AppSheet function list

Here's a list of all the AppSheet functions available by category that can be used when building expressions. See also Expressions: The Essentials.
ConditionalIFIF(logical-expressionvalue-if-true, value-if-false)Either/or conditional evaluation. Learn more
ConditionalIFSIFS(condition1, value1, [condition2, value2 ...])First-match conditional evaluation. Learn more
ConditionalSWITCHSWITCH(expression, case1, value1, [case2, value2 ...], default)Choose-one conditional evaluation. Learn more
Date and timeDATEDATE(when)Date from Date, DateTime, or Time. Learn more
Date and timeDATETIMEDATETIME(when)DateTime from Date, DateTime, or Time. Learn more
Date and timeDAYDAY(when)Day of month from Date, DateTime, or Time. Learn more
Date and timeEOMONTHEOMONTH(when, offset-months)Date of last day of a month from Date or DateTime. Learn more
Date and timeEOWEEKEOWEEK(when)Date of last day of a week from Date or DateTime. Learn more
Date and timeEWOMONTHEWOMONTH(when, offset-months)Date of last weekday of a month Date or DateTime. Learn more
Date and timeEXTRACTDATESEXTRACTDATES(text-to-extract-from)Extract list of dates within a textual value. Learn more
Date and timeEXTRACTDATETIMESEXTRACTDATETIMES(text-to-extract-from)Extract list of DateTime values within a textual value. Learn more
Date and timeEXTRACTDURATIONSEXTRACTDURATIONS(text-to-extract-from)Extract list of Duration values within a textual value. Learn more
Date and timeEXTRACTTIMESEXTRACTTIMES(text-to-extract-from)Extract list of Time values within a textual value. Learn more
Date and timeHOURHOUR(duration)Count of hours (Number) in Duration. Learn more
Date and timeISOWEEKNUMISOWEEKNUM(date)Number of the ISO week of the year for the specified date. Learn more
Date and timeMINUTEMINUTE(duration)Minute of hour from Duration. Learn more
Date and timeNOWNOW()Current date and time. Learn more
Date and timeMONTHMONTH(when)Month of year from Date, DateTime, or Time. Learn more
Date and timeSECONDSECOND(duration)Second of minute from Duration. Learn more
Date and timeTIMETIME(when)Time from Date, DateTime, or Time. Learn more
Date and timeTIMENOWTIMENOW()Current time. Learn more
Date and timeTODAYTODAY()Current date. Learn more
Date and timeTOTALHOURSTOTALHOURS(duration)Count of hours (Decimal) in Duration. Learn more
Date and timeTOTALMINUTESTOTALMINUTES(duration)Count of minutes in Duration. Learn more
Date and timeTOTALSECONDSTOTALSECONDS(duration)Count of seconds in Duration. Learn more
Date and timeUSERTZOFFSETUSERTZOFFSET()User's local time offset from UTC. Learn more
Date and timeUTCNOWUTCNOW()Current time and date in UTC. Learn more
Date and timeWEEKDAYWEEKDAY(when)Day of week from Date or DateTime. Learn more
Date and timeWEEKNUMWEEKNUM(when)Week of year from Date or DateTime. Learn more
Date and timeWORKDAYWORKDAY(when, days, [holidays])Computed date excluding non-work days. Learn more
Date and timeYEARYEAR(when)Year from Date, DateTime, or Time. Learn more
ImageSNAPSHOTSNAPSHOT(deep-link)Take a snapshot of a view. Learn more
ImageTEXT_ICONTEXT_ICON(text)Icon from text. Learn more
InformationalCONTEXTCONTEXT(option)Information about the running app. Learn more
InformationalINPUTINPUT(input-name, default)Dynamic input assigned by the user or an action. Learn more
InformationalUSEREMAILUSEREMAIL()User's email address. Learn more
