reblag — This kid is awesome Cute how people who say this...

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This kid is awesome



Cute how people who say this shit dont say transphobia doesnt exist just because shitty parents might kick out a trans kid because they think it’s because they’re gay. It’s all terrible and parents being bigoted and neglectful and abusive. To parents like that it doesn’t matter if you’re gay or trans or ace, it’s all the same to them and they don’t want you in their family.

Using this as a “gotcha” to belittle the experiences of those who’ve gotten kicked out after coming out with the bonus of not even being believed for what they came out as is disgusting.

If you’re someone who’s so wrapped up in your exclusionary ideology that you’re denying the experiences of fucking children kicked out of their homes and abused after coming out, for the love of whatever you believe/don’t believe in, fucking re-evaluate.


Also to everyone like “this fake, aces don’t get offered conversion therapy”

In this recent UK study cis asexuals were the most likely to have conversion therapy equal to cis gay/lesbian people. And the most likely to have it offered.


Stop basically yelling Fake News!1 and re-evaluate why you refuse to listen to victims of abuse.


Also people should stop reblogged this with “why would a parent kick a kid out for not having sex??.”

1) Stop equating sexuality to behavior. Don’t do it with gay people, don’t do it for ace people.

2) Faith based groups, especially those who are not pro-LGBTQ don’t magically see aces as acceptable. They view them as not-straight therefore wrong.

3) If you are abstinent it’s supposed to be a sacrifice you suffer through to show your strong faith. Sex is meant to be your reward for being married. Being abstinent in a faith based groups works until you are meant to get married, be fruitful, or summit to your husband. The moment you decide you don’t want any of that for yourself now or in the future it’s a seen as a problem.

4) You’ll note that lots of number 3 is sexism, sex negativity, and the forced continuation of nuclear families something that directly and indirectly adds to homophobia and transphobia. And instead of saying “hey this ace, this victim of abuse, gives us an opportunity to discuss all of those wrongs in society, plenty of people just reblog “but why would you kick a virgin out??”

Learn what asexuality is, and how our fight for liberation has benefits for everyone.