How to Set Up a CDN in Phoenix

Zachary Berkompas
Red Shift
Published in
4 min readFeb 23, 2016

Many of you already understand CDNs (content delivery network) and know that using one to deliver the assets for your website greatly decreases average load time and frees up your dynos to process and deliver dynamic requests. If that’s you, just skip the next few paragraphs to get to the Phoenix implementation of Amazon CloudFront.

For others, CDNs are a big, scary giant that no one has ever explained in a way that made sense. If that’s you, take heart, I was in your shoes not long ago.

In essence, there is nothing complicated about a CDN. All you are doing is changing your asset host to point to the CDN, which redirects all asset requests through the CDN. Take a look at this diagram:

As you can see, the first request comes from the user, hits the CDN, which then requests that asset from the specified origin and stores it if it doesn’t have it already. On subsequent requests, the CDN just serves the file without requesting it from the origin.

Using a CDN has the added benefit of serving your files from a server in the optimal location. This separates CDNs from services like Amazon S3, which are designed as file storage services and not for optimal delivery of files.

Amazon CloudFront with Phoenix

CloudFront is designed as a file delivery system for static CSS, images, and Javascript files, giving you a nice interface to set your cache control settings, custom headers, and other configuration.

CloudFront has servers distributed around the globe that are optimized for delivery of small static files. When you make a request to CloudFront, it determines your location through DNS and then serves the file from the closest server, reducing response times significantly.

CloudFront uses distributions, which are essentially S3 buckets with an assigned domain that will look something like this:

Set Up CloudFront

First off, you need to sign up for an AWS account (if you don’t already have one), navigate to the services page, select CloudFront control panel and create a web distribution.

Set the Origin Domain Name to your website’s domain name and the ID to “#{whatever-you-want}”. Run through the settings and make sure its configured the way you want. For most situations the default settings will suffice.

After you create it, Amazon will take 5–10 minutes to set it up and you’ll be ready to use it.

At this point you can test that CloudFront is set up correctly by confirming that


is displaying your app’s compiled CSS.

Phoenix Configuration

Now that you have your distribution, make sure to grab your domain, since we’ll need to change our static asset host to point to it. In Phoenix, much like Rails you have configuration files for your different environments. Open up your prod.exs file and under your <project_name>. Endpoint we’re going to add the static_url: option. It should look like this:

Here’s the short snippet from the phoenix endpoint docs:

:static_url — configuration for generating URLs for static files. It will fallback to url if no option is provided. Accepts the same options as url.

You’ll also need to change your app.html.eex to reference the app.css using the static_url helper instead of static_path.

<link rel=”stylesheet” href=”<%= static_url( %>”>

Like the Rails asset pipeline, Phoenix gives you the ability to add a fingerprint to the end of the css files, making it possible for CloudFront to work, since it only updates files with uniq file names. You’ll need to make sure that mix phoenix.digest is being run when you deploy to production.

One last thing before you’re ready to deploy. You’ll need to add the access-control-allow-origin header to your static asset requests. Navigate to your endpoint and add the header under the Plug.Static configuration:

headers: [{"access-control-allow-origin", "*"}]

Believe it or not, that’s it. Deploy your project and confirm that it is serving your assets and experience the joy of increased speed.

Assets are now served from CloudFront on



Published in Red Shift

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