• 12 surprising clickbait titles that work

    Gotcha! While you’re here, check out some of this text formatting.

    Bigger text ✨

    This is bold, and this is italics. This is strikethrough. (I'm whispering this in small text.) This is not a suspicious link at all. This text is colourful!

    • This is a bulleted list.
    • I can add text formatting here too.

    We take a break here to enjoy Lucille.

    1. This is a numbered list.
    2. It’s where you list items.
    3. And numbers appear next to them.
    4. Groundbreaking.

    As one person once said:

    Look at me, I'm an indented block!

    I'm a quote block! Someone definitely said this at some point.

    Juliet: What is this?
    Romeo: I think we've been summoned for an example chat post again.
    Juliet: Not again...

    We have reached the end. Or have we?

    Remember to stay hydrated, and follow @changes for Tumblr updates! 💖

    Keep reading

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