
Oct 22020
 archive : 2020

Back to Business: Pitching & Marketing

This session will focus on the art of pitching, website and portfolio editing, and marketing your work.

Presenters: Marvi Lacar Aundre Larrow Hannah Reyes Morales

Location: Online

Presented by:

  • Diversify Photo
  • Photoville

Supported by:

  • Phillip and Edith Leonian Foundation

Photoville is proud to partner with Diversify Photo to host their first set of professional development workshops together.

These workshops are aimed towards experienced and emerging editorial photographers who would like to take on commercial assignments and want to learn the business skills to do so. This session will focus on the art of pitching, website and portfolio editing, and marketing your work. The workshops are especially geared towards BIPOC photographers, and are open to photographers anywhere in the world.

The workshop is proudly supported by Fujifilm with additional support by the Phillip and Edith Leonian Foundation.

Presenter Bios

  • Marvi Lacar

    Marvi Lacar

    Marvi is a photographer and filmmaker whose goal is to connect emotionally with her audience using creative visual language. Lacar completed her masters degree in Journalism at the University of Texas at Austin and began her training as a fellow at the Poynter Institute and had internships at national newspapers. In 2003, Lacar moved to New York to start her career as a photojournalist and was soon represented by Reportage by Getty Images, where she covered domestic and international news and features stories for print publications like TIMENewsweekNew YorkSternParis Match, and The New York Times.

    Lacar, a Sony Artisan of Imagery, has received awards for her stills and motion work from Photo Levallois, Communication Arts, American Photography, Photo District News, Santa Fe Center Project Competition, Telly Awards, and National Geographic Wild to Inspire, among others. Lacar has also lent her Creative Consulting knowledge to clients like Facebook, The Antenna Group, and the United Way of New York Ctiy. She is the other half of Lowy+Lacar, an award-winning photographic and motion production company.

  • Aundre Larrow

    Aundre Larrow

    Aundre Larrow is a Jamaican-born photographer and director based in Brooklyn, NY. He seeks to uncover the fundamental similarities between people of all kinds — through portraiture. He chases great light and deeply human stories.

  • Hannah Reyes Morales

    Hannah Reyes Morales is a Filipina photographer and a National Geographic Explorer whose work documents tenderness amid adversity. Her photography, both visceral and intimate, looks at how resilience is embodied in daily life. Based in Manila, Reyes Morales explores the universal themes of diaspora, survival, and the bonds that tie us together.


  • Diversify Photo

    Diversify Photo

    Diversify Photo is a community of BIPOC and non-Western photographers, editors, and visual producers working to break with the predominantly colonial and patriarchal eye through which history and the media have recorded the images of our time.

  • Photoville


    Founded in 2011 in Brooklyn, NY, Photoville was built on the principles of addressing cultural equity and inclusion, which we are always striving for, by ensuring that the artists we exhibit are diverse in gender, class, and race.

    In pursuit of its mission, Photoville produces an annual, city-wide open air photography festival in New York City, a wide range of free educational community initiatives, and a nationwide program of public art exhibitions.

    By activating public spaces, amplifying visual storytellers, and creating unique and highly innovative exhibition and programming environments, we join the cause of nurturing a new lens of representation.

    Through creative partnerships with festivals, city agencies, and other nonprofit organizations, Photoville offers visual storytellers, educators, and students financial support, mentorship, and promotional & production resources, on a range of exhibition opportunities.

    For more information about Photoville visit,

This website was made possible thanks to the generous support and partnership of Photowings