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  1. Technology
July 16, 1998


By CBR Staff Writer

Be Inc’s operating system for enthusiasts is going great guns. Bezilla, the team porting Netscape’s Mozilla to BeOS, unveiled an alpha release of the Netscape Portable Runtime (NSPR) well ahead of schedule. That could mean a working prototype of Bezilla in time for the Be Developers Conference in September 1998. Much more compelling to the hacker market than a mere browser, however, is the prospect of the latest shoot ’em up. Quake god and founder of ID Software John Carnack says he has given the glquake and Quake 2 codebases to Be for development. Be promises to port them, and says the original Quake is already up and running on BeOS internally. It will be approved for release as soon as the developers finish playing death match on the corporate LAN.

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