Research Note: Licensing Oracle On Google’s Bare Metal Solution

Google recently announced an off-premises offering designed to help customers begin migrating their workloads off of on-premises environments while also protecting those customers from additional license costs (e.g. from Oracle) that might be applicable in more traditional cloud offerings. It’s Google’s Bare Metal solution.

Palisade Compliance clients are looking to move their environments out of their data centers but are often stymied by Oracle’s unclear licensing policies and aggressive sales and audit teams. This research note offers our guidance on licensing requirements for Oracle customers considering moving their Oracle workloads to Google’s Bare Metal Solution.


Bare Metal Solution Configuration Oracle License Requirements
Dual Socket 16 cores 8 Processors
Dual Socket 24 cores 12 Processors
Dual Socket 56 cores 28 Processors
Quad Socket 56 cores 28 Processors
Quad Socket 112 cores 56 Processors

Google’s Bare Metal Solution minimizes risks

Bare Metal Solution minimizes the Oracle licensing risks associated with Oracle’s behavior towards other cloud environments by creating a very standard offering that limits your hardware usage to specific servers and cores. When using Google’s Bare Metal Solution, the customer brings their own licenses. Google does not resell Oracle licenses. The customer’s environment cannot move to other servers or processors outside of their predefined capacity. In fact, if the customer wants to expand their capacity, they must first log a ticket with Google and only then will Google add additional servers to the bare metal environment.

Building a solution this way minimizes risks associated with Oracle’s non-contractual soft partitioning “policies.” Palisade Compliance holds the position that licensing requirements for Oracle running in Google’s Bare Metal Solution are the same as those when running on-premises in your own data center. Our position is supported by Oracle contracts detailing the processor metric as well as the core factor table.  

On licensing in virtualized environments

While Oracle customers are often concerned about licensing when moving away from on-premises data centers, this solution can actually reduce licensing risks associated with these virtualized on-premises environments.  Because Oracle contracts are unclear on licensing in virtualized environments, Oracle can use that lack of clarity to subject their customers to audits and huge audit penalties. Moving away from those virtualized environments to Google’s bare metal solution can lower your Oracle licensing needs, reduce your noncompliance risks, and help you avoid additional Oracle costs.

Google’s solution a viable option

As it pertains to Oracle licensing, Google’s Bare Metal Solution is a viable option for any Oracle customer looking to move away from on-premises data center implementations. This solution is constructed in a way that minimizes risks associated with virtualization while at the same time taking advantage of the on-premises 0.5 Intel core factor multiplier.

Reach out to us for more information on licensing Oracle in a cloud computing environment.

Picture of Craig Guarente
Craig Guarente
Craig is the President and Founder of Palisade Compliance, which he founded in 2011. Before 2011, Craig worked at Oracle for 16 years where he was the Global Vice President of Contracts, Business Practices, and Migrations. He was also the Global Process Owner for Oracle’s audit teams (LMS), a member of Oracle’s CIO advisory board, and on the Oracle User Group’s contract and licensing advisory board. Craig is now the leading expert on Oracle licensing, is quoted in dozens of publications, and assists with many high-profile Oracle disputes.