Moguera Movieclip

Moguera Movieclip
Dav Yx@rubygillmanenjoyerProfile Photo

Joined:Oct 8, 2023



UC Wins:13


File:Moguera-Movieclip.nodemc (499.6 KB)

Date:March 26, 2024


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One of the weapons of the Mysterian invaders, Moguera was unleashed in Japan, where it destroyed a village by triggering severe earthquakes while underground. Moguera soon surfaced and began rampaging through the countryside before the JSDF blew up a bridge as the machine was crossing it, destroying Moguera. The Mysterians would deploy a second Moguera to defend their dome when the Earth Defense Force began attacking it with Markalite Cannons. The second Moguera accidentally burrowed too close to a Markalite Cannon, which toppled onto it and destroyed it.

In the Heisei Godzilla continuity, MOGUERA was constructed by G-Force alongside Mechagodzilla and completed following the latter's defeat. Designed to accomplish what its predecessor had come so close to doing destroying Godzilla MOGUERA's first action came not against Godzilla, but a crystalline anomaly that was sighted approaching Earth. MOGUERA was launched to destroy the space creature, but was severely damaged and failed to halt its approach to Earth. MOGUERA was salvaged and repaired by G-Force, then deployed to Fukuoka to stop the space monster, now known as SpaceGodzilla, after it constructed its own fortress in the city. MOGUERA engaged SpaceGodzilla, and was joined by Godzilla, who sought to rescue his adopted son from his extraterrestrial clone. Together, MOGUERA and Godzilla were able to destroy SpaceGodzilla's power source in the Fukuoka Tower and finally destroy him, but MOGUERA was also obliterated in the process, leaving only Godzilla standing.

#godzilla #kaiju #mecha #mogger #heisei #toho #robot #penguin #boi

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How to use: This download is a Movieclip file. If it contains a joined figure, you can access it by going into the Movieclip object (edit it) and then copying the entire assembled figure inside.Filters: Remember, Movieclip objects may use filters, and if you don't have Stick Nodes Pro these filters will not work and the Movieclip may look very different.

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Android How to download stickfigures & sounds:

  • As of 3.2.0, Stick Nodes will no longer automatically find downloaded files in your /downloads/ folder. You must open the file with Stick Nodes explicitly for it to be moved into the correct folder.
  • Download a NODES (or STK) or ZIP file. When done, tap it and "Open With" > "Stick Nodes". See this image for an example.
  • Sounds: Download an MP3 file < 256kb. When done, tap it and "Open With" > "Stick Nodes"..

IOS 13+ How to download stickfigures & sounds:

  • If using Chrome or Firefox, download a NODES (or STK) or ZIP file, select the file and "Open in Stick Nodes" after finished downloading.
  • If using Safari, download a NODES (or STK) or ZIP file, follow these directions.
  • Also for ZIP files, check out this quick and informative tutorial by Auto-Angel.
  • Sounds: With Safari, follow these directions.

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Mogger 🤑

BlueJuicesubscriberuc-winner-lvl1pro-noderWhat to put here?... 🤔 😕 😐 😑 😴 💤

Keep up these awesome kaiju figs, they’re insane!

