The Accountant Quits

The Accountant Quits

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Building a Community of Web3 Accountants

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The Accountant Quits is a movement to inspire and educate accountants on the impact of blockchain in accounting. We’re at the cusp of a digital transformation that will slowly but surely make accountants redundant. Rather than witnessing passively on the sidelines, The Accountant Quits helps you take an active role by upskilling yourself to become a crypto accountant.

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1 funcionário
Fundada em
Accountants, Career Change, Future of Work, Accounting, New Tech e Blockchain


Funcionários da The Accountant Quits


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    Financial statements tell a story about the position & performance of a company, but today the story is incomplete when companies hold digital assets!! The Statement of Digital Assets or SoDA aims to bridge the gap to tell the full story of a firm’s liquidity & accounting of digital assets. Whilst this is not an officially recognized financial statement yet, it’s an open-source whitepaper,  initiated by Propeller Industries. The aim of SoDA is to establish a common framework for the reporting of digital assets, with already significant contributions from numerous web3 accountants. On Episode 65, Samuel Leichman, who is leading this initiative from Propeller shares how to rally more accountants to contribute & provide feedback to SoDA. Some of the topics covered in Ep 65; ▪ SoDA vision’s & origin story (14:44) ▪ Contributing to SoDA (25:12) ▪ Disclosures required in SoDA (29:54) ▪ Is SoDA for management reports or annual financial statements (33:30) ▪ SoDA reports in sub-ledgers (35:35) 👉 Listen to the full episode here - 👉 Download a copy of SoDA here - Brought to you by Web3 Finance Club 🙏

    Episode 65 | Samuel Leichman on the Statement of Digital Assets

    Episode 65 | Samuel Leichman on the Statement of Digital Assets

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    If you have crypto on your balance sheet, what are you as the finance team expected to provide to external auditors? & essentially be audit-ready?? To gain assurance over the crypto operations of the business, auditors require a certain number of crypto-specific deliverables;  ▪ Transaction Ledgers for Blockchain - Downloads from block explorers or sub-ledgers  ▪ Token balance valuations - Support for the pricing source such as #Coingecko or #Cryptocompare  ▪ Digital Wallet Records - Records of wallets including wallet management policies. ▪ Smart Contract Audits  ▪ Token Distribution Records - Any SAFT documentation As a member of the finance team, you need to document your crypto operations & processes throughout the year, and not wait year-end to start. 😬 Remember the adage used by auditors - 'if it’s not documented, it’s not done.' 👉 For a more in-depth study on how to prepare an audit with digital assets, see full article -

    Preparing an audit with digital assets

    Preparing an audit with digital assets

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    Crypto accounting isn't a check-the-boxes-and-go-home style of accounting, & so what’s the persona that describes a crypto accountant? I always like to end my episode by asking my guest about their 'favorite quote or maxim', And on Ep. 65, Samuel Leichman from Propeller Industries paraphrases the quote from JFK about going to the moon, “We’re not going to do it because it’s easy. We're going to do it because it’s hard” Meaning crypto accounting might not be the cup of tea for an accountant who likes predictability but rather for one who’s up for a daily challenge ;) Full episode comes out on May 31st. & you can listen to all episodes here - Brought to you by the Web3Finance Club

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    Imagine accountants coming together to create best practices for digital assets reporting. Not through traditional accounting bodies such as the #IASB or the #FASB. But rather as an open-source initiative, where any accountant can collaborate. This is precisely what the Statement of Digital Assets or SoDA is. Born from an idea of Propeller Industries, a crypto accounting & Fractional CFO firm for web3 startups, SoDA aims to be the new standard for reporting On-Chain Assets. On Episode 65, Samuel Leichman, who is leading this initiative from Propeller shares how to rally more accountants to contribute & provide feedback to SoDA. Launched in 2023, SoDA v1 saw contributions from industry experts like Emily Westerhold from a16z crypto, David Byrd from EY, and Palash Agarwal, CPA from OP Labs. Now SoDA v2, currently in the works, is attracting even more web3 accountants to their cause & is set to launch in September 2024. In this episode, we’ll also cover; ▪ What’s a Statement of Digital Assets (SoDA) & why do we need one, ▪ The proposition of SoDA to improve transparency of wallets & digital assets held, ▪ How SoDA complements and improves the current FASB ASU for digital assets, ▪ How sub-ledgers intend to incorporate SoDA reports into their platform. Listen to all episodes here - Full episode comes out on Friday, May 31st.

