Contributions to Top Dark Money Spenders

Political nonprofits — also known as 501(c)(4) social welfare organizations and 501(c)(6) trade associations — must report their campaign expenditures to the Federal Election Commission, or FEC, but are not generally required to disclose the names of their donors. Using publicly available sources, Issue One, a nonpartisan, nonprofit advocacy group, compiled data on more than 1,100 contributions to the 15 political nonprofits that reported spending the most money in federal elections since the Supreme Court decision in Citizens United v. FEC in early 2010.

Use these pages to explore nearly $763 million in contributions to 14 of these dark money groups from 2010 through early 2018. Read Issue One’s report for more details, including the methodology used to assemble this information.





Leading Political Nonprofits

Organization Contributions
Americans for Prosperity (C90013285) $154,654,879
National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action (C90013301) $145,422,955
American Future Fund (C90011677) $87,551,309
US Chamber of Commerce (C90013145) $85,647,005
Planned Parenthood Action Fund Inc. (C90005471) $62,772,876
League of Conservation Voters Inc. (C90005786) $49,951,741
THE 60 PLUS ASSOCIATION (C90011685) $46,786,787
Americans for Tax Reform (C90011289) $38,900,667
Americans for Job Security (C90011669) $37,648,639
American Action Network Inc. (C90011230) $22,082,250
VOTEVETS.ORG ACTION FUND (C90010620) $15,412,320
Patriot Majority USA (C90012956) $9,248,353
Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies (C90011719) $5,810,000
45Committee Inc. (C90016478) $1,075,000

Note: These pages exclude the National Association of Realtors, included in Issue One’s report, because it is almost entirely funded by its members.