Stick Nodes: Stick Idol Collab – Winners Announced!

Watch the full collab:

Ah yes, this opening bit will never get old.

As is usually the case, choosing winners was nearly impossible. There was something like 250 entries or so, and narrowing them down to fit in a not-too-lengthy collab video was very difficult. As a result, the quality threshold was raised as the entries poured in, and we simply could not include all of the entries that we wanted. So please do not feel sad or offended if your entry did not get in. We will take things like this into consideration in future collabs.

The Winners

After much deliberation, here are the final winners! An extra slot was added to “best animated” and “most entertaining” because of the sheer amount of amazing entries. A lot of thought was put into who should win what category, with some entries easily able to win in multiple categories. It was structured in a way to allow for the most fairness and allow a wide range of animation/creativity styles to win.

All winners receive $50 and a slot on the Stick Nodes splash screen if they do not already have one. I will be reaching out soon, but feel free to DM me on Twitter X first with your name (if it’s not obvious) and payment method. Preferably Paypal, Steam gift, or a gift card if in the USA.

Best Animated

Most Entertaining

Best Visuals

Most Creative

Honorable Mentions


Shouts out to SquiSN for suffering through the pain that was receiving, organizing, and eventually compiling all entries into the final product. Also shout out to Inactive Studios, led by Darkboy. This team were the lead cutscene and asset creators. They did what they had to with limited time to put out an above-and-beyond job and resulted in a fun and cinematic collab video.

Happy 9th Birthday Stick Nodes!

If you stuck around to the post-credits scene, you’ll have seen some behind the scenes birthday party action celebrating the ninth anniversary of Stick Nodes’ release. Things got extremely crazy, as you saw in the clip. The release of this collab and its premise (how the Default became the Default) was timed purposely, of course. So happy birthday Stick Nodes! Another year down, more features added – wonder what the 10th anniversary will bring?

Tune in again in about a month when something fun should start for Halloween. It won’t be a collab but something smaller and more accessible to the community as a whole!

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Abialsl WkaemiratLeoturkThaila Recent comment authors
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Squiocciferhalloween-2021-winnerchristmas-2020-winnermoderatortranslator-pitranslator-generaluc-winner-lvl2featured-lvl1mega-nodersubscriberuc-votercrusadershawty got them apple bottom jeans boots with the fur (the


Boom melon


Collab was soo good it removed my spine

Gaycionekadministratorocciferuc-votermega-noderfeatured-lvl1uc-winner-lvl2I abuse sticknodes.

Watch it again I want to know what happens

Hebisubscriberfeatured-lvl1Twitter v2 fr

Happy birthday stick nodes and me

SultanTheDerpsubscriberstick-idol-winneruc-winner-lvl1featured-lvl1That derpifying guy


NotSoFine Animations

I like the moment when a random dude said “It’s balltouching time” and balltouched the innocent basketball with his incredible dribbling skill. Truly balltouching collab ever hosted.


Jordan never did that move 😳

Stick Studios

GG y’all everyone did awesome 👏

Darkboy Animation
Darkboy Animationsubscriberchristmas-2022-winnertreasure-trove-winnerfeatured-lvl1I am lazy....

I blame Squi