Showing posts with label OSS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label OSS. Show all posts

Flutter Cocoon Achieves SLSA Level 3

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

As part of Dart and Flutter's ongoing mission to harden security, we have achieved Supply Chain Levels for Software Artifacts (SLSA) Level 3 security on Flutter’s Cocoon application. Flutter achieved SLSA Level 2 on Cocoon in 2022.


Flutter’s Cocoon application provides continuous integration orchestration for Flutter Infrastructure. Cocoon also helps integrate several CI services with GitHub and provides tools to make GitHub development easier. Achieving SLSA Level 3 for Cocoon means we have addressed all the security concerns of levels 1, 2, and 3 across the application. SLSA Level 3 is all about improving security and ensuring Cocoon’s source code and build artifacts are valid. This is done by adding increased validation to the artifact’s provenance.

What is Provenance?

Provenance is a description of how an artifact is built. Provenance includes information about the type of machine used to build the artifact, the location of the source code, and the instructions used to build the artifact. While SLSA Level 2 requires provenance to exist, SLSA Level 3 goes further by requiring proof that the provenance is valid and legitimate.

Cocoon uses the SLSA Verifier tool to verify provenance using a single-line command. With SLSA Verifier, all Cocoon builds will only be accepted if they have valid provenance. The provenance must prove the artifact was built on a Cloud Build instance with the source code coming from the Cocoon repository on GitHub. This ensures the Cocoon artifacts generated are safe and securely generated.

SLSA Verifier is easy to add into an existing workflow. For Cocoon, this required adding a provenance verification script to run SLSA Verifier on an artifact’s provenance. This script is configured in our Cloud Build template and must run and pass verification before an artifact can be deployed.

Future Work

In addition to improving SLSA Levels for Cocoon, the Flutter team is working towards improving our SLSA levels across some of our larger and more complex projects, such as Flutter and Engine. These projects have their own set of challenges, such as overhauling our artifact generation process to use Gn and Ninja (Engine), and hardening security requirements for our release workflows (Flutter). We are excited to continue to deliver new security updates and solutions!

By Drew Roen, Dart and Flutter Security

Flutter SLSA Progress & Identity and Access Management through Infrastructure As Code

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

We are excited to announce several new achievements in Dart and Flutter's mission to harden security. We have achieved Supply Chain Levels for Software Artifacts (SLSA) Level 2 security on Flutter’s Cocoon application, reduced our Identity and Access Management permissions to the minimum required access, and implemented Infrastructure-as-Code to manage permissions for some of our applications. These achievements follow our recent success to enable Allstar and Security Scorecards.


Achieving Flutter’s Cocoon SLSA level 2: Cocoon application provides continuous integration orchestration for Flutter Infrastructure. Cocoon also helps integrate several CI services with Github and provides tools to make Github development easier. Achieving SLSA Level 2 for Cocoon means we have addressed all the security concerns of levels 1 and 2 across the application. Under SLSA Level 2, Cocoon has “extra resistance to specific threats” to its supply chain. The Google Open Source Security team has audited and validated our achievement of SLSA Level 2 for Cocoon.

Implementing Identity & Access Management (IAM) via Infrastructure-as-Code: We have implemented additional security hardening features by onboarding docs-flutter-dev, master-docs-flutter-dev, and flutter-dashboard to use Identity and Access Management through an Infrastructure-as-Code system. These projects host applications, provide public documentation for Flutter, and contain a dashboard website for Flutter build status.

Using our Infrastructure-as-Code approach, security permission changes require code changes, ensuring approval is granted before the change is made. This also means that changes to security permissions are audited through source control and contain associated reasoning for the change. Existing IAM roles for these applications have been pared so that the applications follow the Principle of Least Privilege.


