

@bemp0 / bemp0.tumblr.com

Art blog 🦍 Art tag | Print Shop
Anonymous asked:

Hi I hope it’s okay to ask, those discarded DE poster projects you posted, I’m so in love with everything about them. Is it alright to ask if the fonts used in them were custom fonts you made or pre existing ones?

The mirror and the silhouette posters are hand drawn. The one on the left (the orange and grayish blue one) is a pre existing font, although I modified it a bit. I’m pretty sure it’s one of these two, I used them interchangeably:

They’re the same I used on the church poster.

I usually take fonts from these sites whenever I need them:

They have both free to use and paid fonts, but if it's for personal use you should be able to use pretty much any font in there.

Hope this helps 👍


A menacing presence is staring at you from the shadows...

I uploaded a timelapse on YT

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