
Customer Data Platform (CDP) Buyer’s Guide

A guide to making informed purchasing decisions for your CDP

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“Providing an optimal customer experience is impossible without having a unified Customer Data Management process in place.”

The Customer Data Platform (CDP) market is hot. And research from former Forrester Analyst, Peter O’Neill, shows that selecting the right solution for your organization is critical to your success. Get Research In Action’s CDP Buyer’s Guide to uncover:

“The vendor [Tealium] is one of the most experienced in identity tagging and combining first- and third-party data and enables marketing teams to create a custom experience for all visitors throughout their journey (anonymous → unknown → known).”  Peter O’Neill, Research Director, Research in Action

The Customer Data Platform (CDP) market is hot. And research from former Forrester Analyst, Peter O’Neill, shows that selecting the right solution for your organization is critical to your success. Get Research In Action’s CDP Buyer’s Guide to uncover:

  • CDP market trends and insights
  • Top 6 benefits by using CDP technology
  • Priorities to consider when evaluating CDP vendors
  • Vendor selection matrix for the top 15 global vendors