
~Tags Of Whistlegrimm~


Something something, I like fairy tales and bullying my ocs.
This is mostly an art blog but also my personal blog as well! Art usually gets posted in spurts when I feel like uploading, so it can get a little spammy sometimes!

Make way! Make way! You wouldn’t want to miss this— the king, Lord Whimsical Whistlegrimm, has arrived!

Like all fantastical fable lands, you can expect a kingdom, and with it a king. And the Lord of the lands is not just the king, but spoken to be the true founder of Whistlegrimm and it’s geography, people, and stories! But the secrets of the land’s ripple in time are safely stowed away, of course! Lord represents beginnings—if his caterpillar based body didn’t already entail— and boundless possibilities, for everything starts somewhere! Usually an idea! And the wondrous one is all about the exploration of ideas and how they can be twisted. For in Whistlegrimm, everything falls under The Innovation of the Twist! Perhaps you could even think more about the caterpillar… the twisting body, the of forms and narratives… everything is with a Twist.

While the lands may not be inherently magical at first glance, it takes a powerful force to make a space as strange as this. Rightfully so, Lord is one of the very few truly magic-bearing characters of the cast, spreading opportunity to his Figments and more. Now, with all that jovial stuff out of the way, let it be known that it’s usually very hard to get through his skin because Lord’s seen— and created— it all! But like the region he reigns, he can be quite tricky himself. Lighthearted deception in order to fulfill a moral in oneself. But just be careful of your actions under his ruling— serious crimes still get serious punishment (if you’re caught, of course)… but don’t count on expecting to know what kind of punishment he may place upon you, because he isn’t really an “off with their head” kind of king. He’s more along the lines of… well, to the unforeseen protagonists of this story, a string of fate surrounding their necks was his ideal way of teaching a lesson in humility. You may even find the time far worse than the crime… at least, at first. Because Lord is just doing his duty the way he wants to with freedom of his own expression. Kind of strange, but who are we to question the king?

Though his size may be intimidating and his ruling even more so, he’s still a big cuddly caterpillar at heart! And caterpillars are known to indulge, just as he loves to indulge in the creative world around and desires all the ideas that find fruition. No inferiority complex is match for his encouragement! He believes creativity should know no boundaries, as long as it’s handled with love and respect for its nature, whimsy or grim. But fiction is a part of his reality just as it is a factor or real life outside of Whistlegrimm. But to this very real fictitious figment himself, there will always be more than meets the eye, for the very eyes you may be looking into may not be the eyes looking back!



Alright, this one’s a big one in terms of Blind Man’s Bluff— or the entirety of Whistlegrimm itself. He’s the big guy himself. The head honcho I guess you could call him. The soft but orderly king of Whistlegrimm! I originally had a LOT of trouble designing him. In fact, he actually as I think the MOST redesigns of any Tags of Whistlegrimm character (maybe…? I think.). In the end, I settled for something most unexpected… the blue caterpillar of Alice and Wonderland. A very strange choice to base the king off of, but it worked thematically for everything he represents. Mostly just the whole caterpillar thing at most.

A couple creative notes about this design— Lord’s antennae very subtly are designed to look like the letters W and G, but probably more specifically lowercase, to reference Whistlegrimm by name! And another extremely fun detail… those big eyes he’s looking at you with are not his eyes at all! See, he actually has four smaller eyes, and when closed, make the outline of a much larger eye! Considering a lot of animals have fake eye patterns, I thought this was not only clever, but a super fun thing to incorporate to him. In terms of this detail, I actually saw it in a bit of a “vision” right before I fell asleep one night, and just had to keep it in mind because it sounded so cool to me.

There’s a lot going on with this design, but I made sure that if possible, I kept it relatively condensed while still being kinda all over the place so he’s at least a translatable design. I think I accomplished what I needed to here…?

Once again, a special thanks to @pazam for all the help she gave during the concept phase of this design!


Up to the skies sprouts a pair of wings. Ah, the mighty Brigantine flies fourth!

Once the mighty base of “The Brigantine”, the airship in living form of the old Captain Cinderella’s Crew, the dragon was powerful but friendly, only listening to the command of she who tamed the monster. But when members were dropped one by one off the back with little she could do during “The Red Ambush”, she knew only one instinct; go to the water where they would fall in and survive. But it all happened too quickly, and the lady in red who tossed members overboard had some hold on Brigantine too, causing her to lose control and only get there in time as one last member slipped off— The Captain herself. And as she fell to the water… Brigantine and the shell of the airship she were lost deep in the skies, unheard of by the lonesome Captain for years to come. And like the rest of her crew was confirmed, Brigantine herself was assumed dead too.

