訊凱國際 Cooler Master Co., Ltd.

訊凱國際 Cooler Master Co., Ltd.


TaiwanTaipei 4,807 位關注者

Make it yours, your thermal solution provider.


COOLER MASTER自1992年成立至今,不僅在專業代工提供符合客戶需求的散熱產品,同時也藉由創新設計、專業技術成為世界專業散熱領導廠商。 本公司是以顧客滿意為最終目標,透過鼓勵創新、提升研發實力和改善生產流程,提供最先進、快速的產品給客戶領先同業;最有利的商機給合作夥伴,達到競爭力。 公司能即時供應全球化市場需求,並提供顧客更好的服務品質。 歡迎各界人才加入Cooler Master,一同站上國際舞台。 ▲ ODM/研發/製造(ODM/R&D/Manufacture):https://www.coolermastercorp.com/ ▲ 品牌/電競:https://apac.coolermaster.com/tw/ ▲ Cooler Master facebook:https://www.facebook.com/coolermasterTW/ ▲ 台北總部_內湖創客大樓介紹/Taipei headquarter: https://forgemind.net/media/cooler-master%E5%8F%B0%E5%8C%97%E8%BE%A6%E5%85%AC%E5%AE%A4-%E8%A8%8A%E5%87%B1%E5%9C%8B%E9%9A%9B-desfa-group/ Cooler Master always work toward to the best and contribute more to our customers and the communities. With more than two-decade dedication, Cooler Master managed to be a reliable and trustworthy partner for worldwide tier-1 leaders across industries. Cooler Master is to bring out enjoyment and satisfaction in people through INNOVATION, AGILITY, and PROFESSION. We are proud of the “Cooler Master Spirit” – by treating each other with compassion and care; we value teamwork with respect and appreciation. We improve system and process with focus and discipline; we resolve problems with creativity and Innovation, and we close deals with accountability and Integrity. Every Client is unique and exclusive, Cooler Master’s customized solutions and services that take into consideration all the needs of each client to ensure customer satisfaction and thus to develop long-term partnership through proactive engagement. 經營理念/Value sets ~Innovation, Agility and Profession~ 主要商品 / 服務項目 Industry Applications: 1.Automotive 1.1ADAS (Advanced driver assistance systems) 1.2Automotvie headlight 1. 3Charging Stations 2.Renewable energy 3.Client Devices 4.Telecommunications 5.Cloud Data Center

1,001-5,000 名員工



訊凱國際 Cooler Master Co., Ltd.員工


  • 🐲 端午節來臨,Cooler Master 祝大家端午安康,幸福美滿!🌿 我們致力於提供優質的產品散熱解決方案,確保您的設備在這個炎熱季節保持最佳效能。 祝福大家工作順利,生活愉快! 💚 Cooler Master與您攜手前行,感謝支援!💚 🐲 As the Dragon Boat Festival approaches, Cooler Master wishes everyone health and happiness! 🌿 We're committed to providing top-notch thermal solutions to ensure your devices perform optimally during this hot season. Wishing you success at work and joy in life! 💚 Cooler Master thanks you for your continued support! 💚 #訊凱國際 #端午節 #端午安康 #散熱模組 #散熱 #CoolerMaster #DragonBoatFestival #ThermalSolutions #Thermal

  • 明天是#Computex2024 的最後一天!千萬別錯過我們精彩的未來科技和各種創新產品,以及展位現場直播的 Catch The Spark!想知道更多關於Cooler Master或是#Computex2024 的最新消息嗎!持續關注我們。 - Last day of #Computex2024 in Taiwan! Make sure to check out our amazing showcase of future tech and innovations. Don’t miss Catch The Spark live from their booth. Stay tuned for more exciting updates!

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    Excited for #Computex2024 in the heart of innovation, Taiwan! We're showcasing the future of tech lifestyle and our latest innovations. Catch The Spark live, streamed directly from our booth. Stay tuned, there's much more in store!

