
Identity Resolution 2022: Navigating the Chaos Around the Privacy Reset

Learn how to solve for identity
resolution in an always
changing landscape

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An estimated $8.7 billion was spent in the US on data activation last year, up almost 10% from 2020, according to the Interactive Advertising Bureau and Ipsos. In the next few years, the digital advertising industry will face more disruptions from third-party and mobile ID deprecation as ongoing trends continue to play out and new ones come to the fore.

Check out eMarketer’s new analyst report, “Identity Resolution 2022: Navigating the Chaos Around the Privacy Reset,” sponsored by Tealium to learn:

  • How the disruptions marketers have faced since Apple’s mid-2021 privacy changes will continue to unfold
  • How a first-party data strategy can help you accurately identify customers while upholding their privacy preferences in real-time
  • How marketers, agencies, publishers, and ad tech vendors across various industries can prepare for the changes still to come