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  • Saying ohhhhhhhhh when you still don’t understand >>>>ALT
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    I definitely didn’t read “I wish I could bee like you”.

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    hostile work environment

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  • Patron: So one of the horses will be drawn from the side and the other will be from the front.   Medieval artist: From the.. front?  Patron: Right. You know how to draw  horses from the front, right?  Artist: Y-yeah, totally.ALT
    picture of a medieval painting. there is side profile of a knight in a horse and another horse next to it farcing forward. the horse facing forward is badly drawn with strangely bent legsALT
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  • Q

    hey! i'm new to your blog, but it looks really snazzy, from aesthetic to content :)

    kind of out of the blue, but do you study science? Or is it just an interest in the field? anyways hope you're doing well!

  • sleepy-bebby replied

    Both, but my interest lies in the memes.

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    The chad peterbald VS virgin donskoy

  • 34567
    &.bluebell theme by seyche