Manage and edit conversion goals from the conversions summary

Conversion goals are only available to customers who have migrated to the new Search Ads 360 experience. Check the Experience hub to stay up to date on your available features, including conversion goals.

In this article:

Manage your conversion goals on the conversions summary page. To view the conversions summary page, sign into your new Search Ads 360 experience, and then do one of the following:

  • To view Search Ads 360 conversion goals:
    1. Navigate to a sub-manager account.
    2. Click the Tools and settings icon , and then click Conversions.
  • To view Google Ads conversion goals:
    1. Navigate to a Google Ads client account.
    2. Click the Tools and settings icon , and then click Conversions.

In the conversions summary, standard goals and their grouped conversion actions are displayed automatically. These goals are created based on your conversion actions. Custom goals are displayed at the bottom of the page. 

Edit an existing account-default goal

  1. On the conversion summary, click Edit goal to the right of the conversion goal name. 
  2. Under "Account-default goal settings", select whether you want to use the goal as an account-default goal (recommended). 
    When you set a goal to be an account-default goal, it will be added to all campaigns using the account-default goal settings. When a goal is removed as an account-default goal, it will similarly be removed from all campaigns using the account-default goals. Campaigns using other combinations of goals won"t be affected in either case.
  3. Under "Conversion action optimization options", specify an action type (primary or secondary) for each action.
  4. Click Save changes.

Edit conversion action settings

  1. On the conversion summary, click the conversion action you want to edit. To edit conversion actions in bulk, select the checkbox next to the actions you want to edit.
  2. Click Edit settings.
  3. Make your changes, and then click Save changes.
Setting Use this setting to:
Goal and action optimization

Setting a conversion goal as "Primary" or "Secondary" changes how the conversion action is used for bidding in all places where the goal that it's part of is being used. The exception is custom goals, which will always be used for bidding regardless of status.

  • Add a conversion action to an standard conversion goal
  • Specify whether the conversion action is primary (used for bidding optimization) or secondary. Select "Primary" for actions that you want to bid towards when that goal is selected. Select "Secondary" for actions that you want to observe for reporting only.
Value Specify the value you want to apply to each conversion. Learn more about Google Ads conversion value
Count Select how many conversions to count per click or interaction.
Click-through conversion window Specify the maximum time after an ad interaction that you want to count conversions.
Attribution model Select the attribution model that determines how much credit each ad interaction gets for your conversions. Learn more about data-driven attribution

Create or edit a custom goal

Setting a conversion goal as "Primary" or "Secondary" changes how the conversion action is used for bidding in all places where the goal that it's part of is being used. The exception is custom goals, which will always be used for bidding regardless of status.

 Any custom goals you have created are displayed at the bottom of the conversion summary.

Create a new custom goal

  1. Click Add custom goal.
  2. Specify a name for your custom goal.
  3. Select the conversion actions you want to add to your custom goal.
  4. Click Save.

Edit a custom goal

  1. Click the goal you want to edit. 
  2. Add or remove conversion actions. 
  3. Click Save.

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