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  • 【Cooler Master 校園徵才 - 臺灣科技大學】 在5/24,Cooler Master與臺灣科技大學越南學生會所舉辦的越南文化季合作,進行校園徵才,現場碰到許多熱情的同學們,我們也派出工程團隊優秀的同仁們向同學介紹CM的產品及文化,還有各個職缺的詳細工作內容! 本次校園徵才活動不僅加深了Cooler Master與大專院校的合作關係,也讓公司發現了許多優秀的技術人才。透過面對面的交流和展示,我們除了傳播CM的品牌形象和企業精神,也更加了解了越南的文化,相信在這樣的國際互動下,在未來能招募到更多元的人才加入CM! - 【Cooler Master Campus Recruitment - National Taiwan University of Science and Technology】 On May 24th, Cooler Master partnered with the Vietnamese Student Association at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology for the Vietnamese Cultural Festival, conducting a campus recruitment event. We met many enthusiastic students on-site, and our excellent engineering team members introduced them to Cooler Master's products, culture, and detailed job descriptions of various positions! This campus recruitment event not only strengthened the cooperation between Cooler Master and universities but also allowed the company to discover many outstanding technical talents. Through face-to-face interactions and presentations, we not only promoted Cooler Master's brand image and corporate spirit but also gained a deeper understanding of Vietnamese culture. We believe that such interactions will help us recruit more diverse international talents to join Cooler Master in the future! #coolermaster #makeityours #訊凱國際 #散熱 #thermal #cooling #越南 #校園徵才 #文化交流 #Vietnam #徵才 #招募 #台灣科技大學 #NTUST

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    【Cooler Master 祝各位母親節快樂🌹】    母親節即將來到,福委會特別準備了美味的蛋糕,給全體員工一同慶祝這個美妙的節日。Cooler Master祝大家母親節快樂!! - 【Happy Mother's Day to all from Cooler Master 🌹】 Mother's Day is approaching, the Welfare Committee has specially prepared delicious cakes for all employees to celebrate this wonderful day together. Cooler Master wishes everyone a happy Mother's Day!! #訊凱國際 #母親節 #Coolermaster #MothersDay

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  • 瀏覽訊凱國際 Cooler Master Co., Ltd.的組織專頁,圖案

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    在勞動節這個特別的日子裡,Cooler Master想向所有的員工表達最誠摯的感謝!感謝你們不辭辛勞,為了公司的發展貢獻了無比的努力與智慧。你們的付出和奉獻是我們成功的重要基石。讓我們一起繼續攜手合作,共同追求更大的成就!祝大家勞動節快樂! On this special day of Labor Day, Cooler Master would like to express our sincerest gratitude to all employees! Thank you for your hard work and unparalleled dedication to the company's growth. Your contributions are the cornerstone of our success. Let's continue to collaborate and strive for greater achievements together! Happy Labor Day to all! #訊凱國際 #五一勞動節 #Coolermaster #Laborday

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    Cooler Master不僅提供最佳散熱解決方案產品,也致力於員工成長培養專業人才,更以AI為核心舉辦相關訓練活動,引領未來產業革新。加入Cooler Master共創AI時代新局。 #AI #散熱解決方案 #創新科技

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    Learning and Development Manager

    ✨AI時代下的價值創新:創造不可取代的競爭優勢✨ 財團法人人工智慧科技基金會(AIF)於3月19日公布「2023 台灣產業AI化大調查」。結果顯示,雖有過半企業已開始使用AI,但僅3成接續開啟新AI專案規劃,現今AI的工具越來越多,工作者要如何整合AI工具優化工作效能呢? 酷碼學苑特別邀請人工智慧科技基金會常務董事張益肇博士及執行長溫怡玲來到內湖的創客大樓分享在AI產業的發現與見解: 如果AI是答案,那問題是什麼? 📌AI是改變我們所做一切事情的執行環境 📌正確的思維邏輯才是真正活用AI的關鍵 📌不僅僅是擁有技術,如何洞察事物背後真正的意義,才是未來成功的關鍵所在 📌AI的出現更像是現代的文藝復興 歡迎在下面留言告訴小編你曾經讓AI幫你解決的問題! #coolermaster #coolermasteracademy #AI產業 #散熱技術 #人工智慧科技基金會 #產業AI化 #優化工作效能 #酷碼學苑

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    【Cooler Master 祝各位元宵節快樂🏮】    元宵節即將到來!大家都有吃湯圓、賞花燈嗎~ Cooler Master在這邊祝大家有一個愉快溫暖的元宵節! - Tomorrow is the Lantern Festival. Is everyone going to eat tangyuan and enjoy the lanterns? Cooler Master wishes everyone a happy and warm Lantern Festival here!!! #coolermaster #makeityours #訊凱國際 #散熱 #thermal #cooling #元宵 #花燈 #湯圓 

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  • 瀏覽訊凱國際 Cooler Master Co., Ltd.的組織專頁,圖案