  • Achieving SLSA Level 2 for Cocoon means we have addressed all the security concerns of levels 1 and 2 across the application. Under SLSA Level 2, Cocoon has “extra resistance to specific threats” to its supply chain.
  • Provenance is now generated for both, flutter-dashboard and auto-submit, artifacts through Cocoon’s automated build process. Provenance on these artifacts shows proof of their code source and tamper-proof build evidence. This work helps harden the security on the multiple tools used during the Cocoon build process: Google Cloud Platform, Cloudbuild, App Engine, and Artifact Registry.
  • Overall we addressed 83% of all SLSA requirements across all levels for the Cocoon application. We have identified the work across the application which will need to be completed for each level and category of SLSA compliance. Because of this, we know we are well positioned to continue future work toward SLSA Level 4.

Learnings and Best Practices

  1. Relatively small changes to the Cocoon application’s build process significantly increased the security of its supply chain. Google Cloud Build made this simple, since provenance metadata is created automatically during the Cloud Build process.
  2. Regulating IAM permissions through code changes adds many additional benefits and can make granting first time access simpler.
  3. Upgrading the SLSA level of an application sometimes requires varying efforts depending on the different factors of the application build process. Working towards SLSA level 4 will likely necessitate different configuration and code changes than required for SLSA level 2.

Coming Soon

Since this is the beginning of the Flutter and Dart journey toward greater SLSA level accomplishments, we hope to apply our learnings to more applications. We hope to begin work toward SLSA level 2 and beyond for more complex repositories like Flutter/flutter. Also, we hope to achieve an even higher level of SLSA compliance for the Cocoon application.


Supply Chain Levels for Software Artifacts (SLSA) is a security framework which outlines levels of supply chain security for an application as a checklist.

By Jesse Seales, Software Engineer – Dart and Flutter Security Working Group

Dart and Flutter enable Allstar and Security Scorecards

Tuesday, June 21, 2022

We are thrilled to announce that Dart and Flutter have enabled Allstar and Security Scorecards on their open source repositories. This achievement marks the first milestone in our journey towards SLSA compliance to secure builds and releases from supply chain attacks.

Allstar is a GitHub app that provides automated continuous enforcement of security checks such as the OpenSSF Security Scorecards. With Allstar, owners can check for security policy adherence, set desired enforcement actions, and continuously implement those enforcement actions when triggered by a setting or file change in the org or repo.

Security Scorecards is an automated tool that assesses several key heuristics ("checks") associated with software security and assigns each check a score of 0-10. These scores can be used to evaluate the security posture of the project and help assess the risks introduced by dependencies.

Scorecards have been enabled on the following open source repositories, prioritized by their criticality score.





With these security scanning tools, the Dart and Flutter team have found and resolved more than 200 high and medium security findings. The issues can be classified in the following categories:
  • Pinned Dependencies: The project should pin its dependencies. A "pinned dependency" is a dependency that is explicitly set to a specific hash instead of allowing a mutable version or range of versions. This reduces several security risks related to dependencies.
  • Token Permissions: The project's automated workflow tokens should be set to read-only by default. This follows the principle of least privilege.
  • Branch Protection: Github project's default and release branches should be protected with GitHub's branch protection settings. Branch protection allows maintainers to define rules that enforce certain workflows for branches, such as requiring review or passing certain status.
  • Code Review: The project should enforce a code review before pull requests (merge requests) are merged.
  • Dependency update tool: A dependency update tool should be used by the project to identify and update outdated and insecure dependencies.
  • Binary-Artifacts: The project should not have generated executable (binary) artifacts in the source repository. Embedded binary artifacts in the project cannot be reviewed, allowing possible obsolete or maliciously subverted executables in the source code.
Additionally, the Dart and Flutter teams have an aligned vulnerability management process. Details of these processes can be found on our respective developer sites at and Internal process used by the team to handle vulnerabilities can be found on Flutter github wiki.

Learnings and Best Practices

  1. AllStar and Scorecards allowed Dart and Flutter to quickly identify areas of opportunity to improve security across hundreds of repositories triggering the removal of binaries, standardizing branch protection and enforcing code reviews.
  2. Standardizing third-party dependency management and running vulnerability scanning were identified as the next milestones in the Dart and Flutter journey to improve their overall security posture.
  3. It is safer to not embed binary artifacts in your code. However, there are cases when this is unavoidable.
  4. It is important to track your dependencies and to keep them up to date using tools like Dependabot.