InformationalUSERLOCALEUSERLOCALE()User's locale. Learn more
InformationalUSERNAMEUSERNAME()User's name. Learn more
InformationalUSERROLEUSERROLE()User's role. Learn more
InformationalUSERSETTINGSUSERSETTINGS("user-setting")Specified user setting value. Learn more
LinkENCODEURLENCODEURL(text)Encode text for use in URL. Learn more
LinkHYPERLINKHYPERLINK(url, text)New hyperlink. Learn more
LinkLINKTEXTLINKTEXT(hyperlink)Text component of hyperlink. Learn more
LinkLINKTOAPPLINKTOAPP(app-id)Constructed deep link to an app. Learn more
LinkLINKTOFILTEREDVIEWLINKTOFILTEREDVIEW(view, filter)Constructed deep link to a filtered view. Learn more
LinkLINKTOFORMLINKTOFORM(view, column, value, [column, value...], [app-id])Constructed deep link to a form. Learn more
LinkLINKTOPARENTVIEWLINKTOPARENTVIEW()Constructed deep link to the parent view. Learn more
LinkLINKTOROWLINKTOROW(key, view, [app-id])Constructed deep link to a row. Learn more
LinkLINKTOVIEWLINKTOVIEW(view, [app-id])Constructed deep link to a row. Learn more
LinkLINKURLLINKURL(hyperlink)URL component of hyperlink. Learn more
ListANYANY(list)One arbitrary list item. Learn more
ListCOUNTCOUNT(list)Number of list items. Learn more
ListININ(text-to-search-for, list-to-search)Is item in list? Learn more
ListINDEXINDEX(list, which-one)One specific line item. Learn more
ListINTERSECTINTERSECT(list1, list2)Items common to two lists. Learn more
ListLISTLIST([value...])New list. Learn more
ListMAXMAX(list)Highest item in a list. Learn more
ListMINMIN(list)Lowest item in a list. Learn more
ListSORTSORT(list, [descending?])Sorted list of items. Learn more
ListSPLITSPLIT(text, delimiter)List from text. Learn more
ListTOPTOP(list, how-many)Initial list of items. Learn more
ListUNIQUEUNIQUE(list)Unique items in list. Learn more
LocationDISTANCEDISTANCE(location1, location2)Distance between locations. Learn more
LocationHEREHERE()Current location. Learn more
LocationLATLAT(where)Latitude component of location. Learn more
LocationLATLONGLATLONG(latitude, longitude)LatLong from components. Learn more
LocationLONGLONG(where)Longitude component of location. Learn more
LocationXYXY(x, y)XY value based on the coordinates. Learn more
LogicalANDAND(condition1condition2, [condition3 ...])Answer: Are all true? Learn more
LogicalNOTNOT(condition)Is it false? Learn more
LogicalOROR(condition1condition2, [condition3 ...])Are any true? Learn more
MathABSABS(x)Arithmentic absolute value. Learn more
MathAVERAGEAVERAGE(list)Arithmetic average of list of numeric values. Learn more
MathCEILINGCEILING(x)Round up to nearest integer. Learn more
MathDECIMALDECIMAL(x)Decimal from any value. Learn more
MathFLOORFLOOR(x)Round down to nearest integer. Learn more
MathLNLN(x)Natural logarithm of a numeric value. Learn more
MathLOGLOG(x, [base])Logarithm of a numeric value. Learn more
MathLOG2LOG2(x)Base 2 logarithm of a numeric value. Learn more
MathLOG10LOG10(x)Base 10 logarithm of a numeric value. Learn more
MathMODMOD(dividend, divisor)Arithmetic remainder from integer division. Learn more
MathNUMBERNUMBER(value)Number from any value. Learn more
MathPOWERPOWER(x, y)Arithmetic exponentiation. Learn more
MathRANDBETWEENRANDBETWEEN(lower-bound, upper-bound)Random integer from range. Learn more
MathROUNDROUND(x)Nearest integer. Learn more
MathSQRTSQRT(x)Arithmetic square root. Learn more
