

10 Benefits of Tag Management

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Tag management has evolved rapidly in recent years. What started as a solution for managing snippets of code from marketing vendors, has emerged as the answer to the long-held goal of unified marketing.

Executive Summary

Tag management has evolved rapidly in recent years. What started as a solution for managing snippets of code from marketing vendors, has emerged as the answer to the long-held goal of unified marketing. Tag management systems enable marketers and developers to seamlessly manage and connect their disparate applications and data, as well as drive the next generation of real-time marketing interactions.

10 Key Benefits of Tag Management

Tame the Digital Marketing Beast™

Tag management helps marketers and developers tame the “beast” that lurks within their digital operations. The beast represents the complexity caused by the growing reliance on increasingly complex marketing technologies. In this scenario, tag management enables you to:

  • Bring order to chaos—Gain control of your mission-critical technologies and give time back to developers to focus on other strategic priorities. Manage vendor tags with point-and-click simplicity.
  • Accelerate your marketing—Launch campaigns faster than ever before. Don’t miss out on revenue opportunities due to slow deployments. Test new solutions and tactics without lengthy implementation cycles.
  • Improve site performance—Boost page load speeds by…