
Future-Proof Your Marketing Technology

Discover why industry analyst David Raab believes flexibility is the cornerstone of future planning.

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Executive Summary

It’s a simple truth: no one can reliably predict the future of marketing technology. The onslaught of new vendors and capabilities is only getting more overwhelming, and in many cases, the purchase and deployment of a new solution is only a few clicks away. But without a crystal ball, how can today’s marketers successfully plan for tomorrow?

Download your complimentary copy of the whitepaper, ‘Future-Proof Your Marketing Technology,’ to learn more.

Raab Associates believes the key to planning for an uncertain future is flexibility. In this whitepaper, industry analyst David Raab makes the case for ‘future-proofing’ your marketing technology stack with a flexible and extensible framework. More specifically, this resource details:

  • The key components of a future-proof system
  • The core functions supported by a flexible marketing architecture
  • The key attributes of a flexible, agile organization