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Generative AI for Developers

school 13 activities
update Last updated about 2 months
person Managed by Google Cloud Partners

Google's Generative AI offering is a suite of tools and services that help developers build and deploy generative AI applications. These applications can be used for a variety of purposes, such as, Improving search results.Automating content generation, and Personalizing user experiences. This learning path is designed for developers who want to learn about generative AI and how to use it to build their own applications. No prior experience with machine learning or natural language processing is required. This path builds on the concepts introduced in the Introduction to Generative AI Learning pathintroduction to Generative AI learning path. So if you are new to the Generative AI space, it's recommended that you start with that learning path before diving into more advanced content and hands-on labs.

This learning path will continue to be updated as we make new product announcements.

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Vector Search and Embeddings

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access_time 2 hours
show_chart Intermediate

This course introduces Vertex AI Vector Search and describes how it can be used to build a search application with large language model (LLM) APIs for embeddings. The course consists of conceptual lessons on vector search and text embeddings, practical...

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Search on Vertex AI Agent Builder

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access_time 5 hours
show_chart Intermediate

Enterprises of all sizes have trouble making their information readily accessible to employees and customers alike. Internal documentation is frequently scattered across wikis, file shares, and databases. Similarly, consumer-facing sites often offer a vast selection of products, services, and information,...

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Custom Search with Embeddings in Vertex AI

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access_time 8 hours
show_chart Advanced

This course explores Google Cloud technologies to create and generate embeddings. Embeddings are numerical representations of text, images, video and audio, and play a pivotal role in many tasks that involve the identification of similar items, like Google searches, online...

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Getting Started with the Vertex AI Gemini API

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access_time 2 hours
show_chart Intermediate

Get hands-on with the Gemini Pro and Gemini Pro Vision models through our new labs. This course gives you a unique chance to explore these powerful AI tools while our training content is still in development. Learn to interact with...

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Inspect Rich Documents with Gemini Multimodality and Multimodal RAG

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access_time 4 hours 45 minutes
show_chart Intermediate

Complete the intermediate Inspect Rich Documents with Gemini Multimodality and Multimodal RAG skill badge to demonstrate skills in the following: using multimodal prompts to extract information from text and visual data, generating a video description, and retrieving extra information beyond...

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Multi-modal Prompt Engineering with Gemini and PaLM

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access_time 5 hours
show_chart Intermediate

This course teaches how to use Generative AI Studio, a Google Cloud console tool for rapidly prototyping and testing generative AI models. You learn to test sample prompts, design your own prompts, and customize foundation models to handle tasks that...

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App Dev with Gemini

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access_time 3 hours
show_chart Intermediate

Unlock the power of Google Cloud's cutting-edge Vertex AI Gemini API to craft innovative multimodal applications. This hands-on course delves into the integration of the Vertex AI SDK for Python, guiding you through the generation of sophisticated responses powered by...

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Conversations on Vertex AI Agent Builder

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access_time 5 hours
show_chart Intermediate

This course teaches you how to use the new generative AI features in Dialogflow CX to create virtual agents that can have more natural and engaging conversations with customers. You learn how to deploy generative fallback responses to gracefully handle...

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Multimodality with Gemini

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access_time 3 hours
show_chart Intermediate

Delve into the power of multimodal AI with this project-based course using Gemini. Master essential techniques and build advanced applications. You will: - Experiment with multimodal use cases to expand application possibilities - Implement recommendation systems that combine suggestions with...

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Gemini for Developers

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access_time 3 hours
show_chart Intermediate

Learn how Gemini can revolutionize your ability to develop applications! This course helps developers go beyond the basics and learn how to integrate Gemini into their workflows.

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Integrate Vertex AI Search and Conversation into Voice and Chat Apps

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access_time 5 hours
show_chart Intermediate

This course on Integrate Vertex AI Search and Conversation into Voice and Chat Apps is composed of a set of labs to give you a hands on experience to interacting with new Generative AI technologies. You will learn how to...

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Orchestrate PaLM LLM solutions with LangChain

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access_time 4 hours
show_chart Intermediate

Learn to use LangChain to call Google Cloud LLMs and Generative AI Services and Datastores to simplify complex applications' code.

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Develop Advanced Enterprise Search and Conversation Applications

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access_time 8 hours
show_chart Advanced

In this course, you'll use text embeddings for tasks like classification, outlier detection, text clustering and semantic search. You'll combine semantic search with the text generation capabilities of an LLM to build Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) solutions, such as for...

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