Filter flight prices by bag fees

Show flight prices that include bag fees

Important: Google displays the baggage information we receive from our partners. Any estimated bag fees shown may be subject to additional government taxes.

The Bags filter allows you to show flight prices that include the cost of checked bags or carry-on bags. This can help you better compare prices, and avoid any surprise fees at the airport. 

Before you begin

Bags come in all shapes and sizes, but airlines usually classify them as carry-on or checked bags.

Bag type

What it's called

Where it fits


Carry-on bag, hand luggage, cabin baggage, roller bags, wheelie bags

In the overhead bin

Checked baggage

Checked bags

In the cargo hold

Carry-on baggage fees vary by country. Additionally, what qualifies as a carry-on bag varies by airline. To find the different size limits, weight limits, and prices for each type of luggage, check the baggage fees and policies page for the airline.

Use the bags filter

When you search for flights, you may already know whether or not you'll want to bring your bags on board, or check them. If you do know, you can use the bags filter on Google Flights to show flight prices that include fees for each checked bag or for storing a carry-on bag in the overhead bins.

Turning on the bags filter shouldn't remove any flights from the results—it should just update the prices. A special case is if the only seats left on a certain flight don't include overhead bin access. In some cases, it may actually be cheaper to check your bag than it would be to pay the fee to carry it on. 

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