

@drizzledrawings / drizzledrawings.tumblr.com


lets hear it for transgenderism and faggotry. can I get a round of applause for transgenderism and faggotry

also shoutout to queerness and dykishness and gender fuckery. if you reblog this post you hate conservatives

In honor of 50k notes this post is dedicated to the queer identity that makes you specifically the most uncomfortable


I find it so interesting how terfs and radical feminists respond to nonbinary afabs

They are so far up their own asses and ideologies that they refuse to accept queerness and difference of gender that they outright deny genderqueerness and instead equate it to misogyny

Claiming horrendous things like trans men are self hating women and nonbinary afabs as women who just want to be different

The hoops they have to jump through to get to these conclusions is idiotic lol


Fighting zionists can be really intimidating

I know what I’m fighting for is true, but the amount of hatred and propaganda they spew at you when you talk about palestine is insane. half of the time I don’t know how to respond or if I should at all


Hi! I'm just wondering if you're okay with fanart of your jackalope/fox cowboy lesbians? I love them. I need to practice my human art skills though so it might take a while until I actually draw them.

Thanks, bye! Also your art is so pretty


I would love nothing more than that!!!

And thank you so so much!!


Little John, following his brother Arthur’s footsteps when it’s time to feed the horses! (click for larger version)

This is the image I used for my cards this year! It was based on a pencil drawing I posted about a year ago. Also trying out a different coloring style.

Anonymous asked:

Hello from Instagram!!

Hello there!!!!!


Being an Arthur Morgan fan means getting annoyed at both the teenage boys overemphasizing Arthur's violence and outdated beliefs to the extend that any human characteristics of him that make him feel real are erased and teenage girls who overemphasize his more vulnerable and emotional side as if he isn't a grown ass man who would put someone in the ground just for looking at him funny.


Fav type of response to my art is just simple, one word comments,,

“Cool” “awesome” “nice”

It hits


The thing that bothers me most about AI art is just how uncool I think it is

Like I look at some of the images it produces and there’s just nothing behind it. When I look at something someone made no matter how big or small, I’m marvelled by the fact that a human being created it

How everyone draws things their own way! Sometimes I see art and I think “wow! I would’ve never come up with that!” or “The way they stylized that is amazing” or “They drew every single pore on that person face? Holy shit”

Nothing an AI can create will ever be more impressive to me than the actual skills and talent and motivation and time that artists put into their work


just joined Cara then and your account was the very first thing to come up in the “for you” thread, so whatever you’ve done, it’s totally hacked the system …


That’s actually so crazy

It’s been a drizzledrawings take over

Last night I had five drawings on the discover page? Which is pretty cool! Idk what it is, but the cowbians sure seem to resonate with people, as well as my self portraits


I think we as a fandom should understand that every cowboy we love is a shitty person, like yeah they have some redeeming qualities, but all of them suck,, and that’s okay!! Except for Micah bell


Cara is insane

I’ve gained over 11000 followers in three days…. Wtf

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