Tezos Gaming Monthly | April 2024

Discover the latest updates on the Tezos gaming ecosystem, including new and upcoming games, relevant partnerships, and community presence in industry events.


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Gaming Roundup April

Welcome to the first Tezos Gaming Monthly, a roundup of the most significant updates from the Tezos gaming community.

This edition will cover the new game launches, partnerships, community initiatives, and events that took place in April - and that are shaping the future of Web3 gaming on the Tezos blockchain.

Let’s dive in.

Alphabot integration #

Alphabot, a widely used Web3 campaign and collaboration tool, has completed its integration with Tezos, which means it’s possible to whitelist Tezos-based NFTs through their tool.

Alphabot provides a highly customizable and feature-rich raffle system. It enhances the efficiency and security of Web3 projects while engaging their users across multiple channels, including the Web, Discord, and X. Visit Alphabot’s website to learn more.

DMission launchpad integration #

DMission is a launchpad and quests platform that organizes community-based quests and events. It recently fully integrated into Tezos, providing API-customized templates and specialized technical support.

Through DMission, Tezos-based projects can now deploy quests and campaigns to streamline the user experience and increase their reach and marketing acquisition efforts.

Additionally, the launchpad will support Tezos tokens and NFTs and track the on-chain activities of games powered by Tezos. To learn more about it, read this article.

EMERGE Group and TZ APAC #

EMERGE Group, a Southeast Asia marketing technology firm specializing in IP and gaming partnerships, is collaborating with TZ APAC to accelerate the onboarding of Web3 games onto the Tezos ecosystem.

As their official game publishing partner, EMERGE Group will assist with game-related marketing and user acquisition activities and onboard the next generation of high-quality games to Tezos.

MetaPals: Teletubbies mint coming soon #

MetaPals is a virtual pet game similar to the iconic Tamagotchi pets. It was built exclusively on Tezos and played as an extension on the Google Chrome browser.

MetaPals recently announced that Teletubbies are coming to their platform, and the team will soon hold a mint event for their Teletubbies companion collection to celebrate their arrival.

OpenPad integrates with Tezos #

OpenPad, an AI decentralized launchpad that amplifies Web3 gaming ecosystems, has integrated with Tezos, including Kukai Wallet.

Any games built on Tezos that integrate with OpenPad will receive marketing support from OpenPad. Learn more about how to launch a project here.

Sugar Match #

Sugar Gaming, a game studio with a pool of 60M+ gamers from previous projects, is creating a five-game saga called Sugarverse. The first is the Tezos-built Sugar Match, a mobile Match-3 puzzle game inspired by Match Masters.

In this game, the player can choose an NFT avatar to compete with other players in either PvP or PvE mode. By trading Sugarbear NFTs, they can acquire abilities that match their gameplay preferences, thus increasing their chances of winning PvP matches.

Team Vitality V.Moments drop #

Team Vitality, a leading esports club since 2013 and winner of over 36 championships, ran another drop of their monthly Vitality Moments collection.

As a reminder, those who collect all of the 2024 moments might become Vitality Super Fans and be eligible for perks like complimentary tickets to events, exclusive merchandise, and experiences.

To stay up-to-date and be reminded before the next drop (and others like it), follow Tezos on Twitter.

Dubai Blockchain Night #

TZ APAC and Emerge Group organized an official Token 2049 Dubai side event on April 18. The founders of MetaPals and Star Symphony, along with representatives from TZ APAC networked and engaged with industry leaders, founders, and investors. Check out some pictures that captured the event in this Tweet thread.

Game on, Tezos #

It’s been a busy few months for the Tezos gaming ecosystem - and there’s much more to come. With an ever-growing number of game launches, strategic partnerships across the ecosystem, and a solid presence in gaming events, the Tezos gaming community is taking the Web3 gaming scene by storm.

Stay tuned for more announcements, and follow Tezos on Twitter for the latest news and updates.

More from the ecosystem #