


Some people really watch Psych and think Henry Spencer was a good father. What is the thought process behind that even? Like...

Oh lol.. Shawn's dad turned everything remotely normal and kiddish into police training while he was growing up.

Oh lol.. Shawn still can't even talk about playing superhero as a kid because his dad shamed him for reading a comic book.

Oh lol.. Shawn's dad buried his easter eggs five feet underground and covered them with bricks and broken glass when he was eight.

Oh lol.. Shawn's dad told him it was his fault a tree fell on the garage during a storm because he "wasn't fully committed to the pruning process."

Your Honor, years ago I recognized my kinship with all living beings, and I made up my mind that I was not one bit better than the meanest on earth. I said then, and I say now, that while there is a lower class, I am in it, and while there is a criminal element I am of it, and while there is a soul in prison, I am not free.

-Eugene V Debs, after being convicted of violating the Sedition Act on Sept 18, 1918


Resources for Writing Injuries

Head Injuries


Chest (Thoracic)




Skin & Bleeding

Gunshot Wounds

Stab Wounds

General Resources

If you enjoy my blog and wish for it to continue being updated frequently and for me to continue putting my energy toward answering your questions, please consider Buying Me A Coffee, or pledging your support on Patreon, where I offer early access and exclusive benefits for only $5/month.

Shoutout to my $15+ patrons, Jade Ashley and Douglas S.!


Things almost every author needs to research

  • How bodies decompose
  • Wilderness survival skills
  • Mob mentality
  • Other cultures
  • What it takes for a human to die in a given situation
  • Common tropes in your genre
  • Average weather for your setting

Just a collection of a few resources to develop your character

NAMES   (  x  &  x  )  -  the etymology  &  history of first names.
ZODIAC   (  x  &  x  )  -   there are 12 zodiac signs,  &  each sign has its own strengths  &  weaknesses,  its own specific traits,  desires  &  attitude towards life  &  people.  astrology can give us a glimpse of a person’s basic characteristics,  preferences,  flaws  &  fears.
ALIGNMENT   (  x  )  -   each alignment represents a broad range of personality types  or  personal philosophies,  so two characters of the same alignment can still be quite different from each other.  in addition,  few people are completely consistent. 
MBTI   (  x   &   x  )  -   the 16 personality types were created by Isabel Myers  &  Katharine Briggs as a way to categorize an individual according to their preferred way of thinking  &  behaving.  each personality type is designated with a four-letter code,  like INFP  or  ESTJ,  which is an acronym for the four key dimensions of personality.
TEMPERAMENTS   (  x  &  x  )  -   the four temperaments are represented by four distinct groups of “traits” or tendencies.  each cluster of traits produces a distinct manner of behavior that is different from the other groups. 
ENNEAGRAM    (  x   &  x  )   -   the Enneagram is a personality typing system that consists of nine different types.  everyone is considered to be one single type,  although one can have traits belonging to other ones. 
THE NINE TYPES OF INTELLIGENCE   (  x  )  -   one theory regarding the nature of intelligence comes from psychologist Gardner,  who suggested that you could categorize smarts into different kinds of intelligence.  his theory suggests that there is more to being intelligent than simply being proficient in languages  or  being good in math. 
ARCHETYPES   (  x  )  -   an archetype is a pattern of behaviors that,  once discovered,  helps you better understand yourself  &  others.
LABEL  (  x  )  &   (  x  )  &  (  x  )  -   labels for your characters,  along with a short,  somewhat detailed description.
TROPES   (  x  )  -  it refers to an often overused plot device.   it can also be described as another variation on the same theme. 

Levels of desperation for when you want Specific Fanfiction Content

  • Going to the A03 tag and reading all the fics that look nice there.
  • Going back through the a03 tag and reading everything you can.
  • Asking friends / servers for recs
  • Going to fanfiction.net
  • Going to wattpad.
  • Googling.
  • Going back to a03, but now using google translate on any fics in languages you don’t speak.
  • Googling again, but this time in different language.
  • Refreshing the a03 tag every day for a month to see if anyone’s posted anything new
  • Finally breaking down and writing it yourself

need refs/inspo for period clothing?

here you go:

lots of periods in one spot/fashion through centuries:

it indeed is western/european centric, I’m sorry for that, but for other cultures I simply don’t have so many references

ALSO note that most of the pictures show historical clothing from the upper classes or more festive clothing of the lower/working class because normal working clothes wouldn’t survive for such a long time, and the clothes were often re-used over and over again!

Anonymous asked:

Hii!! I just want to ask if you have any tips or resources in writing character relationships?? Like I want to build a relationship between two characters in a relatively short time but i dont want it to feel rushed,,,,thank you so much!! Your blog has helped me alot!!

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