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    【Cooler Master Year End Party|Rock The Space👨🚀🌌🪐】 在上週五Cooler Master一年一度的尾牙派對圓滿的結束了🎊    為了感謝全體同仁的辛勞,當天尾牙籌備團隊除了替大家準備了豐富的美食、飲品之外,也精心設計了一系列的活動,邀請樂團表演,再加上次刺激的加碼抽獎,更是直接讓現場氣氛嗨到最高點!    Cooler Master能夠走到今日,每位員工都是不可或缺的重要推手,這場派對除了是表達對每位同仁付出的感謝,更是藉著此難得場合凝聚各團隊成員之間的向心力、彼此互動,為這不平凡的一年劃下一個不平凡的句點!在2024,期許能一同創造出新的巔峰! - 【Cooler Master Year End Party | Rock The Space👨🚀🌌🪐】 Cooler Master's annual year-end party concluded in grand style last Friday🎊. To express gratitude for the hard work of all colleagues, the year-end party organizing team not only prepared a sumptuous feast and beverages but also carefully crafted a series of activities. These included inviting a band to perform, along with thrilling additional lucky draws that elevated the atmosphere to its peak! Every employee is an indispensable driving force behind Cooler Master's success today. This party not only serves as a token of appreciation for each colleague's dedication but also acts as a rare occasion to strengthen the cohesion and interaction among team members. It marks an extraordinary punctuation for this extraordinary year! Looking forward to creating new peaks together in 2024! #coolermaster #makeityours #訊凱國際 #散熱 #thermal #cooling #尾牙 #YearEndParty #福利 #experience #linkedin #people #員工 #激勵 #創業精神 

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  • 瀏覽訊凱國際 Cooler Master Co., Ltd.的組織專頁,圖案

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    【Cooler Master 祝各位新年快樂🎆🎇】 不知不覺又過了一年呢!Cooler Master感謝大家今年的陪伴,2024年也請各位繼續多多指教!祝大家新年快樂!事事順心! Happy New Year!!! - [Cooler Master wishes everyone a Happy New Year! 🎆🎇] Time has passed without us realizing it again! Cooler Master appreciates everyone's companionship this year, and in 2024, please continue to offer your valuable guidance! Wishing everyone a happy New Year! May everything go smoothly! Happy New Year!!! #訊凱國際 #CoolerMaster #新年 #新年快樂 #HappyNewYear

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    2023相信大家一定都收穫滿滿吧!2024也要繼續精進自己~ - I believe everyone must have had a fulfilling 2023! Let's continue to improve ourselves in 2024.

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    Learning and Development Manager

    ✨年末衝刺,小老闆進化之旅!✨ 為了迎接2024年,展開最後的衝刺,酷碼學苑特別推出一系列的領導力課程,於兩岸三地同步進行密集的培訓,從如何挑選出「對的人」加入團隊,以及如何協助團隊透過適當的工作指導,完成績效目標,進而拓展學員的潛力與團隊可能性! 📌領導力布局,跟著酷碼學苑精心設計每個環節! 在團隊領導力擴張的路上,學苑邀請專業講師作為陪跑教練,從課前多次需求對焦會議、案例收集、課內演練、課後複習任務到成效評估,還結合了數位課程,聯動COOMAA線上學習平台,透過多元媒介、混成式學習,協助Cooler Master布局內部領導力最大化,以及團隊人才的適才適所! 一起右滑跟著花小編看看Cooler Master的培訓課程有多精彩吧! ✨Year-end Sprint, The Evolutionary Journey of Little Boss!✨ In preparation for 2024, Cooler Master Academy launches a comprehensive series of leadership courses, conducting intensive training simultaneously across both sides of the strait. From selecting the 'right one' to join the team to guiding the team through effective coaching for goal achievement, the program aims to unlock the potential of participants and expand team possibilities! 📌Navigating leadership strategically, follow Cooler Master Academy as they meticulously design every segment! On the path of team leadership expansion, the academy invites professional instructors as coaching companions. Starting from pre-course focus meetings, case studies, in-class drills, post-course review tasks, to performance assessments, they integrate digital courses and synchronize with the COOMAA online learning platform. Through diverse media and blended learning approaches, Cooler Master maximizes internal leadership development and ensures the right talents are in the right roles! Swipe right to explore the brilliance of Cooler Master's training programs! #組織發展 #領導力培訓 #共贏未來 #酷碼學苑 #訊凱國際 #小老闆制度 #OrganizationalDevelopment #LeadershipTraining #MutualSuccess #CoolerMasterAcademy #CoolerMaster #Littleboss

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