By Khyati Mehta, Technical Program Manager – Dart-Flutter

Announcing the Atheris Python Fuzzer

Friday, December 4, 2020

Fuzz testing is a well-known technique for uncovering programming errors. Many of these detectable errors have serious security implications. Google has found thousands of security vulnerabilities and other bugs using this technique. Fuzzing is traditionally used on native languages such as C or C++, but last year, we built a new Python fuzzing engine. Today, we’re releasing the Atheris fuzzing engine as open source.

What can Atheris do?

Atheris can be used to automatically find bugs in Python code and native extensions. Atheris is a “coverage-guided” fuzzer, which means that Atheris will repeatedly try various inputs to your program while watching how it executes, and try to find interesting paths.

One of the best uses for Atheris is for differential fuzzers. These are fuzzers that look for differences in behavior of two libraries that are intended to do the same thing. One of the example fuzzers packaged with Atheris does exactly this to compare the Python “idna” package to the C “libidn2” package. Both of these packages are intended to decode and resolve internationalized domain names. However, the example fuzzer shows that they don’t always produce the same results. If you ever decided to purchase a domain containing (Unicode codepoints [U+0130, U+1df9]), you’d discover that the idna and libidn2 libraries resolve that domain to two completely different websites.

In general, Atheris is useful on pure Python code whenever you have a way of expressing what the “correct” behavior is - or at least expressing what behaviors are definitely not correct. This could be as complex as custom code in the fuzzer that evaluates the correctness of a library’s output, or as simple as a check that no unexpected exceptions are raised. This last case is surprisingly useful. While the worst outcome from an unexpected exception is typically denial-of-service (by causing a program to crash), unexpected exceptions tend to reveal more serious bugs in libraries. As an example, the one YAML parsing library we tested Atheris on says that it will only raise YAMLErrors; however, detects numerous other exceptions, such as ValueError from trying to interpret “-_” as an integer, or TypeError from trying to use a list as a key in a dict. (Bug report.) This indicates flaws in the parser.

Finally, Atheris supports fuzzing native Python extensions, using libFuzzer. libFuzzer is a fuzzing engine integrated into Clang, typically used for fuzzing C or C++. When using libFuzzer with Atheris, Atheris can still find all the bugs previously described, but can also find memory corruption bugs that only exist in native code. Atheris supports the Clang sanitizers Address Sanitizer and Undefined Behavior Sanitizer. These make it easy to detect corruption when it happens, rather than far later. In one case, the author of this document found an LLVM bug using an Atheris fuzzer (now fixed).

What does Atheris support?

Atheris supports fuzzing Python code and native extensions in Python 2.7 and Python 3.3+. When fuzzing Python code, using Python 3.8+ is strongly recommended, as it allows for much better coverage information. When fuzzing native extensions, Atheris can be used in combination with Address Sanitizer or Undefined Behavior Sanitizer.

OSS-Fuzz is a fuzzing service hosted by Google, where we execute fuzzers on open source code free of charge. OSS-Fuzz will soon support Atheris!

How can I get started?

Take a look at the repo, in particular the examples. For fuzzing pure Python, it’s as simple as:

pip3 install atheris

And then, just define a TestOneInput function that runs the code you want to fuzz:

import atheris
import sys

def TestOneInput(data):
    if data == b"bad":
        raise RuntimeError("Badness!")

atheris.Setup(sys.argv, TestOneInput)

That’s it! Atheris will repeatedly invoke TestOneInput and monitor the execution flow, until a crash or exception occurs.

For more details, including how to fuzz native code, see the README.

By the Google Information Security team

Security scorecards for open source projects

Monday, November 9, 2020

When developers or organizations introduce a new open source dependency into their production software, there’s no easy indication of how secure that package is.

