Biomedical citation maker

This page creates citations for writing on: In addition, the citation maker can optionally quote the conclusion of an article and help present numeric results from clinical studies that report diagnosis and treatment. Click here for bookmarklet.

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  1. Natural history of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: A prospective follow-up study with serial biopsies. Hepatol Commun (2018) PMID: 29404527
  2. Natural history of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: A prospective follow-up study with serial biopsies. Hepatol Commun (2018) PMID: 29404527
  3. Identification of a functional docking site in the Rpn1 LRR domain for the UBA-UBL domain protein Ddi1. BMC Biol (2011) PMID: 21627799
  4. CD19 CAR T-Cell Therapy in Autoimmune Disease - A Case Series with Follow-up. N Engl J Med (2024) PMID: 38381673
  5. Diagnostic yield and treatment impact of whole-genome sequencing in paediatric neurological disorders. Dev Med Child Neurol (2021) PMID: 33244750
* Articles that were published with an accompanying editorial or reviewed covered by a synoptic publications including ACP Journal Club and Evidence-Based Medicine.
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