Policy details

Change log


Change log


Current version

Aug 5, 2023
Apr 29, 2022
Dec 24, 2021
Nov 25, 2021
Oct 29, 2021
Aug 27, 2021
May 5, 2020
Dec 18, 2020
Nov 19, 2020
Dec 17, 2019
Sep 4, 2019
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Policy Rationale
In an effort to prevent fraudulent activity on the platform which can harm people or businesses, we remove content and action on behaviors which intend to defraud users or third parties. Therefore we remove content that purposefully intends to deceive, willfully misrepresent or otherwise exploit others for money or property. This includes content that seeks to coordinate or promote these activities using our platform. We allow people to raise awareness and educate others as well as condemn these activities, unless this includes content that contains sensitive information, such as personally identifiable information.
Do not post:

Content that provides instructions on, engages in, promotes, coordinates, encourages, facilitates, recruits for, or admits to the offering or solicitation of any of the following activities:

  • Deceiving others to generate a financial or personal benefit to the detriment of a third party or entity through:
    • Investment or financial scams:
      • Loan scams
      • Advance fee scams.
      • Gambling scams
      • Ponzi or pyramid schemes.
      • Money or cash flips or money muling.
      • Investment scams with promise of high rates of return.
    • Inauthentic identity scams:
      • Charity scams.
      • Romance or impersonation scams
      • Establishment of false businesses or entities.
    • Product or rewards scams:
      • Grant and benefits scams.
      • Tangible, spiritual or illuminati scams.
      • Insurance scams, including ghost broking
      • Fake jobs, work from home or get-rich-quick scams.
      • Debt relief or credit repair scams.

  • Engaging and co-ordinating with others to fraudulently generate a financial or personal benefit at a loss for a third party, such as people, businesses or organisations through:
    • Fake documents or financial instruments by:
      • Creating, selling or buying of:
        • Fake or forged documents.
        • Fake or counterfeit currency or vouchers.
        • Fake or forged educational and professional certificates.
        • Money laundering
  • Stolen information, goods, or services by:
    • Credit card fraud and goods or property purchases with stolen financial information
    • Trading, selling or buying of:
      • Personal Identifiable Information.
      • Fake and misleading user reviews or ratings.
      • Credentials for subscription services.
      • Coupons.
    • Sharing, selling, trading, or buying of:
      • Future exam papers or answer sheets.
  • Betting manipulation (for example match fixing).
  • Manipulation of measuring devices such as electricity or water meters in order to bypass their authorised or legal use.

For the following Community Standards, we require additional information and/or context to enforce:

Do not post:

Content that engages in, promotes, encourages, facilitates, or admits to the following activities:

  • Bribery.
  • Embezzlement.

In certain cases, we will allow content that may otherwise violate the Community Standards when it is determined that the content is satirical. Content will only be allowed if the violating elements of the content are being satirized or attributed to something or someone else in order to mock or criticize them.

User experiences

See some examples of what enforcement looks like for people on Facebook, such as: what it looks like to report something you don’t think should be on Facebook, to be told you’ve violated our Community Standards and to see a warning screen over certain content.

Note: We’re always improving, so what you see here may be slightly outdated compared to what we currently use.

Universal entry point

We have an option to report, whether it’s on a post, a comment, a story, a message or something else.

Get started

We help people report things that they don’t think should be on our platform.

Select a problem

We ask people to tell us more about what’s wrong. This helps us send the report to the right place.

Check your report

Make sure the details are correct before you click Submit. It’s important that the problem selected truly reflects what was posted.

Report submitted

After these steps, we submit the report. We also lay out what people should expect next.

More options

We remove things if they go against our Community Standards, but you can also Unfollow, Block or Unfriend to avoid seeing posts in future.

Post-report communication
Update via notifications

After we’ve reviewed the report, we’ll send the reporting user a notification.

More detail in the Support Inbox

We’ll share more details about our review decision in the Support Inbox. We’ll notify people that this information is there and send them a link to it.

Appeal option

If people think we got the decision wrong, they can request another review.

Post-appeal communication

We’ll send a final response after we’ve re-reviewed the content, again to the Support Inbox.

Takedown experience
Immediate notification

When someone posts something that doesn't follow our rules, we’ll tell them.

Additional context

We’ll also address common misperceptions and explain why we made the decision to enforce.

Policy Explanation

We’ll give people easy-to-understand explanations about the relevant rule.

Option for review

If people disagree with the decision, they can ask for another review and provide more information.

Final decision

We set expectations about what will happen after the review has been submitted.

Warning screens
Warning screens in context

We cover certain content in News Feed and other surfaces, so people can choose whether to see it.

More information

In this example, we give more context on why we’ve covered the photo with more context from independent fact-checkers


We have the same policies around the world, for everyone on Facebook.

Review teams

Our global team of over 15,000 reviewers work every day to keep people on Facebook safe.

Stakeholder engagement

Outside experts, academics, NGOs and policymakers help inform the Facebook Community Standards.

Get help with fraud and deception

Learn what you can do if you see something on Facebook that goes against our Community Standards.