Some organizations—including Google—have systems and processes in place that engineers must follow when introducing a new open source dependency, but that process can be tedious, manual, and error-prone. Furthermore, many of these projects and developers are resource constrained and security often ends up a low priority on the task list. This leads to critical projects not following good security best practices and becoming vulnerable to exploits. These issues are what inspired us to work on a new project called “Scorecards” announced last week by the Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF). 

Scorecards is one of the first projects being released under the OpenSSF since its inception in August, 2020. The goal of the Scorecards project is to auto-generate a “security score” for open source projects to help users as they decide the trust, risk, and security posture for their use case. Scorecards defines an initial evaluation criteria that will be used to generate a scorecard for an open source project in a fully automated way. Every scorecard check is actionable. Some of the evaluation metrics used include a well-defined security policy, code review process, and continuous test coverage with fuzzing and static code analysis tools. A boolean is returned as well as a confidence score for each security check. Over time, Google will be improving upon these metrics with community contributions through the OpenSSF.

Check out the Security Scorecards project on GitHub and provide feedback. This is just the first step of many, and we look forward to continuing to improve open source security with the community.

By Kim Lewandowski, Dan Lorenc, and Abhishek Arya, Google Security team

Google joins the Open Source Security Foundation

Monday, August 3, 2020

In modern software development, much of the code developers use originates outside their organization and is open source. While the cloud and internet ecosystem depends on an open source foundation, the sheer scale and dependency chain of the libraries and packages we all use makes it difficult to validate and verify the origin of the code you’re ingesting; that it’s up to date on recent patches, and coming from projects following security best practices. To continue deriving benefits from open source, we need to ensure that as a community we are building on the strongest possible foundation. 

At Google, security is always top of mind, and we have developed robust systems and security tools—including open source ones—to protect our internal systems and our customers. We believe the more we share what we’ve learned about open source security, and the more we work with those who face similar challenges, the more we can improve the state of open source security for everyone.

We’re happy to announce that Google is joining the Open Source Security Foundation (OpenSSF) to work alongside the broader industry on this journey of improving the state of security of open source projects we all depend on. Google has key areas in open source security we want to work on, and we’re excited to share our ideas with the OpenSSF community and work together. Some of our key areas are:
  1. Shared schemas and metadata that enable automation for enforcing security best practices along the entire software supply chain.
  2. Dependency management and risk assessments through tooling and data. We want to make it easy to map vulnerabilities back to specific versions of code that are affected and take action.
  3. Verifiable builds through trusted build systems so that we know artifacts haven’t been tampered with. The Tekton project has been exploring this idea, and we’re excited to share some of these ideas with OpenSSF.
  4. A developer identity system to help associate code changes back to their original author and help code reviewers have developer authentication as part of their commit and PR review process.
  5. Securing critical OSS projects and helping projects respond to vulnerabilities. If you’re a maintainer who’s interested in getting help with vulnerability response or security engineering efforts, watch this space!
Security challenges are never going to disappear, and we must work together to maintain the security of the open source software we collectively depend on. If you're interested in getting involved in the OpenSSF initiatives, visit or OpenSSF on GitHub.You can be a part of how the OpenSSF serves the open source community and the world!

By Kim Lewandowski, Product Security Team, and Dan Lorenc, Infrastructure Security Team, Google

Kpt: Packaging up your Kubernetes configuration with git and YAML since 2014

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Kubernetes configuration manifests have become an industry standard for deploying both custom and off-the-shelf applications (as well as for infrastructure). Manifests are combined into bundles to create higher-level deployable systems as well as reusable blueprints (such as a product offering, off the shelf software, or customizable starting point for a new application).

However, most teams lack the expertise or desire to create bespoke bundles of configuration from scratch and instead: 1) either fork them from another bundle, or 2) use some packaging solution which generates manifests from code.

