
Report a problem with Google Meet

Please provide feedback and share your ideas to help us improve Meet. 

Note: Additional details, such as web browser logs, are automatically included when you submit feedback. Your feedback enhances our ability to troubleshoot issues and improve Meet. Google Workspace administrators can turn off this feature. For details, see Client logs upload in Manage Meet settings

In the meeting

  1. Join a Google Meet meeting.
  2. Click More .
  3. Click Report a problem. 
  4. Describe the issue or share your ideas.
  5. Select Include screenshot to help identify the issue.
  6. Click Send.

After the meeting

Click Submit feedback when the video meeting ends.

Before a meeting

  1. In a web browser, enter
  2. Click Feedback .
  3. Describe the issue or share your ideas.
  4. Select Include screenshot to help identify the issue.
  5. Click Send.

You can also click the meeting link or calendar event. Before joining, click More  and select Report a problem. 

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