Meet Lauren

"Gaming is often stereotyped as a 'boy thing' "

Lauren is a high school senior and finalist from Birmingham, AL. She is a passionate painter and the creator of Palette. Gaming has been a large part of Lauren's life since she was a child. Her time playing games with her dad has become the frontrunner to her current interests in art and game making. Lauren also sees gaming as a powerful platform for education. "Gaming is often stereotyped as a 'boy thing', which can deter young girls from accessing valuable educational opportunities," says Lauren. Such opportunities range from arts and sciences to problem-solving and strategic thinking.

Lauren first heard of the Design Challenge from an online community. Having always been interested in game design, the Design Challenge was the perfect opportunity for her to test the waters. "The Design Challenge really motivated me to take my ideas and make something concrete out of them. If it can do that [for] everyone who likes video games and game design, then I think the possibilities are endless," Lauren explains. Prior to the competition Lauren didn't see a place for herself in the gaming industry.

The Design Challenge really motivated me to take my ideas and make something concrete out of them. If it can do that [for] everyone who likes video games and game design, then I think the possibilities are endless

Since the Design Challenge, Lauren has learned that game development has a place for everyone. "Change The Game taught me that the game industry embraces people with all interests, from musicians to programmers," says Lauren. The Design Challenge has opened the door for Lauren to meet women in all kinds of roles, as well as fellow teenage game designers. Lauren now plans on pursuing a future in game development. Palette is a visual learning game about colors and proportions. "My inspiration came from art class. I got the idea to make a game that lets you test out color combinations before mixing, which would help artists paint," remarks Lauren. The player is an artist whose mission is to collect all the paints needed to reveal and recreate famous paintings. This allows aspiring and trained painters to mix new colors without lifting a brush. Ultimately, players will have an understanding of color theory, art history, and ratios.

Submitted Designs

The Final Game

Palette is out now!

Palette is ready to download exclusively on the Google Play Store.


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