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    Kudos to Barnabas Debreczeni for taking the initiative to enroll in the 1st comprehensive course on Crypto Accounting. Barnabas always made sure our Q&As were never dull, and we thank you for all your questions. Despite his experience in web3 accounting & finance, Barnabas found the course beneficial in learning best practices. Congrats on completing the course, and looking forward to hearing more about your career developments 💪 Registrations for the next Cohort on September 5th are now open 👀 Apply Now -

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    On average, the crypto accountant earns 128% more than the traditional accountant 😲 The Finance Manager - 37% more & the CFO - 17% more By lifting the veil on compensation for accounting & finance professionals in web3, these results reiterate that having specialist crypto accounting knowledge is rewarded across all functions. Hopefully, this is an omen to inspire more accountants to transition from traditional accounting to crypto accounting. ✨ After their industry-acclaimed Web3CFO Guide, Request Finance strikes back, and we're looking forward to the report Christophe Lassuyt

    Ver perfil de Christophe Lassuyt, gráfico

    CEO at Request.Finance | prev. CFO | web3finance club co-founder | YCombinator W17

    🔎 Finance professionals in web3 enjoy better salary packages than others. The ultimate web3 finance compensation report is coming🔍 Life as a CFO or accountant is not easy. I can’t find words to describe my feelings as a CFO handling accounting missions involving crypto in 2017… It was such a struggle 😵 But things have improved. These changes explain why web3 finance packages are better: - The job is new, technical, and sometimes complex - The most talented finance people, CFOs, and accountants are joining web3  🚀 - Companies offer packages above the most famous tech startups for their web3 projects I firmly believe that web3 finance people earn more than others because they deserve it.💲 Today, I’m happy to tell that we're proving that the salary discrepancy exists, thanks to the contributions of over 900 finance professionals 🚀 In the report, we share findings about: - Salary discrepancies: web3 vs web2 - Role and Geography differences - Gender gap - Insights from web3 finance leaders Make yourself known👇 to receive the report when ready. #crypto #CFOs #accountants

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    How to design long-term incentives around a token, and how do CFOs prepare for launch? Does every web3 project need to offer a token, and if so how to manage token distribution? On Ep 64, Roderick McKinley, CFA , a Tokenomics and Finance Advisor who has helped projects raise over $100m, by structuring their token sale offers and designing their token economies, helps us find some answers. Some of the topics covered in Ep 64; ▪ Value accrual concept (8:58) ▪ Does every web3 project need a token (16:41) ▪ Plan for launching a token (23:08) ▪ Financial modeling with tokens (28:07) ▪ Managing token distribution - investors & employees (33:07) ▪ Emerging career opportunities with token engineering (42:57) 👉 Listen to the full episode here - Brought to you by Web3Finance Club 🙏

    Episode 64 | Roderick McKinley on a CFO's Guide for Tokenomics

    Episode 64 | Roderick McKinley on a CFO's Guide for Tokenomics

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    How to pivot your traditional accounting practice to offer crypto accounting & tax services? Ask 🟧 Electra Frost joining Cohort 3 of the Crypto Accounting Academy, who now helps web3 startups and DAOs understand how to report digital assets on their balance sheet. Just like how Electra saw an opportunity to service companies holding digital assets and making stablecoins payments, As the leader of your accounting practice, all it requires is a few months of investment in learning how blockchain works. Cohort 3 starts today, and you have a few hours to join us -

    Ver perfil de 🟧 Electra Frost, gráfico

    electrafi.btc/.eth⚡accountant building disruptive business models for professional practice 😀🦐

    It’s official, I’ve joined the next cohort of the Crypto Accounting Academy, by The Accountant Quits 💪 🚀 I’m launching into their 7-week course to become further enlightened on Block Explorers, Accounting for OnChain Transactions, Treasury Management, Tax, Audit & more. 🔥And I'll be crafting my niche Bitcoin L2 Web3 CFO skill-sets in parallel. 👩🎓 Looking forward to reaching the top of my game with many more accounting & finance professionals, cohort and instructors from around the world, who are leading the future of accounting on blockchain. 👉 Join me by May 16th here - 🐨 Other Aussies in this cohort are Mani Duggal, Matthew O'Brien and Matt Hutchings - we'll brainstorm to supplement the ATO's sleepy website guidance for our crypto innovation industry ⭐️ Join us!! #cryptoaccountingacademy #web3finance

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    Are you getting ready to launch a token? In your checklist to launch, some of the areas you might be looking at are;  ▪ The initial token minting and distribution ▪ Speaking to a legal advisor to assess the need for a Token SPV ▪ Determining the token cap table On Episode 64, Roderick McKinley, CFA a token design consultant from explains that if you’re a CFO or Head of Finance, the most important thing to get right is your budget. 👈 & not having fantasy scenarios on how markets could turn in your favour and have your token go to the moon ;) In this episode, we’ll also cover;  ▪ The value accrual concept and what drives token utility  ▪ Best practices for projecting future financial performance with tokens ▪ Managing token distributions,  ▪ Becoming a Token Engineer as a career field. Listen to all episodes here - The full episode comes out on Friday, May 17th

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