text post
  • image

    I spy, with my little eye, a photo that was faked by an AI image generator! Can you spot the clues?

    FB is turning into a parade of fake AI images churned out by click-farming pages. More misinformation is on the way. Learn some tricks for spotting AI photos!

  • y'all PLEASE spread this around. @busybussinbee and I were just talking about studying images to see if they're ai or not.

    Educate thyselves my friends and let's fight ai together!!

  • 4 weeks ago on May 23, 2024 at 9:07 am

    reblogged via adamsmasher
    original post by rockpapercynic
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      Words MEAN Things. Which is why I hate the term ‘AI Art’/‘Render’. These machines are NOT Artificially Intelligent....
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    22. rockpapercynic posted this
      I spy, with my little eye, a photo that was faked by an AI image generator! Can you spot the clues?
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