Teams quickly discover they need to customize, validate, audit and re-publish their forked/ generated bundles for their environment. Most packaging solutions to date are tightly coupled to some format written as code (e.g. templates, DSLs, etc). This introduces a number of challenges when trying to extend, build on top of, or integrate them with other systems. For example, how does one update a forked template from upstream, or how does one apply custom validation?

Packaging is the foundation of building reusable components, but it also incurs a productivity tax on the users of those components.

Today we’d like to introduce kpt, an OSS tool for Kubernetes packaging, which uses a standard format to bundle, publish, customize, update, and apply configuration manifests.

Kpt is built around an “as data” architecture bundling Kubernetes resource configuration, a format for both humans and machines. The ability for tools to read and write the package contents using standardized data structures enables powerful new capabilities:
  • Any existing directory in a Git repo with configuration files can be used as a kpt package.
  • Packages can be arbitrarily customized and later pull in updates from upstream by merging them.
  • Tools and automation can perform high-level operations by transforming and validating package data on behalf of users or systems.
  • Organizations can develop their own tools and automation which operate against the package data.
  • Existing tools and automation that work with resource configuration “just work” with kpt.
  • Existing solutions that generate configuration (e.g. from templates or DSLs) can emit kpt packages which enable the above capabilities for them.

Example workflow with kpt

Now that we’ve established the benefits of using kpt for managing your packages of Kubernetes config, lets walk through how an enterprise might leverage kpt to package, share and use their best practices for Kubernetes across the organization.

First, a team within the organization may build and contribute to a repository of best practices (pictured in blue) for managing a certain type of application, for example a microservice (called “app”). As the best practices are developed within an organization, downstream teams will want to consume and modify configuration blueprints based on them. These blueprints provide a blessed starting point which adheres to organization policies and conventions.

The downstream team will get their own copy of a package by downloading it to their local filesystem (pictured in red) using kpt pkg get. This clones the git subdirectory, recording upstream metadata so that it can be updated later.

They may decide to update the number of replicas to fit their scaling requirements or may need to alter part of the image field to be the image name for their app. They can directly modify the configuration using a text editor (as would be done before). Alternatively, the package may define setters, allowing fields to be set programmatically using kpt cfg set. Setters streamline workflows by providing user and automation friendly commands to perform common operations.

Once the modifications have been made to the local filesystem, the team will commit and push their package to an app repository owned by them. From there, a CI/CD pipeline will kick off and the deployment process will begin. As a final customization before the package is deployed to the cluster, the CI/CD pipeline will inject the digest of the image it just built into the image field (using kpt cfg set). When the image digest has been set, the CI/CD pipeline can send the manifests to the cluster using kpt live apply. Kpt live operates like kubectl apply, providing additional functionality to prune resources deleted from the configuration and block on rollout completion (reporting status of the rollout back to the user).

Now that we’ve walked through how you might use kpt in your organization, we’d love it if you’d try it out, read the docs, or contribute.

One more thing

There’s still a lot to the story we didn’t cover here. Expect to hear more from us about:
  • Using kpt with GitOps
  • Building custom logic with functions
  • Writing effective blueprints with kpt and kustomize
By Phillip Wittrock, Software Engineer and Vic Iglesias, Cloud Solutions Architect

Paving the way for a more diverse open source landscape: The First OSS Contributor Summit in Mexico

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

“I was able to make my first contribution yesterday, and today it was merged. I'm so excited about my first steps in open source", a participant said about the First Summit for Open Source Contributors, which took place this September in Guadalajara, México.
How do you involve others in open source? How can we make this space more inclusive for groups with low representation in the field?

With these questions in mind and the call to contribute to software that is powering the world's favorite products, Google partnered with Software Guru magazine, Wizeline Academy, OSOM (a consortium started by Googler, Griselda Cuevas, to engage more Mexican developers in open source), IBM, Intel, Salesforce and Indeed to organize the First Summit for Open Source Contributors in Mexico. The Apache Software Foundation and the CNCF were some of the organizations that sponsored the conference. The event consisted of two days of training and presentations on a selection of open source projects, including Apache Beam, Gnome, Node JS, Istio, Kubernetes, Firefox, Drupal, and others. Through 19 workshops, participants were able to learn about the state of open source in Latin America, and also get dedicated coaching and hands-on practice to become active contributors in OSS. While unpaid, these collaborations represent the most popular way of learning to code and building a portfolio for young professionals, or people looking to do a career shift towards tech.

