Invoice automation, delivered

Receive electronic invoices quickly and efficiently from suppliers of any size.


Reduce errors and capture early payment discounts
while eliminating paper too.

Supplier-friendly automation

Creating process change can be tough when you have thousands of low invoice volume suppliers. With Taulia, suppliers can quickly and easily submit invoices by flipping purchase orders, completing a simple online form, or uploading a batch of invoices in CSV, PDF, or TIFF formats.

Realize discount opportunity

Automating invoice data capture means you’ll be able to accelerate invoice approval times. With faster approval, you can capture lost early payment discount opportunities. For many Taulia customers, these savings allow them to more than cover their invoice automation costs, turning accounts payable into a profit center.

Full visibility

With high-volume suppliers, processing thousands of invoices per year is an onerous task. Taulia supports numerous system-to-system communication formats that completely remove human involvement in the process, leading to fewer errors and more transparent supplier relationships.

Our invoice processing solution is
quick, easy, and free for all suppliers.

Digitize invoices

Eliminate paper and receive electronic invoices from suppliers of any size. Our automated invoicing options are designed to suit every type of supplier.

Validate invoices, avoid errors

Streamline invoice data capture, automate your accounts payable process, and dramatically reduce processing costs and errors.

Compliance services

Meet unique invoicing requirements in countries across the globe. We provide compliance services in partnership with PWC, EY, and Sovos.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is AP automation? AP automation, short for accounts payable automation, is the use of software to automate part or all of the accounts payable process. It aims to create efficiency in the accounts payable workflow by digitizing how vendor invoices are received, processed, and stored. In removing manual processes and the need for paper-based…
What is procure-to-pay? (P2P) Procure-to-pay is a term that encompasses the processes which take place when a company purchases, receives and pays for goods and services. The activities that make up the procure-to-pay process range from identifying the initial need for procurement of goods or services to the final steps of approving invoices and paying…
What is invoice processing? Invoice processing is a business function that involves managing incoming invoices from initial receipt through to payment. It’s carried out by the accounts payable department and is a critical component of the procure-to-pay process as the final step of any procurement activity. The invoice processing cycle is made up of several composite…
What is spend visibility? Spend visibility refers to how well a company can understand and track how, where, and why capital is used in their business operations. Spend visibility increases when finance teams can more accurately see where company money is being spent. Low spend visibility is defined by difficulties tracking spend comprehensively or accurately….

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