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November 13, 2021
Digital Security and Safety on Twitter: Advice for those in conflict zones or other high-risk areas
When using Twitter in conflict zones or other high-risk areas, it is particularly important to be aware of how you can protect your account and digital information. While every situation is different, you can improve the general security of your Twitter account and manage its visibility in a few steps. Navigating account settings is critical for human rights activists, journalists and others facing digital security threats. In conflict situations, there may also be a high volume of presence of inflammatory speech online. Twitter users may not promote violence, dehumanize others, or directly attack or threaten individuals or groups on the basis of race, ethnicity, national origin, caste, gender, religious affiliation or other protected categories. You can report Tweets and DMs that possibly violate Twitter’s hateful conduct policy through an online form. Tweets determined to be in violation of this policy face a range of penalties.