  • I have completely ruined my life not in the way you expect. I read about these fictional characters and I want to be them. I want to be remembered, I want to have fun friends, I want magic, I want some big grand adventure. I want to be free. But I can’t, so the best I can do is sit in my room all by myself imagining scenarios in my mind where I’m in these stories, waiting for the day when I achieve my dream and do something cool and get remembered, cause I may not be able to be in these stories but at least I won’t be just another forgotten face in history.

  • fireflies lighting up a rural Pennsylvania field at dusk

  • As a european i sometimes forget furefkied are actually real and not american folklore/cryptids. Like you’ve got friendly little bugs that glow in the dark….. b r uh

  • in case europeans were worried: we love them very much! even tho they’re clumsy and slow and sometimes bump into you, no one swats fireflies here, or takes them for granted. even grownups sometimes reach out in the summer and gently catch a firefly for a minute before letting it go.

  • By “reach out” that’s meant quite literally–you just kinda. Stick your hand in their flight path and they land on you and will sit on your hand for a bit. Sometimes if you’re just walking or standing outside while they’re active you have to shoo them off you because they’ll just. Sit on you.

    They’re harmless and very pretty and it’s always a treat to see because they’re out for a relatively short time each year.

  • I would have aced biology if the teachers all taught the course like the narrator

  • It’s like a rainbow…of ugly.

  • Crying

  • *Calmly* “Here, the angler fish compares its camouflaging skills to that of a flounder, also a master–”

    *Not so calmly* “HOLY CRAP, did you– what the FU–?!?!”

  • Here is a full playlist of all 25 “True Facts about x” videos Ze Frank has ever made. They’re all just as fantastic as this one. You’re welcome.

  • hitting that reblog button again because y’all NEED TO SEE THEEEEESE heheheheheh

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    carmen….. i get it

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    Source: @vettelsvee


  • i really wish platonic relationships were more important. i’m tired of losing friendships because i’m less important than their significant other. i hate that i’m automatically not as close to my friends because i’m not the person they’re dating/sleeping with. and i hate how whenever i complain about it the response is “you’ll find someone too someday!” like no I shouldn’t have to “find someone” to feel loved and important, maybe we should stop promoting investing all your time and effort and physical and emotional intimacy into one romantic/sexual partner idk

  • "celebrating fictional birthdays is childish" SHUT THE FUCK UP HAPPY BIRTHDAY JASON GRACE


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    obsessed with every detail we find out about max's sprint through the paddock today

  • Same people, same GP, 6 years apart

  • 1 2 3 4 5
    &. lilac theme by seyche