As luck would have it, Brigantine still has life within. But now? She’s more of a husk of what she used to be. Stripped of her identity as Cinderella’s and stolen by that Mary Jill, under her unruly control and forced to serve as an intimidation tactic even more than a weapon of mass destruction like she is still technically capable of. Though because of her massive size, she doesn’t show up very often. Only when Jill calls upon her to scare others into biddings. Likewise, very few know about Brig’s current existence and whereabouts. But it’s not looking good for anyone that the rag-tag group of vessels of villainy have quite the firepower on their hands, and aren’t afraid to use to to get what they want.


WOW. OKAY SO I DREW THIS FOREVER AGO. But the art still holds up so I mean. Alright! So, technically speaking, this is the final character of importance in Duck Duck Goose! Yeah! The last one! While there technically are still designs that exist like some specific mice of Piper’s, other members of Cinderella’s deceased crew, and a couple of other brief creature appearances… this is the last of what I’d consider “THE cast.”

Idk why it took me forever to get to her bio, but here she is! This is what Brigantine is! A fun fact about her— so Cinderella mentions her a couple times throughout the plot before her reveal, but it’s written to where the characters assume she means an actual ship and Cinder assumes they know she’s talking about a dragon. So the fact that Brig’s a DRAGON completely catches everyone off guard, haha.

The idea is that she does have a giant set piece that was basically like a ship that she adorned on her body, but I haven’t gotten around to drawing that out yet. One day, maybe!

I still feel like there’s some things I could play around, but she’s not supposed to look like anything specific other then a dragon. You’d think I’d go with trying to make her look like a ship but… believe me I tried. I think when I officiate the set piece she has it’ll be cooler.

edit: okay I lied it’s not the last character of importance but it’s the last one I need to upload myself cause the last few are ones that belong to my friend lmao


WIPS for eventual refs for some Blind Man’s Bluff characters who haven’t gotten them yet. Plus what’s technically redesigns (sorta) of The Three Billy Goats Gruff.

There hasn’t been a lot of activity about the goats but trust me they have an. Interesting scene planned.

Edit: I forgot to put this when posting but thanks to @pazam for helping with the biggest goat design !


eh screw it. paradox ultra beast makes no sense in my head which means it makes sense to Pokémon standards. they did it to ancient legendaries after all. I like dinosaurs.

Past Paradox Xurkitree— Luminescent Lifeform (Credit to @menthum-mint for name and for helping with the concept of this guy as well)— takes a more literal sense with the tree. I think it’s actually Ghost/Electric, maybe. It has two different stances; Rooted and Uprooted. It usually fights in its Rooted form where it plants the three large roots at the end of its tail into the ground where it absorbs a peculiar energy from the soil of Area Zero to fight stationary. When it goes into its Uprooted form, the intense energy it’s collecting in the ground creates a blast as it rockets itself into the sky to land on it’s hands and run that way, capable of sprinting at exceptional speeds. They’ve been noted to travel or collect in groups of usually their own kind. They seem to partake in a lot of playful aggression, throwing around what or whoever’s interesting to them which might seem mean, but it’s all in good fun for it. It doesn’t really know its own strength on that department.

some creative notes— there’s some inspiration from the Tree of Souls (?) from Avatar (the movies). There’s also a single vine that hangs from the split branches to it’s “head” which is supposed to somewhat imitate a mouth with a long tongue sticking out like it’s teasing you. This is just something I incorporated for fun and for some extra personality


With my eclipse post having done numbers and still doing numbers, I just wanna lay a couple ground rules cause I got a LOT of new followers in the process!

If you’re an empty account, you’re blocked!

If there’s nothing but NSFW in your posts or likes, you’re blocked!

If you followed me specifically because of my eclipse post, honestly? UNFOLLOW. SERIOUSLY. I’m an art account. Not an aesthetic account. You’re not gonna get much like that from me. That post got out of hand and understandably so, but I promise you I won’t even notice if you specifically unfollowed and I won’t care.

Yes, I DO go through the new followers and pick out the empty blogs or NSFW bots!

If you’re an actual living breathing person that followed, PLEASE take a look at my other content! I got so many followers and virtually NOBODY’S actually showed themselves! I don’t really care about doing big numbers and it honestly kinda intimidates me, but it’s kinda disheartening that most of y’all probably only followed me because of my eclipse post :(









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