what kind of productions get us excited at Coppah? If we’re brutally honest this is what we’re looking for. We're all about diving into content and campaigns that let us showcase our skills, unlocking authentic stories and ensuring our clients receive nothing but our absolute best work. 👉 Drawing from our backgrounds in short and long-form content across TV and film, creativity is at the heart of everything we do. We're all about crafting compelling narratives that truly resonate with a brand's story. Admittedly, we have a soft spot for Hair, Beauty & Lifestyle content, thanks to our extensive experience and fantastic clients we've had the pleasure of working with. If we’re talking strictly business, then we’re looking for productions where the Marketing & Sales teams are fully onboard with the concept and where the business is ready to monitor quantifiable results directly from content or campaign. Genuinely, what’s the point otherwise? #CreativeProduction #Storytelling #BrandStory #BeautyContent #LifestyleBrand #MarketingStrategy #BusinessResults #measurableresults

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    Have you ever wondered how much hiring a production company would cost? Maybe you’re already capturing some day-to-day content with your phone, and want to take it up to the next level with some cinematic content - or even a campaign! All said and decided, how much will this cost? We know creative pricing can sometimes be a taboo subject, but let's break it down with two common scenarios: 📦 Batch Content Creation If you need high-quality social media video and photo content that makes your brand stand out, then a 1-day shoot on location is the way to go. For a batch of well-produced content that can be used across all your digital platforms, then you’d be in the region of £10K. A content-focused shoot will capture many individual shots without compromising on quality. Think: 👉 Distinct visuals capturing the essence of the brand 👉 Stylised close-ups that showcase the look and feel of your products 👉 Authentic customer experiences The trick to getting the most out of these shoots is creating lots of variation with repetitive setups. You’ll be amazed at how much time goes into lighting a scene, so the fewer setups you have, the more content you can create. 🎬 A Campaign Now a campaign is a different beast entirely, and is used to support a key focus of the year or quarter, such as: 👉 Launching a new product 👉 Building brand awareness 👉 Promoting a sales event A campaign needs to have a clear message that customers feel compelled to act on. It requires a clear narrative that is built upon detailed discovery; scripting; storyboarding; casting; location scouting… the list goes on. Once planned, you’ll need a proper crew to handle roles like lighting; audio; camera operation; acting; make-up; scripting, and direction. And this is before you factor in studio or location hire, equipment hire, the logistics of getting everything in place… and everything in between! Even a simple campaign production has a magnitude of moving parts, and can span across 2-3 months. That’s why most campaigns start in the region of £25K if executed successfully. Throw in a few special effects shots, montage sequences or celebrities and we’re talking six figures. Let us know your thoughts on pricing and what your experience has been! 👇 #ProductionCosts #VideoProduction #ContentCreation #CampaignStrategy #CreativeIndustry #MarketingInvestment #ProfessionalProduction

    • How much will a professional video shoot cost to produce?
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    ⏱️ How Long Should Your Dream Campaign Take to Come to Life? Let’s Unwrap the Timeline! 🎄 Have you ever watched a Christmas ad in December and wondered when they filmed those snowy scenes? Here’s a little industry insight: those winter wonderlands are often created in the heat of summer, with teams starting the planning process as early as spring. Yes, you heard it right - bringing those festive stories to life takes about nine months. It seems like a long journey, especially if you’re used to creating social content within a day! From Conception to Creation: Your Campaign’s Journey Imagine this: your campaign, whether it’s set to launch a new product or tell a customer story, requires careful planning. Typically, transforming your vision into reality spans about two to three months. This timeline isn’t just about ticking days off a calendar; it’s about unlocking your idea, ensuring every part of the production is properly considered - from the talent in front of the camera to the crew behind it, and every location and piece of equipment in between. ⏳ The Need for Speed: How Fast Can We Go? Now, we get it. Sometimes the clock is ticking louder than usual. Producing a campaign in four weeks is not out of the realm of possibility. But is rushing worth the risk? Cutting corners and making compromises might get things done faster, but at what cost to the final outcome? Creating something truly engaging takes time and care. The Secret Ingredient for Success: You! Here’s the golden nugget of advice we’ve found works wonders over the years: your involvement is key to producing a successful campaign. When you’re engaged, answering questions swiftly, and actively participating in the journey; It’s the proven path to a successful production that not only meets but exceeds your expectations. #productioncompany #creative #creativeadvertsing #campiagn #advertising #adcampaign #mediacampaign #shoreditchstudios

    • How Long Should Your Dream Campaign Take to Come to Life?
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    ⏱️ How Long Should Your Dream Campaign Take to Come to Life? Let’s Unwrap the Timeline! 🎄 Have you ever watched a Christmas ad in December and wondered when they filmed those snowy scenes? Here’s a little industry insight: those winter wonderlands are often created in the heat of summer, with teams starting the planning process as early as spring. Yes, you heard it right - bringing those festive stories to life takes about nine months. It seems like a long journey, especially if you’re used to creating social content within a day! From Conception to Creation: Your Campaign’s Journey Imagine this: your campaign, whether it’s set to launch a new product or tell a customer story, requires careful planning. Typically, transforming your vision into reality spans about two to three months. This timeline isn’t just about ticking days off a calendar; it’s about unlocking your idea, ensuring every part of the production is properly considered - from the talent in front of the camera to the crew behind it, and every location and piece of equipment in between. ⏳ The Need for Speed: How Fast Can We Go? Now, we get it. Sometimes the clock is ticking louder than usual. Producing a campaign in four weeks is not out of the realm of possibility. But is rushing worth the risk? Cutting corners and making compromises might get things done faster, but at what cost to the final outcome? Creating something truly engaging takes time and care. The Secret Ingredient for Success: You! Here’s the golden nugget of advice we’ve found works wonders over the years: your involvement is key to producing a successful campaign. When you’re engaged, answering questions swiftly, and actively participating in the journey; It’s the proven path to a successful production that not only meets but exceeds your expectations. #productioncompany #creative #creativeadvertsing #campiagn #advertising #adcampaign #mediacampaign #shoreditchstudios

    • How Long Should Your Dream Campaign Take to Come to Life?

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