
At least 1 message in was recently identified as potentially dangerous. Deceptive emails are often used to steal personal info or break into online accounts. Learn how to help protect against deceptive messages

Delete a space

When you no longer want to use a space, you can delete it. When a space is deleted, you can’t recover it.


  • You can only delete a space if you have the space manager role.
  • When you delete a space, all messages and tasks in the space are deleted. Permissions on Drive files are removed, but the file isn’t deleted.
  • If you're the last space manager and want to leave, you must make someone else the space manager or delete the space.
  1. On your computer, open Google Chat or Gmail.
    • In Gmail: On the left, click Chat.
  2. Open the space that you want to delete.
  3. At the top, click the space name and then Delete.
  4. To confirm, click Delete.
Tip: If you didn’t create the space, learn how to leave a space.

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