MathSTDEVPSTDEVP(list)Arithmetic standard deviation of list items. Learn more
MathSUMSUM(list)Arithmetic sum of list items. Learn more
TableFILTERFILTER(dataset, select-row?)Select rows of table or slice. Learn more
TableLOOKUPLOOKUP(value, dataset, column, return-column)Get column value from row in table or slice. Learn more
TableMAXROWMAXROW(dataset, column, [select-row?])Row with greatest value in column. Learn more
TableMINROWMINROW(dataset, column, [select-row?])Row with lowest value in column. Learn more
TableORDERBYORDERBY(keys, sort-key, [descending-order?, [sort-key]]...)Sort row references. Learn more
TableREF_ROWSREF_ROWS(dataset, ref-column)Gather related rows from table or slice. Learn more
TableSELECTSELECT(dataset-column, select-row?, [distinct-only?])Select rows from a table or slice. Learn more
TableUNIQUEIDUNIQUEID([type])Pseudo-unique ID. Learn more
TextCONCATENATECONCATENATE(part, [part ...])Merged text from parts. Learn more
TextDOMAINOFDOMAINOF(email)Extract domain from an email address. Learn more
TextENDSWITHENDSWITH(text-to-search, text-to-search-for)Does text end with fragment? Learn more
TextEXTRACTEXTRACT("text", text-to-extract-from)Extract values from text. Learn more
TextEXTRACTDOMAINSEXTRACTDOMAINS(text-to-extract-from)Extract list of domain values within a textual value. Learn more
TextEXTRACTEMAILSEXTRACTEMAILS(text-to-extract-from)Extract list of Email values within a textual value. Learn more
TextEXTRACTHASHTAGSEXTRACTHASHTAGS(text-to-extract-from)Extract list of hashtags within a textual value. Learn more
TextEXTRACTMENTIONSEXTRACTMENTIONS(text-to-extract-from)Extract list of mentions within a textual value. Learn more
TextEXTRACTNUMBERSEXTRACTNUMBERS(text-to-extract-from)Extract list of numeric values within a textual value. Learn more
TextEXTRACTPHONENUMBERSEXTRACTPHONENUMBERS(text-to-extract-from)Extract list of phone numbers within a textual value. Learn more
TextEXTRACTPRICESEXTRACTPRICES(text-to-extract-from)Extract list of price values within a textual value. Learn more
TextFINDFIND(text-to-search-for, text-to-search)Position of fragment in text. Learn more
TextINITIALSINITIALS(text)First character of each word. Learn more
TextLEFTLEFT(text, how-many)Left-most characters of text. Learn more
TextLENLEN(text)Number of characters in textual value. Learn more
TextLOWERLOWER(text)Convert text to lowercase. Learn more
TextMIDMID(text, begin-at, length)Segment of a string. Learn more
TextOCRTEXTOCRTEXT([image-column])Extract all text from an image. Learn more
TextRIGHTRIGHT(text, how-many)Right-most consecutive characters from a textual value. Learn more
TextSTARTSWITHSTARTSWITH(text-to-search, search-for)Does text begin with fragment? Learn more
TextSUBSTITUTESUBSTITUTE(text-to-search, search-for, replace-with)Text with replacements Learn more
TextTEXTTEXT(value, [format])ormatted text from the first argument.. Learn more
TextTRIMTRIM(value)Format as text. Learn more
TextUPPERUPPER(text)Convert text to uppercase. Learn more
Yes/NoCONTAINSCONTAINS(text-to-search, text-to-search-for)Does text contain fragment? Learn more
Yes/NoEXTRACTCHOICEEXTRACTCHOICE(text-to-extract-from)Extract one Yes/No value within textual value. Learn more
Yes/NoISBLANKISBLANK(value)Is value absent? Learn more
Yes/NoISNOTBLANKISNOTBLANK(value)Is value present? Learn more
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