As reported by many advocacy groups in the past few years, diversity remains a big debt in the tech industry. Only an average of 8.4% of employees in ten of the leading tech companies are Latinx(1). The gap is even bigger in open source software, where only 2.6% of committers to Apache projects are Latinx(2). Diversity in tech is not just the right thing to do, it is also good business: bringing more diverse participation in software development will result in more inclusive and successful products, that serve a more comprehensive set of use cases and needs in any given population.

While representation numbers in the creation of software are still looking grim, the use of OSS is growing fast: It is estimated that Cloud and big-data OSS technologies will grow five times by 2025 in Latin America. The main barrier for contributing? Language. 

The First Summit for Open Source Contributors set out to close this fundamental gap between tech users and its makers. To tackle this problem, we created, in partnership with other companies, 135 hours of content in Spanish for 481 participants, which produced over 200 new contributors across 19 open source projects. When asked why contributions from the region are so low, 41% of participants said it was due to lack of awareness, and 34% said they thought their contributions were not valuable. After the event, 47% of participants reported that the workshops and presentations provided them with information or guidance on how to contribute to specific projects, and 39% said the event helped them to lose fear and contribute. Almost 100% of participants stated that they plan to continue contributing to Open Source in the near future… and if they do, they would raise representation of Latinx in Open Source to 10%.
Organizing Team
This event left us with a lot of hope for the future of diversity and inclusion in open source. Going forward, we hope to continue supporting this summit in Latin America, and look for ways of reproducing this model in other regions of the world, as well as designing proactive outreach campaigns in other formats.

View more pictures of the event here.
View some of the recorded presentations here.

By: María Cruz for Google Open Source

(1) Aggregate data from Tech Crunch:
(2) Data from the last Apache Software Foundation Committer Survey, applied in 2016, 765 respondents (13% of committers)

Why Diversity is Important in Open Source: Google's Sponsorship of OSSEU

Monday, October 28, 2019

The Open Source Summit + Embedded Linux Conference is taking place in Lyon, France, which the Google Open Source Programs Office is sponsoring. The Linux Foundation supports shared technology through open source, while the conference provides a space for developers and technologists in open source to meet, network, and share knowledge with one another in order to advance the community. Why is this of utmost importance to Google OSS? Google has been rooted in the open source community for many years, supporting programs, projects, and organizations to help advance open source software and technology—we understand the necessity of sustaining open source and the developer community in order to advance technology as a whole.

Sponsoring OSSEU is more than just providing funds, but really pushing the diversity initiative in open source. We need diversity across all levels in open source whether it’s contributors, maintainers, doc writers, or anyone supporting the project. As said recently by the Open Source Initiative, “Many perspectives makes better software.” Having previously funded diversity initiatives such as scholarships or lunches at OSS conferences, Google continues to support this cause by sponsoring the diversity lunch at OSSEU.
In particular, sessions and events that Google will be hosting while at OSSEU include a keynote on Documentation by Megan Byrd-Sanicki and the Women in Open Source Lunch, both on Tuesday, October 29, 2019. The keynote on Docs highlights the importance of doc stars and why their contributions are essential to the growth of the open source community. Our support of the women in open source lunch is especially important as we look to increase the diversity of the open source community, through supporting women and non-binary persons to get more involved and have the opportunity to connect with each other at an event of this scale.

If you’re attending OSSEU, stop by the keynote, and we hope to see you at the lunch as well. If you aren’t attending this year, and are interested in getting more involved in the open source community, the summits hosted by the Linux Foundation are one of the best ways to learn more about OSS and meet passionate people involved in different OSS projects and organizations.

By Radha Jhatakia, Google OSPO