

being silly is a lifestyle

pin post!!!

hii this is my blog where i post my art n sometimes other stuff:DD you can call me chumi/lera!! i use she/her pronouns, please don’t use masc terms on me such as bro man etc

im a minor so don’t write weird and creepy stuff to me (not to mention thats it’s just gross to write this sort of stuff to anyone no matter their age lol)

oh and also english is not my first language so uhh. i may do mistakes in my writing but tbh i dont really care about that and so should you

i have plenty of fandoms im in right now and i dont see any sense of listing all of them here, you can just look up which fandoms i mostly draw n reblog

at the end i wanted to say that my asks are open!! you can always write to me if u want, i reaaally enjoy chatting soo yeah!! you’re always welcomed 🌷🌷

art tag - #my art

my twitter - @/m30wyy

my tg channel - @/chuummii0 ( as a link https://t.me/chuumii0)

Anonymous asked:

Hey just letting you know that the art request tag is full of tumblr bots and stalkers harassing artists! please be careful and avoid using that tag for your new requested drawings :(

oh i see… thanks for telling me!!


i actually think there's some significance in the fact that mithrun wears oversized shirt with open collar (it most likely belongs to laios) in the final arc of the manga. i mean, not just that kui simply wanted to draw him in oversized clothes, lol.

in all instances we see young (pre-dungeon) mithrun he's wearing clothes that hide his body as much as possible. which seems normal, until you see what other elves prefer to wear: most of them wear light short tunics with no sleeves and they don't usually even wear pants. here's a comparison to his brother's outfit, for example, as they stand next to each other.

it's not like his fashion choices are unique, but it certainly feels deliberate. he doesn't add any variation to his canary's uniform either, but that's not especially notable, i guess, because a lot of canaries don't do that (i mean, it's still their armor).


im having my first exam tomorrow. wish me luck


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