Marcin Bigos

Marcin Bigos

Warszawa, Woj. Mazowieckie, Polska
500+ kontaktów


I am an organizer, a coordinator, a “man with a plan”. Constantly being driven by the goals I set and trying to achieve them in the most efficient way.

I had the chance to work with multiple SMEs and large-level companies in various industries. While there I also got to know a wide range of technologies, including that of Microsoft, such as Dynamics or SharePoint, but it was Predica that put me on the difficult yet rewarding management path, starting as a developer and now a CIO.


  • SoftwareOne – grafika
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    Warsaw, Mazowieckie, Poland

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    Warszawa, woj. mazowieckie, Polska

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    Warsaw, Masovian District, Poland

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    Warsaw, Masovian District, Poland

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    Warsaw, Masovian District, Poland

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    Łódź Area, Poland


  •  – grafika

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