🎉Cheers To Another Year Of Nodes

Scroll to the bottom for the Stick Nodes plans for 2024!

Firstly, congratulations to DownwardGhostly for winning the Rock, Paper, Krampus event – the Christmas website event this holiday season. Below is the final scoreboard as of January 1st, the game ran for (nearly) the entire month of December and the winner was promised a $50 prize.

So, here’s another “yearly roundup” post for you to see today. These past 365 days saw a lot of events on the internet. Back when the year began, Twitter was still Twitter and “Barbie” was just a doll. Later on, Grimace launched his lethal shake and “skibidi” would have made no sense if you were to say that word to someone. (To be honest, it still doesn’t make sense even now but whatever.) But now let’s look back on Stick Nodes specifically.

PSA: For those that don’t know, Stick Nodes also has a pretty bussin’ Reddit and Facebook community no cap fr fr. Check out the top Reddit posts of the year and, well, I’d paste the top Facebook posts of the year if the platform actually allowed a way to view that statistic… But hey at least the group has 15.4k members and counting.

⭐ First stickfigure of 2023: Godzillasaurus Pack 3 [#View»]

⭐ Last stickfigure of 2023: Spider-Man (The Animated Series 90s Cartoon) Pack [#View»]

⭐ Most liked stickfigure of 2023: Semi-Accurate Springtrap Pack [#View»]

⭐ Most disliked stickfigure of 2023: Skibidi Guard Fan Made Pack [#View»]

⭐ Most downloaded stickfigure of 2023: Blood Splatter Movieclip Pack [#View»]

Check out Demonbot’s year-in-review post for more stats like above as well as results for most comments and popular items: https://sticknodes.com/members/demonbot/activity/1597018/

Shouts out to Tastylemon16 and his crew for logging a very well-maintained, um, log…throughout the year, outlining activity and events of the Stick Nodes app and community throughout the year.

Also, a quick thank you to the site mods and admins that help assist keeping things somewhat sane around here. This includes Arcionek, Sean, Tastylemon16, Humble Damien, and Squi.

Go through the log archive linked in the months below and find what happened on your birthday!

📅 January

Log Archive: https://sticknodes.com/members/tastylemon16/activity/1464519/

When the year began, Stick Nodes was at version 3.3.4. This version was actually released in April of 2022 lol. This was the update that introduced Drop Shadow filter, frame repeat, auto-saving created stickfigures, and a doubled node frame limit. Also, this was the wind-down from the community collab, Merry Madness.

📅 February

Log Archive: http://sticknodes.com/members/tastylemon16/activity/1475560/

Ralph gets another year ancient, Demonbot breaks the site, the “sprite update progress” meter continues to troll, Jade stops sleeping, and “annoy Squidward day” breaks the site to a laggy and unloadable mess for weeks.

📅 March

Log Archive: https://sticknodes.com/members/tastylemon16/activity/1487343/

The website continues to be unusable until Mike makes an appearance and fixes it – the website is now hosted with Hetzner and has a speedy dedicated server. Also the SNU gets some backstory and Fedora enters the fray with the typical villain-turned-ally anime trope.

📅 April

Log Archive: https://sticknodes.com/members/tastylemon16/activity/1502151/

Gigan comes out as gay (okay I made this up), some more “The Sprite Update” teasers dropped, KingstarGLK leaves the site, and Invader and Megaphone wreak havoc before being banhammered.

📅 May

Log Archive: https://sticknodes.com/members/tastylemon16/activity/1518876/

A pretty chill month of stuff and also even things! The calm before the storm that was the month of June…

📅 June

Log Archive: https://sticknodes.com/members/tastylemon16/activity/1527544/

This month sees the release of the “The Sprite Update” update, after a year of teasing. The launch video “Presidents Play” is a smash hit and the app update sends Ralph onto the Forbes Most Wealthiest list. Vince also awakens and launches a sprite contest.

📅 July

Log Archive: https://sticknodes.com/members/tastylemon16/activity/1539160/

Smash hit collab “Stick Idol” launches to massive hype, ideas for UI changes is met with death threats and swatting, and the coommunity “Forge Competition” comes to a conclusion.

📅 August

Log Archive: https://sticknodes.com/members/tastylemon16/activity/1551492/

More minor 4.0.X updates to SN continue, entries for “Stick Idol” continue to flood into the community as Ralph releases pics of Stick Nodes PC. And on August 19th, the collab launches (worth a rewatch for the banger music videos). The winners are announced and Stick Nodes turns 9 years old!

📅 September

Log Archive: https://sticknodes.com/members/tastylemon16/activity/1560484/

Lots of normal September stuff and also ItzQwerty comes back with his Kin series, the website mysteriously started showing ad popups for a week or two, and Gigan comes out as trans (okay again, maybe this is fake news).

📅 October

Log Archive: https://sticknodes.com/members/tastylemon16/activity/1574008/

Manny launches an RPG for Stick Nodes, Cheese Biscuit makes this masterpiece, Infiniteguess makes this thing, and the website got a dedicated GIF Picker for comments.

📅 November

Log Archive: https://sticknodes.com/members/tastylemon16/activity/1583174/

Stick Nodes 4.1.0, the “Curves, Holes, and Fills” update launches and has subsequent minor updates. Art, music, logs, stickfigures, and general normal chaos! Also, Arcionek manages a smaller #Stickmas2023 event, which is just a general Christmas-themed community event to showcase anything and everything “Stick Nodes but it’s festive”.

📅 December

Log Archive: https://sticknodes.com/members/tastylemon16/activity/1597074/

The website undergoes its usual Christmas decor and Rock, Paper, Krampus launches as the holiday website game, the #Stickmas2023 continues, and scarlet loses her mind due to lack of Spotify.

What Does 2024 Have In Store?

A few things maybe! Updates will continue to the Stick Nodes app. Currently at version 4.1.5, there are a few more 4.X.X updates to add small (and somewhat big) things. But eventually, a 5.0.0 is planned that will change the game.

Early on in this year, the next official Stick Nodes event is planned to occur. What it is however is still in the planning stages, but it could be a sort of tournament instead of a collab! I aim for two solid events, one in the first half, and one in the latter. One of which will be a collab, probably.

Also, later in the year, Stick Nodes will turn 10 years old. Which is to remind you all – you’re all old now. Start paying taxes, realize the government is actually not – nor ever has been – your friend…and in November, vote for Tru-

And of course expect to see the usual drama, experience bizarre twists and turns, watch villain arcs develop, and of course – expect more unrequested photos of a particular dog.

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💀-{89 CK1500 AN1MS}-💀
💀-{89 CK1500 AN1MS}-💀subscriberfeatured-lvl1pro-noderuc-winner-lvl3űñĕxpëčťëđ įťēm ïň bãğģïņğ ãřėã

Will there be more fallout 4, httyd and supernatural stuf???

Meme Boi
Meme Boi

hi ralph


I had done 5 crimes just this year, aming for 8 this year


That’s some Fire New Years Resolutions dude

LabyrinthWhere am I

I need more pictures of that particular dog.

GzFairy500subscriberuc-winner-lvl1featured-lvl1mega-noderocciferanimating something or playing some random game

I’m now curious about what you’ll add in the future update

presence10 percent francium

2024 stick nodes the movie?


Hola Ralph llevo jugando stick nodes desde el 21 de agosto y recién me uno,una pregunta cómo subo stick figures a esta página? 🤨


