Josef Fallesen

Josef Fallesen

Stockholm, Stockholms län, Sverige
24 tn följare Fler än 500 kontakter


I help people and teams who work B2B book more meetings and increase sales in effective and personalized ways with Vaam.


Before founding Vaam (my mission), I was a tech investor looking to invest in founders building their mission. And before that, I was a podcaster helping founders reach out with their mission to my tens of thousands of listeners in Businesspodden.

I'm also a big nerd of Shark Tank & Dragons' Den, have loved the show since I was 17, and I've lately helped produce the new Swedish Dragons' Den.


If you also are interested in B2B Sales - feel free to connect/follow :)




  • Vaam-bild


    Stockholm, Sverige

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    Stockholm, Sverige

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    Stockholm, Sverige

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