Anonymous asked:

hi! i love your themes & pages so much, you have such a great eye and are so skilled at coding!! i recently started using your character list/members page and was fiddling with the icon options that you linked through cappuccicons and it only seems to work with specific icons? i thought this might be due to an update to their icons or something and was just wondering if there's a way to get all the icons available? thank you so much for your time!! 💙

hello! thank you for your kind words that’s so lovely!!

basically that icon font was retired and is now only available to see which ones work through the wayback machine, as the new one removed some or renamed some.

the other option is to install the new one, by pasting this after <!– fonts & scripts –>
<script src=“//”></script>

NOTE you will need to rewrite the “”s!!!

then instead of “th th-book”, go “th cp cp-book”

<a href=“URL”><span class=“th cp cp-book”></span></a>

code by taezs